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Nutrition for Nurses

Review Questions

Nutrition for NursesReview Questions

A client has been diagnosed with Cushing’s syndrome. Which of the following dietary recommendations are appropriate for this client?
  1. Low-protein diet with added salt
  2. Low-fat diet with added potassium
  3. Low-carbohydrate diet with limited salt
  4. High-carbohydrate diet with limited salt
The nurse is providing diet instruction to a client with a vitamin D deficiency. Which of the following statements by the client indicates the need for further instruction?
  1. “I should avoid eating tuna and salmon.”
  2. “I should eat fortified cereal for breakfast.”
  3. “My diet plan may not be enough. I may need to take a vitamin D supplement.”
  4. “I should try to eat more spinach.”
A nurse is caring for a client with diabetes. Which of the following nutritional habits would be most likely to optimize endocrine wellness for this client?
  1. Eating a diet high in saturated fats
  2. Consuming complex carbohydrates
  3. Eating a low-fiber diet
  4. Consuming refined carbohydrates
A client presents with symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Which nutritional plan would be most likely to optimize endocrine wellness for this client to regulate hormonal imbalances?
  1. Consuming a diet high in refined carbohydrates
  2. Limiting complex carbohydrates
  3. Consuming a diet low in fiber
  4. Eating a diet low in processed and packaged foods
A client presents with symptoms of hypoglycemia. Which nutritional strategy would be most effective in optimizing endocrine wellness for this client to maintain blood sugar levels?
  1. Consuming a low-fiber diet
  2. Consistently eating refined carbohydrates
  3. Consuming a diet high in protein and unsaturated fats
  4. Eating a low-fat diet
Which nutritional strategy would be most beneficial for a client with Addison’s disease?
  1. Limiting salt intake
  2. Limiting potassium intake
  3. Increasing calcium intake
  4. Increasing vitamin C intake
A client with newly diagnosed diabetes presents for education on dietary modifications. Which of the following is an appropriate method for the nurse to assess the client's readiness to learn?
  1. Ask the client to recite the appropriate dietary modifications for diabetes.
  2. Ask the client about their prior knowledge of diabetes and dietary modifications.
  3. Provide the client with written materials on diabetes and dietary modifications.
  4. Ask the client to demonstrate how to administer insulin.
Which of the following indicates the diet plan for the client with diabetes type 2 needs to be adjusted?
  1. The client reports weight loss.
  2. The client’s hemoglobin A1C level has remained at 5.2%.
  3. The client’s hemoglobin A1C has increased to 9.5%.
  4. The client has not experienced hypoglycemia.
The nurse is reviewing the dietary recall of a client recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Which of the following foods the client documented they ate frequently indicates the need for additional diet instruction?
  1. Shrimp
  2. Low-fat milk
  3. Nuts
  4. Cabbage
A client with hyperthyroidism is prescribed a nutritional plan to optimize endocrine wellness. Which of the following food choices align with the recommended diet?
  1. Canned tuna
  2. Canned meats
  3. Shellfish
  4. Unsalted nuts

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