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Unfolding Case Study

c. Often, a client with age-related degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis will have limited ROM and increased pain upon ROM of the joints. This simple screening provides valuable information for the diagnosis of osteoarthritis as well as the treatment parameters for the client.
a. The provider would start with an x-ray of both knees to evaluate for any soft tissue changes and signs of arthritis.
a. Leafy green vegetables have anti-inflammatory properties. Because the client has osteoarthritis with edema in both knees, these nutrients should be included in the diet.
b. Nuts and seeds have anti-inflammatory properties that can be beneficial for clients with arthritis.

Review Questions

a. Adequate vitamin D intake is necessary for strong bones and the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
d. Good skin turgor indicates a normal moisture level in the skin. Tenting, when the skin remains stretched out like a tent when pinched, is a sign of decreased moisture in the skin.
a. Protein aids in the repair of muscles and tissue.
d. Bromelain is a group of enzymes found in pineapples and is believed to reduce swelling and pain.
c. The pressure ulcer changed from a stage 2 ulcer to a stage 1 ulcer, which indicates improvement. Stage 1 pressure injuries are reddened, but not open.
b. Foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, such as dairy products, are important for bone health and the treatment of osteoporosis.
b. Bread and pasta contain gluten and would not be included in a gluten-free diet.
c. Clubbing of nails, when nails look wider or swollen, is often seen with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
b. The client understands hydration, like drinking water throughout the day, promotes skin integrity and wound healing.
d. Biotin is found in foods such as liver and cooked egg yolks, and it is important in the promotion of hair and nail health.

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