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Maternal Newborn Nursing

Review Questions

Maternal Newborn NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
A pregnant person at which age is at increased risk during pregnancy? Select all that apply.
  1. 18 years old
  2. 20 years old
  3. 30 years old
  4. 35 years old
  5. 40 years old
2 .
What is not a complication associated with chronic hypertension during pregnancy?
  1. preeclampsia
  2. gestational diabetes
  3. fetal growth restriction
  4. polyhydramnios
3 .
What medication is not recommended for hypertension during pregnancy due to teratogenic effects?
  1. lisinopril
  2. nifedipine
  3. labetalol
  4. hydralazine
4 .
What adverse fetal effect is associated with undernutrition?
  1. hyperglycemia
  2. impaired bone development
  3. cardiovascular disorders
  4. psychiatric disorders
5 .
What should nurses do to support migrant farm workers receiving prenatal care?
  1. Offer medication to prevent preterm labor.
  2. Reinforce that heavy lifting is safe during pregnancy.
  3. Evaluate occupational hazards and provide education.
  4. Refer all patients for mental health resources.
6 .
The health-care provider is caring for an adolescent patient who is pregnant. The health-care provider knows that pregnancy during adolescence is linked with what influencing factor or factors? Select all that apply.
  1. low socioeconomic status
  2. psychologic problems
  3. social problems
  4. unemployment
  5. poverty
7 .
The nurse receives a phone call from a patient at 36 weeks’ gestation who states they are having right upper quadrant pain that penetrates to the upper back. What priority information does the nurse need to obtain from the patient? Select 3 that apply.
  1. onset and characteristics of the pain
  2. any nausea or vomiting
  3. any vaginal discharge
  4. content of last meal
  5. last time patient felt the baby move
  6. patient’s blood type
  7. any headache
8 .
A patient at 25 weeks’ gestation has just been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. What is the most important education for the nurse to provide the patient at this time?
  1. induction of labor
  2. nutrition
  3. potential fetal complications
  4. potential maternal complications
9 .
A pregnant person is admitted with preeclampsia. Identify the data most often associated with this condition.
  1. dependent edema
  2. BP 152/99
  3. fatigue
  4. nausea, vomiting, and weight loss
10 .
A patient at 32 weeks’ gestation is diagnosed with polyhydramnios. The patient asks the nurse if polyhydramnios can affect the baby. What is the nurse's response to the patient’s question?
  1. No, polyhydramnios commonly occurs toward the end of pregnancy.
  2. No, polyhydramnios is a sign that the lungs are maturing.
  3. Yes, polyhydramnios increases the risk of a preterm delivery.
  4. Yes, polyhydramnios causes umbilical cord compression.
11 .
A patient at 10 weeks’ gestation informs the nurse they are having vaginal bleeding and cramping. After completing a speculum examination, the health-care provider (HCP) informs the patient their cervix is open. What does the nurse anticipate the HCP will inform the patient they are experiencing?
  1. complete abortion
  2. incomplete abortion
  3. inevitable abortion
  4. spontaneous abortion
12 .
The nurse is caring for a patient admitted with vaginal bleeding and cramping who delivered a stillborn infant at 22 weeks’ gestation. What data in the patient’s health history are associated with this complication of pregnancy?
  1. motor vehicle accident 1 year ago
  2. hypertension times 4 years
  3. appendectomy 2 years ago
  4. nausea every day for the past 16 weeks
13 .
Which TORCH infection can be spread through respiratory droplets and cause congenital heart defects, cataracts, deafness, and central nervous system abnormalities?
  1. toxoplasmosis
  2. syphilis
  3. rubella
  4. cytomegalovirus
  5. herpes simplex
14 .
What virus is highly contagious, spread through airborne particles, and can cause intrauterine fetal demise, skin scarring, eye, limb or neurologic abnormalities, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and low birth weight in the fetus?
  1. toxoplasmosis
  2. syphilis
  3. rubella
  4. cytomegalovirus
  5. varicella
15 .
What is the difference between a complete abortion and an incomplete abortion?
  1. In a complete abortion, the uterus is empty, while in an incomplete abortion, some products of conception are still present in the uterus.
  2. In a complete abortion, the cervix dilates, while in an incomplete abortion, the cervix remains closed.
  3. In a complete abortion, the patient experiences minimal to no signs or symptoms of miscarriage, while in an incomplete abortion, the patient experiences persistent bleeding, cramping, or abdominal pain.
  4. In a complete abortion, the fetus is delivered through the birth canal, while in an incomplete abortion, the fetus is removed through medical or surgical intervention.
16 .
What term describes a spontaneous abortion with no expulsion of the products of conception and a closed cervix?
  1. incomplete abortion
  2. threatened abortion
  3. missed abortion
  4. recurrent abortion
17 .
When providing care for a patient with placenta previa, what nursing action is essential?
  1. administering oxytocin (Pitocin) to induce labor
  2. assisting with a vaginal delivery
  3. assessing for signs of vaginal bleeding
  4. performing a vaginal exam
18 .
What is a common sign or symptom of preeclampsia during pregnancy?
  1. abdominal cramps
  2. severe headache
  3. increased appetite
  4. elevated heart rate
  5. low blood pressure

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