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Maternal Newborn Nursing

What Should the Nurse Do?

Maternal Newborn NursingWhat Should the Nurse Do?

What Should the Nurse Do?

James, a 2-day-old male, has been brought to the pediatric clinic for a routine checkup by his parents. James is exclusively breast-fed, and his parents express concern about his feeding patterns and voiding behavior. James’s mother reports that he has been feeding for shorter durations than expected, and they have noticed a decrease in the number of wet diapers. Additionally, James underwent circumcision shortly after birth, and his parents are uncertain about the appropriate care. James has a medical history of uncomplicated full-term birth with no complications during delivery. Vital signs include a heart rate of 130 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 30 breaths per minute, and a temperature of 98.6° F (37° C).
1 .
Analyze the significance of James being exclusively breast-fed and the reported decrease in wet diapers. How might breast-feeding patterns influence the expected voiding patterns, and what factors could contribute to the observed changes?
2 .
What immediate actions should the nurse take during James’s checkup to address the reported feeding concerns and the decrease in wet diapers? How would the nurse involve James’s parents in the care process?
Laura, a 2-day-old female, has been brought to the pediatric clinic by her parents due to concerns about jaundice. Laura’s parents noticed yellow discoloration of her skin and eyes. Laura was born at full term with an uneventful vaginal delivery. Her medical history includes ABO incompatibility between the mother and infant, as the mother is blood type O and the infant is blood type A. Laura is exclusively breast-fed, and her parents report challenges with breast-feeding initiation. Vital signs include a heart rate of 140 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 38 breaths per minute, and a temperature of 98.4° F (36.9° C).
3 .
Analyze how ABO incompatibility might contribute to the development of hyperbilirubinemia in Laura. How would you differentiate between ABO incompatibility-related jaundice and other causes?
4 .
Generate solutions to address Laura's breast-feeding challenges and improve milk transfer. How would you involve the parents in the care process and support successful breast-feeding while managing hyperbilirubinemia?

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