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Maternal Newborn Nursing

Review Questions

Maternal Newborn NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
A 37-year-old patient is being seen for her first OB appointment after having a positive pregnancy test at home. She thinks she is about 6 weeks pregnant. She and her husband have been trying to conceive for 7 years, and she has a history of three spontaneous abortions. What antepartum testing do you anticipate the provider ordering at today’s visit?
  1. a vaginal ultrasound to confirm gestation age, due date, and pregnancy viability
  2. maternal assay blood tests to screen for genetic and chromosomal disorders
  3. a nuchal translucency ultrasound
  4. an integrated screen blood test
2 .
What is the purpose of maternal assays and multiple marker screenings performed in the first trimester of pregnancy?
  1. to determine the gender of the fetus
  2. to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus
  3. to monitor the growth and development of the placenta
  4. to detect any potential maternal infections
3 .
What is the purpose of cell-free DNA screening done in the first trimester?
  1. to determining the gender of the fetus
  2. to check for multiple fetuses
  3. to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus
  4. to measure the growth and development of the fetus
4 .
What is the purpose of carrier screening in the first trimester?
  1. to check the positioning of the fetus
  2. to assess for chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus
  3. to measure the heart rate of the fetus
  4. to identify potential genetic disorders that parents may carry
5 .
What is the purpose of chorionic villus sampling (CVS) in the first trimester?
  1. to measure the amount of amniotic fluid
  2. to confirm pregnancy
  3. to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus
  4. to assess for potential maternal infection
6 .
What routine lab tests should a pregnant person have in the first trimester? Select all that apply.
  1. complete blood count (CBC)
  2. blood type and Rh factor
  3. urinalysis
  4. thyroid function tests
  5. genetic screening tests
  6. liver function tests
7 .
A pregnant woman in her first trimester is considering prenatal testing. The nurse is providing patient education regarding prenatal testing in the first trimester. What statement accurately reflects the nurse’s education?
  1. “Prenatal testing in the first trimester primarily focuses on determining the gender of the fetus.”
  2. “Prenatal testing in the first trimester helps assess the risk of abnormalities in the fetus.”
  3. “Prenatal testing in the first trimester monitors the growth and development of the placenta.”
  4. “Prenatal testing in the first trimester is primarily performed to detect potential maternal infections.”
8 .
A 34-year-old patient who is 16 weeks pregnant had a multiple markers screening done. The results came back with an increased risk for trisomy 21. You call the patient to go over the results. How should you respond when the patient asks you if the baby is going to have Down syndrome?
  1. “Yes, would you like to continue or terminate your pregnancy?”
  2. “This screening predicts only the risk of your baby having Down syndrome and cannot diagnose it. Additional testing is needed to determine this.”
  3. “You will need to discuss this with your provider at your next appointment.”
  4. “Yes, this test shows your baby has Down syndrome. I’d be happy to send you resources about this condition so that you can be prepared for when your baby is born.”
9 .
A 27-year-old patient presents with injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident. She was wearing her seatbelt and has multiple bruises and scrapes along her abdomen. She complains of pain 3/10 in her abdomen. She is G1P0 and is at 14 weeks’ gestation. A bedside ultrasound scan confirms that the fetus is stable and not in any distress. The patient is Rh negative, and her husband is Rh positive. What do you anticipate being the next step?
  1. Obtain a urinalysis.
  2. Administer Rh(D) immune globulin (RhoGAM).
  3. Confirm with the provider that she can be discharged home.
  4. Schedule a follow-up ultrasound.
10 .
Why might a provider recommend percutaneous umbilical blood sampling? Select all that apply.
  1. an increased risk of Down syndrome shown on a previous scan
  2. to detect Down syndrome in the fetus, as this test provides the most accurate screening
  3. to check for genetic and chromosomal abnormalities the fetus is at high risk for
  4. to verify the blood type of the fetus
  5. to check for an ectopic pregnancy
11 .
A student nurse is learning about prenatal testing for fetal genetic disorders and neural tube defects. What prenatal tests are screening tests in the second trimester? Select all that apply.
  1. amniocentesis
  2. multiple marker
  3. cell-free DNA
  4. chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
  5. alpha-fetoprotein
12 .
During a pregnant woman’s second trimester anatomy scan, the fetus was in breech position. The patient is now 34 weeks pregnant and asks how she can tell if the baby is in the right position. What test might be ordered to determine this?
  1. a biophysical profile
  2. an ultrasound
  3. a fetoscopy
  4. a nonstress test
13 .
The nurse is reviewing the schedule for the OB/GYN she works for. In reviewing a patient’s chart, the nurse notes the patient is 32 weeks pregnant, has hypertension, and had a previous fetal death. What test does the nurse anticipate the provider will order?
  1. a contraction stress test
  2. amniotic fluid index
  3. nonstress test
  4. fetal movement count

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