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Addison’s disease
inadequate secretion of hormones by the adrenal glands causing low blood pressure, weakness, and skin discoloration
a steroid hormone that helps regulate the body’s response to stress
Cushing’s disease/syndrome
weight gain, bruising, and weakness caused by excessive cortisol in the body
endocrine system
a network of glands that regulate and control all body processes through hormones
glycemic control
maintaining optimal blood glucose levels
enlarged, abnormal growth of the thyroid gland
Graves’ disease
hyperthyroidism causing eye protrusion, heat intolerance, and anxiety
state of balance in the body
body substances that coordinate biological functions like metabolism, sexual reproduction, blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, growth and development, and sleeping
a critical gland found in the brain that works with the nervous system to control the endocrine system
iodized salt
table salt fortified with iodine
pituitary gland
gland in the brain that regulates growth and development as well as the function of other glands
primary endocrine disorders
caused by dysfunction in the affected peripheral endocrine gland
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS)
system of hormones that regulates blood pressure and fluid balance
secondary endocrine disorders
develop when the pituitary gland is either overstimulated or understimulated by the hypothalamus causing an alteration in the peripheral gland’s function
triiodothyronine hormones released by the thyroid gland to help regulate weight, energy levels, and metabolism
tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine) long-acting hormone released by the thyroid gland that can be converted to T3
type 1 diabetes
develops when insulin producing cells (beta cells) are destroyed in the pancreas resulting in low to non-existent levels of insulin
type 2 diabetes
results from insulin resistance that develops gradually from obesity and aging

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