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Nutrition for Nurses

Chapter Summary

Nutrition for NursesChapter Summary

  • The nurse plays a critical role across the spectrum of care by assessing clients’ dietary habits to improve neurologic health.
  • The brain is composed of 60% fat, and the remaining 40% is made up of water, carbohydrates, protein, and various salts.
  • The brain is responsible for all essential activities of the body but cannot store energy.
  • The traditional Western diet can promote gut inflammation, which can lead to cognitive decline.
  • Adequate hydration is a key element of neurologic health.
  • Micronutrients are essential for adequate neurotransmission.
  • Diet modifications can support brain health in individuals of all ages.
  • Metabolic syndrome can lead to cognitive decline.
  • Diet modifications can slow the decline of some neurodegenerative conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.
  • Long-term effective diet modifications cannot be made in a single health care encounter.

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