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Organizational Behavior

Management Skills Application Exercises

Organizational BehaviorManagement Skills Application Exercises

  1. You may wish to see if you have experienced stress in your present (or previous) part- or full-time job. To do so, simply complete this self-assessment. When you have finished, refer to the scoring procedures in Appendix B.

How Stressful Is Your Job?

Instructions: This instrument focuses on the stress level of your current (or previous) job. Think of your job, and answer the following items as frankly and honestly as possible.

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
  1. I am often irritable with my coworkers.
1 2 3 4 5
  1. At work, I constantly feel rushed or behind schedule.
1 2 3 4 5
  1. I often dread going to work.
1 2 3 4 5
  1. I often experience headaches, stomachaches, or backaches at work.
1 2 3 4 5
  1. I often lose my temper over minor problems.
1 2 3 4 5
  1. Everything I do seems to drain my energy level.
1 2 3 4 5
  1. I often interpret questions or comments from others as a criticism of my work.
1 2 3 4 5
  1. Time is my enemy.
1 2 3 4 5
  1. I often have time for only a quick lunch (or no lunch) at work.
1 2 3 4 5
  1. I spend considerable time at home worrying about problems at work.
1 2 3 4 5
  1. Are you interested in determining whether you are a Type A or Type B? If so, simply complete this self-assessment. When you have finished, score your results as shown in Appendix B.

Are You a Type A?

Instructions: Choose from the following responses to answer the questions below:

  1. Almost always true
  2. Usually trued.
  3. Seldom true
  4. Never true

Answer each question according to what is generally true for you:

  1. I do not like to wait for other people to complete their work before I can proceed with my own.
  1. I hate to wait in most lines.
  1. People tell me that I tend to get irritated too easily.
  1. Whenever possible I try to make activities competitive.
  1. I have a tendency to rush into work that needs to be done before knowing the procedure I will use to complete the job.
  1. Even when I go on vacation, I usually take some work along.
  1. When I make a mistake, it is usually due to the fact that I have rushed into the job before completely planning it through.
  1. I feel guilty for taking time off from work.
  1. People tell me I have a bad temper when it comes to competitive situations.
  1. I tend to lose my temper when I am under a lot of pressure at work.
  1. Whenever possible, I will attempt to complete two or more tasks at once.
  1. I tend to race against the clock.
  1. I have no patience for lateness.
  1. I catch myself rushing when there is no need.
Source: Adapted from “Are You a Type A?” The Stress Mess Solution: The Causes and Cures of Stress on the Job, by G. S. Everly and D. A. Girdano. Reprinted by permission of the authors.
  1. The Holmes and Rahe “Schedule of Recent Experiences” is shown here in this self-assessment. You are encouraged to complete this scale by checking all those events that have occurred to you within the past year. Next, follow the scoring procedures described in Appendix B.

How Stable Is Your Life?

Instructions: Place a check mark next to each event you experienced within the past year. Then add the scores associated with the various events to derive your total life stress score.

Life Event Scale Value
——— Death of spouse 100
——— Divorce 73
——— Marital separation 65
——— Jail term 63
——— Death of a close family member 63
——— Major personal injury or illness 53
——— Marriage 50
——— Fired from work 47
——— Marital reconciliation 45
——— Retirement 45
——— Major change in health of family member 44
——— Pregnancy 40
——— Sex difficulties 39
——— Gain of a new family member 39
——— Business readjustment 39
——— Change in financial state 38
——— Death of a close friend 37
——— Change to a different line of work 36
——— Change in number of arguments with spouse 35
——— Mortgage or loan for big purchase (home, etc.) 31
——— Foreclosure of mortgage or loan 30
——— Change in responsibilities at work 29
——— Son or daughter leaving home 29
——— Trouble with in-laws 29
——— Outstanding personal achievement 28
——— Spouse begins or stops work 26
——— Begin or end school 26
——— Change in living conditions 25
——— Revision of personal habits 24
——— Trouble with boss 23
——— Change in work hours or conditions 20
——— Change in residence 20
——— Change in schools 20
——— Change in recreation 19
——— Change in church activities 19
——— Change in social activities 18
——— Mortgage or loan for lesser purchase (car, etc.) 17
——— Change in sleeping habits 16
——— Change in number of family get-togethers 15
——— Change in eating habits 15
——— Vacation 13
——— Christmas 12
——— Minor violations of the law 11
Total Score = ———
Source: Adapted from “Scaling of Life Change: Comparison of Direct and Indirect Methods” by L. O. Ruch and T. H. Holmes, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 15 (1971): 224, 1971.
  1. If you are interested in your own potential for burnout, you may wish to complete this self-assessment. Simply answer the ten questions as honestly as you can. When you have finished, follow the scoring instructions shown in Appendix B.

Are You Suffering from Burnout?

Instructions: Check whether each item is “mostly true” or “mostly untrue” for you. Answer as honestly as you can. When you have finished, add up the number of checks for “mostly true.”

Mostly True Mostly Untrue
  1. I usually go around feeling tired.
——— ———
  1. I think I am working harder but accomplishing less.
——— ———
  1. My job depresses me.
——— ———
  1. My temper is shorter than it used to be.
——— ———
  1. I have little enthusiasm for life.
——— ———
  1. I snap at people fairly often.
——— ———
  1. My job is a dead end for me.
——— ———
  1. Helping others seems like a losing battle.
——— ———
  1. I don’t like what I have become.
——— ———
  1. I am very unhappy with my job.
——— ———

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