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chest pain caused by inadequate blood supply to the heart
plaque buildup within the vascular system
difficult or labored breathing
heart failure
inability of heart to pump blood effectively to keep up with body demands
excess of lipids or fats in the blood
consistent blood pressure readings above 130/80
fatty acids insoluble in water; lipids in the blood are LDL, HDL, and triglycerides
myocardial infarction
death of heart muscle due to lack of blood flow and oxygen
near syncope
feeling of loss of consciousness
fatty deposits of cholesterol on inner lining of artery
narrowing and hardening in diameter
loss of oxygen to cerebral tissue
loss of consciousness for a short period of time
transient ischemic attack (TIA)
temporary loss of oxygen to cerebral tissue without permanent damage
fatty substance circulating in the cardiovascular system
transfer of oxygen and nutrients from client to fetus through umbilical cord and placenta

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