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relates to mood, feelings, emotion, and attitudes
continuous restlessness, inability to sit still; clients may say they feel hyperactive deep inside their body
fluid buildup in the deeper layers of the skin causing edema; considered a type of allergic reaction
anterograde amnesia
short-term memory loss
a feeling of nervousness, apprehension, and/or worry about a future threat
drugs that treat anxiety
lack of interest in social interactions
total lack of motivation
bipolar disorder
a disorder that causes intense changes in a person’s mood (ranging from manic to depressive), energy, and ability to function
adverse drug reactions that can negatively affect the structure and function of the heart
associated with narcolepsy; brief loss of voluntary muscle tone triggered by strong emotion
state in which someone is awake but does not appropriately respond to other people and their environment; can affect someone’s movement, speech, and behavior
cognitive-behavioral therapy
type of psychotherapeutic method that helps people identify maladaptive and negative patterns of thinking that cause a negative influence on behavior and mood; this thinking is challenged and replaced with more desirable, realistic thoughts.
cytochrome P450 enzyme system
enzymes responsible for breaking down drugs to their active or inactive metabolites; these can be inhibited or induced by drugs altering drug metabolism
depot injection
an injection that releases medication very slowly so it increases the duration of action
a disorder in which the person experiences feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, hopelessness, and helplessness
spasms of the tongue, neck, back, and legs; the spasms may cause unnatural positioning of the neck and eyes and excessive salivation
extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS)
variety of movement disorders, such as tardive dyskinesia, akathisia, or bradykinesia, experienced as a result of taking dopamine antagonists
drug-induced elevation of body temperature and muscle rigidity
excessive sleeping at night or excessive fatigue during the day
hypnagogic hallucinations
sleep-related hallucinations that occur as a person is falling asleep; commonly visual and consist of vivid images of patterns, shapes, or people; occasionally may involve sounds or physical sensations
a drug molecule that contains a single amine group, such as a neurotransmitter or hormone
paradoxical medication effects
when a medication causes an effect opposite to its intended outcome
any kind of sleep-related disorder that occurs while going to sleep, during the sleep cycle, or when waking up from sleep; symptoms vary but the most common include nightmares, night terrors, sleep paralysis, grinding teeth, sleepwalking, sleep eating, and sleep talking
a drug that is pharmacologically inactive until it is ingested and metabolized into an active form
an adverse effect of antipsychotics that mimics the manifestations of Parkinson’s disease, such as shuffling gait, stooped posture, and muscle tremors
studies the effects that medications can have on the mind
loss of external reality
psychotropic medication
drug that changes the functions of the nervous system and alters a person’s mental status
class of drugs used to induce or maintain sleep
sleep latency
the amount of time it takes a person to fall asleep once they go to bed
sleep paralysis
a temporary inability to move or speak while falling asleep or upon waking
tardive dyskinesia
abnormal muscle movements such as lip smacking, tongue darting in and out of mouth, chewing movements without food in mouth, and slow, aimless extremity movements
dry mouth; usually due to inadequate fluid intake or can be drug-induced

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