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Maternal Newborn Nursing

Review Questions

Maternal Newborn NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
What is a statement that best describes reproductive health?
  1. Reproductive health focuses solely on the ability to reproduce and have children.
  2. Reproductive health encompasses physical well-being but does not include mental and social aspects.
  3. Reproductive health involves complete physical, mental, and social well-being related to the reproductive system.
  4. Reproductive health is limited to making informed decisions about contraception methods.
2 .
What is a statement about premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) that is true?
  1. PMS and PMDD affect only persons who have already reached menopause.
  2. Hormonal fluctuations are not considered potential causes of PMS and PMDD.
  3. PMS and PMDD are characterized by physical symptoms but not emotional symptoms.
  4. PMS and PMDD involve a range of physical and emotional symptoms due to fluctuating hormone levels.
3 .
What does intimate partner violence refer to?
  1. violence that occurs in public spaces, such as streets or parks, between acquaintances or strangers
  2. violence or abuse that occurs within a relationship, involving physical assault, sexual violence, emotional or psychologic abuse, controlling behaviors, and economic abuse
  3. violence primarily directed toward children by their parents or guardians
  4. violence that is limited to verbal arguments and does not involve physical harm
4 .
What population is disproportionately affected by human trafficking, particularly for sexual exploitation?
  1. older adults aged 65 and above
  2. males in their late 20s and 30s
  3. persons AFAB
  4. individuals with higher education levels
5 .
What statement best describes social determinants of health (SDOH)?
  1. genetic factors that influence an individual's health outcomes and risks
  2. medical interventions and treatments provided by health-care professionals
  3. conditions in the environments where people live, work, and play that impact health outcomes and risks
  4. personal self-care practices, such as diet and exercise, that affect individual well-being
6 .
What role do nurses play in addressing social determinants of health (SDOH)?
  1. Nurses primarily focus on providing medical treatments and interventions.
  2. Nurses have no role in addressing social determinants of health.
  3. Nurses are crucial in identifying and addressing the environmental factors that impact health outcomes.
  4. Nurses solely focus on the physical well-being of individuals and do not address social factors.
7 .
What is the leading cause of death in persons AFAB worldwide?
  1. breast cancer
  2. stroke
  3. cardiovascular disease
  4. lung cancer
8 .
What cancer type is the leading cause of death in persons AFAB?
  1. breast cancer
  2. lung cancer
  3. cervical cancer
  4. ovarian cancer
9 .
According to the WHO, in 2022, what percentage of all new HIV infections occurred among persons AFAB?
  1. 46%
  2. 63%
  3. 10%
  4. 25%
10 .
According to the ACC/AHA guidelines, what factors are considered to assess a person’s 10-year risk of developing a first cardiovascular event?
  1. age, sex, race, blood pressure, and smoking status
  2. age, sex, race, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, blood pressure–lowering medication use, diabetes status, and smoking status
  3. blood pressure, cholesterol levels, diabetes status, and weight
  4. age, sex, race, and weight
11 .
What is a common risk factor for breast cancer? Select all that apply.
  1. being assigned female at birth
  2. having a first-degree relative with breast cancer
  3. carrying mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes
  4. being of African American ethnicity
12 .
Which lifestyle factor is associated with an increased risk of developing breast cancer?
  1. regular physical activity
  2. moderate alcohol consumption
  3. maintaining a healthy weight after menopause
  4. excessive alcohol consumption
13 .
What is considered the first day of the menstrual cycle?
  1. day of ovulation
  2. first day of menstrual bleeding
  3. last day of menstrual bleeding
  4. when the corpus luteum forms
14 .
What hormone is responsible for the development and maturation of the ovarian follicles?
  1. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
  2. luteinizing hormone (LH)
  3. estrogen
  4. progesterone
15 .
The menstrual phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by what?
  1. shedding of the endometrial lining
  2. ovulation
  3. fertilization
  4. implantation
16 .
In a 28-day menstrual cycle, when does ovulation typically occur?
  1. around day 7
  2. around day 14
  3. around day 21
  4. around day 28
17 .
After ovulation, what does the ruptured follicle in the ovary transform into?
  1. Corpus luteum
  2. Corpus cavernosum
  3. Corpus callosum
  4. Corpus albicans
18 .
What is the recommended daily calcium intake for persons AFAB aged 51 and above?
  1. 500 mg per day
  2. 800 mg per day
  3. 1,000 mg per day
  4. 1,200 mg per day
19 .
What is disordered eating?
  1. an occasional overeating episode
  2. a normal variation in eating patterns
  3. a range of abnormal eating behaviors and attitudes
  4. a preference for specific types of foods
20 .
Which of the following is a unique risk factor for substance misuse in individuals AFAB?
  1. Genetic predisposition
  2. High socioeconomic status
  3. Regular physical exercise
  4. History of trauma
21 .
What are some specific health effects of substance misuse in persons AFAB?
  1. increased risk of lung cancer
  2. higher likelihood of developing diabetes
  3. elevated risk of liver damage and cardiovascular complications
  4. reduced risk of mental health disorders
22 .
The nurse discusses treatment for side effects of perimenopause. What education should be provided?
  1. Menopausal hormone therapy can decrease symptoms of menopause.
  2. Hot flashes are normal, and no one should need treatment for this symptom.
  3. Medications to decrease estrogen can help with insomnia.
  4. Depression is normal, so no treatment is needed.
23 .
Which component is important to include in the sexual history assessment to assess the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?
  1. current sexual activity
  2. reproductive plans
  3. education and counseling
  4. history of HIV testing
24 .
Why is it important for nurses to approach the topic of sexual history with sensitivity and create a nonjudgmental and confidential environment?
  1. to increase patient satisfaction with the health-care provider
  2. to ensure that patients feel comfortable and supported during the assessment
  3. to promote healthy sexual behaviors among patients
  4. to comply with health-care regulations and standards
25 .
What component of a health history for a wellness exam includes information on lifestyle factors, such as diet, exercise habits, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and recreational drug use?
  1. chief complaint/reason for visit
  2. gynecologic history
  3. medications and supplements
  4. social history
26 .
Why is it important to consider special considerations, such as age, cultural background, or specific health conditions, during a health history for a well-person exam?
  1. to tailor the examination and screening tests to the individual’s health needs
  2. to assess the risk of occupational and environmental exposures
  3. to determine the individual's immunization history
  4. to identify potential safety considerations, such as intimate partner violence or mental abuse
27 .
What symptom is related to perimenopausal hormone fluctuations? Select all that apply.
  1. musculoskeletal complaints
  2. heart palpitations
  3. sleeping difficulties
  4. severe pelvic pain
28 .
What physical changes are more persistent and commonly experienced during menopause?
  1. secondary sex characteristics and growth spurt
  2. variable hot flushes and sleep difficulties
  3. thinning of skin and loss or dryness of hair
  4. irregular menstruation for a few years after menarche transition
29 .
During a trauma-informed gynecologic examination, what principle emphasizes the importance of involving the patient in decision making about their health care?
  1. respecting autonomy and empowerment
  2. trauma-sensitive language and communication
  3. providing information and explanation
  4. avoiding triggering situations
30 .
What should health-care providers be attentive to during the trauma-informed gynecologic examination to avoid retraumatization? Select all that apply.
  1. providing information about trauma support resources
  2. establishing safety and trust
  3. recognizing signs of distress and offering support
  4. using trauma-sensitive language and communication
31 .
What nutrient is particularly important for individuals during preconception to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in their fetus?
  1. iron
  2. calcium
  3. folate
  4. vitamin C
32 .
The nurse encourages the patient to begin taking folate prior to trying to conceive. Why would the nurse encourage folate intake?
  1. Taking folate increases the chances of conceiving.
  2. Folate helps prevent neural tube defects.
  3. The nurse is preparing the patient to take vitamins during pregnancy.
  4. Folate decreases miscarriage.
33 .
What is a common preconception risk factor that can impact pregnancy outcomes?
  1. lack of exercise prior to pregnancy
  2. chronic caffeine intake
  3. high fat diet
  4. lack of immunizations
34 .
Individuals 35 years or older at conception have an increased risk of what complication?
  1. low birth weight
  2. hypoglycemia
  3. neural tube defects
  4. chromosomal abnormalities
35 .
Preexisting medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and autoimmune diseases can impact pregnancy outcomes. What education can the nurse provide?
  1. Your medical condition always gets worse during pregnancy.
  2. Nutrition changes cannot help with fertility.
  3. Maintaining glucose control can increase chances of conceiving.
  4. Autoimmune diseases only affect pregnancy, not infertility.
36 .
What blood test is important for potential blood type incompatibility issues during pregnancy?
  1. complete blood count (CBC)
  2. blood glucose
  3. blood type and Rh factor
  4. blood lipid profile
37 .
The patient’s family history includes sickle cell disease. The patient’s partner also has sickle cell disease in the family history. What type of test should the nurse discuss with the couple due to their family history?
  1. carrier screening for both parents
  2. ultrasound at 6 weeks’ gestation
  3. glucose screening for both parents
  4. thyroid testing
38 .
What is the purpose of a Pap smear during preconception screening?
  1. to check for anemia or other blood disorders
  2. to evaluate thyroid hormone levels
  3. to screen for cervical cancer or detect abnormal cervical cells
  4. to assess cholesterol levels and cardiovascular health
39 .
Teratogens are substances or agents that can cause congenital abnormalities or birth defects in a developing embryo or fetus during pregnancy. What is a true statement about teratogens?
  1. Vitamins can help prevent abnormalities due to teratogens.
  2. Their impact on the fetus depends on factors such as timing and duration of exposure during pregnancy.
  3. They include only medications that a pregnant person may take.
  4. They can be avoided by immunizations.

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