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Maternal Newborn Nursing

Review Questions

Maternal Newborn NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
The laboring person is in pain and very anxious. They do not want to use traditional pain relief methods. What can the nurse offer the laboring person to help with relaxation and reducing anxiety?
  1. lavender oil
  2. epidural
  3. nalbuphine hydrochloride (Nubain)
  4. cold rag
2 .
What technique, usually reserved for low-risk persons, has been shown to decrease pain, encourage movement, decrease anxiety, shorten labor, and improve labor satisfaction?
  1. controlled breathing
  2. aromatherapy
  3. massage
  4. hydrotherapy
3 .
The fetus is in an occiput posterior position. What position can the nurse assist the laboring person into that may encourage the fetus to find the occiput anterior position?
  1. squatting
  2. shower
  3. hands and knees
  4. semi-Fowler
4 .
What is the term for a slow, deep inhalation through the nose and exhalation through the mouth before a contraction for preparation and after a contraction for release of tension from the contraction?
  1. pursed-lip breathing
  2. panting
  3. chanting
  4. cleansing breath
5 .
The laboring person wants to use open glottis breathing for pushing. How can the nurse support the person?
  1. Encourage the person to breathe however is most comfortable.
  2. Tell the person they should hold their breath for 10 counts.
  3. Explain that open glottis pushing is not effective.
  4. Discuss that the health-care provider would not allow them to use that breathing.
6 .
The laboring person is using hypnosis for comfort measures. How can the nurse support the person?
  1. Talk them through the contractions.
  2. Keep the lights on so that everyone can see.
  3. Keep the room quiet and dimly lit.
  4. During the contraction, ask them to rate the pain.
7 .
The nurse provides counter pressure to relieve pain and open the pelvis to help with fetal descent. What type of counter pressure is the nurse providing?
  1. hip squeeze
  2. perineal pressure
  3. shoulder pressure
  4. knee press
8 .
The laboring person is anxious and hurting. What can the nurse do to help the laboring person?
  1. Offer her an epidural.
  2. Encourage frequent position changes.
  3. Explain that she has to care for two other persons.
  4. Tell them to call someone to come sit with them.
9 .
What drug is an anxiolytic that relieves apprehension and creates a feeling of calm?
  1. hydroxyzine
  2. fentanyl
  3. codeine
  4. morphine
10 .
Nausea and vomiting are common discomforts in labor. When treating with promethazine, what must the nurse do when administering this medication?
  1. Administer subcutaneously.
  2. Never administer with an opioid.
  3. Dilute before IV administration.
  4. Never administer in first stage labor.
11 .
What would the nurse administer if the newborn has decreased or no respiratory effort at delivery after the person received an opiate?
  1. naloxone (Narcan)
  2. acetaminophen (Tylenol)
  3. oxygen
  4. sodium bicarbonate
12 .
What does the nurse explain to the laboring person and partner about nitrous oxide?
  1. It makes the newborn have respiratory depression.
  2. It causes the laboring person to have decreased respirations.
  3. It does not affect respiration as an opiate would.
  4. The mask is held to the person’s face by the partner.
13 .
The nurse receives orders for pharmacologic pain relief. What does the nurse explain to the laboring person after administering fentanyl?
  1. “I will need to monitor your oxygen saturation.”
  2. “It’s important for me to insert a Foley catheter.”
  3. “I will need to monitor for vaginal bleeding.”
  4. “It’s important for me to check your cervix after I administer this medication.”
14 .
What are the side effects of spinal anesthesia? Select all that apply.
  1. hypotension
  2. respiratory depression
  3. renal damage
  4. infection
15 .
What is the expected effect of pudendal anesthesia?
  1. loss of sensation in the perineum
  2. decreased ability to move one’s legs
  3. permanent loss of motor function
  4. loss of consciousness
16 .
The nurse is monitoring the person’s vital signs after the epidural is placed and notices a blood pressure of 80/50 mm Hg. What nursing intervention can be performed prior to the epidural placement to potentially reduce this side effect?
  1. routine use of ephedrine
  2. IV fluid bolus
  3. insertion of indwelling urinary catheter
  4. upright positioning of the laboring person
17 .
After insertion of the epidural catheter, what is the nurse’s responsibility regarding patient care?
  1. monitoring vital signs every 5 to 15 minutes
  2. intermittent FHR monitoring
  3. providing the laboring person a meal
  4. instructing the laboring person to get out of bed to use the restroom
18 .
What is a side effect of general anesthesia that usually limits its use to cases of emergency?
  1. hyperactive newborns
  2. newborn respiratory depression
  3. increase in uterine contractions
  4. decrease in cervical dilation
19 .
What is the disadvantage of local anesthesia?
  1. decreased motor function
  2. nausea
  3. hypotension
  4. pain during injection

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