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Maternal Newborn Nursing

Reflection Questions

Maternal Newborn NursingReflection Questions

Reflection Questions

1 .
How can the nurse develop trust with the person prior to providing contraceptive counseling?
2 .
What education must the nurse provide a lactating person who is interested in using the lactational amenorrhea method as their only form of contraception?
3 .
An adolescent patient is insistent about using abstinence as their form of birth control. What education must the nurse provide very clearly?
4 .
What education should the nurse provide to someone who just received a diaphragm?
5 .
You are on the phone with a patient who tells you that she has a 6-month-old baby at home whom she is breast-feeding exclusively. She would like to start thinking about contraceptive options. Before she comes in to see the clinician, she wants to know what her options might be to take while breast-feeding so that she can do some research on her own. She has a BMI of 35 (obese) and is a current smoker with a history of migraines. What do you tell her? And why?
6 .
What patient education would you provide to someone who is getting an IUC placed?
7 .
What education would you provide to a patient who just had a Nexplanon implant placed?
8 .
Discuss how emergency contraception works.
9 .
Explain the instructions the nurse should give to a patient over the phone who calls and says they got Plan B over the counter, but they are unsure how to use it.
10 .
Describe the postprocedure after-care instructions the nurse provides after a vasectomy.
11 .
Describe the postprocedure after-care instructions the nurse provides after a tubal ligation.
12 .
What is the role of the nurse in an induced abortion?

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