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Maternal Newborn Nursing

Competency-Based Assessments

Maternal Newborn NursingCompetency-Based Assessments

Competency-Based Assessments

1 .
Trace the historical development of Lamaze childbirth education. How did the Lamaze method evolve from focusing on breathing techniques to becoming a comprehensive philosophy of birth education?
2 .
How do the six evidence-based healthy birth practices advocated by Lamaze International contribute to positive birth outcomes and experiences?
3 .
Describe the role of shared decision making in Lamaze International’s childbirth education. How does early education empower persons to actively participate in decision making during the peripartum period?
4 .
Summarize the significance of understanding physiologic birth in Lamaze education. How does this understanding contribute to the preparation of birthing persons and their partners?
5 .
Outline the postpartum education provided in Lamaze childbirth education. How does this education support birthing persons and their families in the transition to parenthood?
6 .
Outline the historical development of the Bradley Method. How did Dr. Robert A. Bradley’s experiences shape the foundation of this childbirth education approach?
7 .
Discuss the significance of prenatal nutrition and exercise within the Bradley Method. How does the method incorporate these elements to support healthy pregnancies and births?
8 .
Summarize the role of continuous labor support in the Bradley Method. How did this method contribute to the evolution of support people moving from the waiting room to the birthing room?
9 .
How do the Bradley Method’s recommendations align with the physiologic aspects of labor?
10 .
Examine the historical development of the HypnoBirthing Mongan Method and Marie F. Mongan’s motivation for developing it. Who was Marie F. Mongan, and what led to the creation of this childbirth education method?
11 .
Summarize the evidence supporting the Mongan Method. What benefits do birthing people report when utilizing this method, and how does it contribute to a positive childbirth experience?
12 .
Verbalize the positive expectations that birthing persons can attain through the Mongan Method. How does this method aim to change perceptions and expectations surrounding childbirth?
13 .
Summarize the visualization and deepening process in the Mongan Method. How does practicing self-hypnosis, relaxation, and deepening benefit the birthing person during labor and birth?
14 .
How does the Mongan Method prepare birthing persons for the physiologic and emotional aspects of labor?
15 .
Describe the history of the Alexander Technique and its relevance to childbirth.
16 .
Summarize the evidence supporting the benefits of the Alexander Technique for the birthing person during labor and birth. What are the reported benefits, and how does it contribute to psychologic well-being?
17 .
How do the concepts of inhibiting and directing contribute to mindful movement?
18 .
Why is private instruction in the Alexander Technique often recommended, and what benefits can be derived from in-person courses?
19 .
Summarize the recommended positions for comfort taught in the Alexander Technique during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum.
20 .
Why do birthing persons create birth plans, and how do nurses contribute to supporting the outlined goals?
21 .
What are the common components found in a birth plan that nurses may encounter?
22 .
What key components should be included in a birth plan, and how does understanding its purpose contribute to effective nursing care?

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