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Maternal Newborn Nursing

Review Questions

Maternal Newborn NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
The nurse is discussing with the patient what laboratory tests are performed at the first prenatal visit. What tests for sexually transmitted infections does the nurse include in the discussion? Select all that apply.
  1. GBS
  2. VDRL
  3. chlamydia culture
  4. hepatitis B
  5. hCG
2 .

The nurse is determining the G/TPAL of a patient at her first prenatal visit. The patient informs the nurse she delivered a set of twins at 32 weeks of gestation who are now 5 years old, delivered her first child 8 years ago 1 week early, and miscarried at 2 months’ gestation 3 years ago.

What is this patient’s Gravida [G] and Parity [P] using the G/TPAL nomenclature?

  1. G3 P1113
  2. G3 P2113
  3. G4 P1113
  4. G4 P2113
3 .
The nurse is discussing the methods of confirming the pregnancy with a patient at the first prenatal visit. What method is used to confirm cardiac activity of the fetus?
  1. bimanual exam
  2. pelvic ultrasound
  3. serum pregnancy test
  4. urine pregnancy test
4 .
The nurse is discussing the purpose of the physical examination with a patient at the first prenatal visit. What information does the nurse include in the discussion?
  1. The physical exam helps to confirm the patient’s current health.
  2. The physical exam determines nutritional risk factors.
  3. The physical exam confirms the diagnosis of STIs.
  4. The physical exam includes urinalysis.
5 .
A nurse is providing prenatal education to a patient who is 8 weeks pregnant. The nurse informs the patient that the developing fetus is most vulnerable to teratogens during what trimester of pregnancy?
  1. first
  2. second
  3. third
  4. fourth
6 .
At the first prenatal visit, the patient informs the nurse that the first day of her last menstrual period (LMP) was February 18, 2024. Using Naegle’s Rule, calculate the patient’s EDD.
  1. November 11, 2024
  2. November 11, 2025
  3. November 25, 2024
  4. November 25, 2025
7 .
A pregnant patient asks the prenatal nurse how much physical activity is safe during pregnancy. What is an acceptable response by the nurse?
  1. Decreasing physical activity decreases emotional and physical symptoms.
  2. Increasing physical activity increases emotional and physical symptoms.
  3. Physical activity during pregnancy should be limited to hygiene and household tasks.
  4. The level of activity prior to pregnancy is used to determine a safe activity level during pregnancy.
8 .
What patient symptom at 10 weeks of gestation requires further investigation by the nurse?
  1. breast tenderness
  2. infrequent nausea
  3. change in appetite
  4. weight loss
9 .
The nurse receives a phone call from a patient concerned about the results of the laboratory tests obtained at the first prenatal visit 10 days ago. What is the nurse’s next action?
  1. ask the patient if they have checked their electronic chart
  2. inform the patient they will need to wait until the next office visit for the results
  3. provide the patient with the results of the tests
  4. verify the identification of the patient
10 .
The nurse receives a phone call from a pregnant patient who states she has not felt the baby move. Identify the first question for the nurse to ask the patient.
  1. Have you experienced any recent vaginal bleeding?
  2. Have you experienced any recent vaginal discharge?
  3. How many weeks pregnant are you?
  4. When was the last time you felt the baby move?
11 .
What assessments or tests would the nurse inform the pregnant patient they can expect to have at each prenatal visit?
  1. hemoglobin
  2. antibody screen
  3. ultrasound
  4. blood pressure
12 .
The nurse is providing education to a patient at 16 weeks’ gestation who is undecided about consenting to the quad screen. How can the nurse explain the purpose of the quad screen to the patient?
  1. It indicates the risk of the fetus for heart defects.
  2. It indicates the risk of the fetus for neural tube defects.
  3. It indicates the risk of the fetus for neural tube defects and chromosome abnormalities.
  4. It indicates the risk of the fetus for chromosome abnormalities.
13 .
The nurse is performing the interval history on a patient at 30 weeks of gestation. What data would the prenatal nurse bring to the attention of the health-care provider?
  1. Hgb change from 12 g/dL (at first prenatal visit) to 11 g at 28 weeks
  2. negative ketones in the urine
  3. dysuria for 3 days
  4. weight gain of 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks
14 .
The nurse is measuring the fundal height of a patient who is at 34 weeks of gestation. What fundal height measurement is expected for a patient who is at 34 weeks of gestation?
  1. 31 cm
  2. 33 cm
  3. 37 cm
  4. 38 cm
15 .
The nurse is performing Leopold’s maneuvers on a pregnant patient at 36 weeks of gestation and determines the fetal lie is longitudinal, palpates the fetal legs in the top of the uterus, and palpates the fetal head above the symphysis pubis. Which fetal presentation does the nurse document in the EHR?
  1. cephalic
  2. compound
  3. transverse
  4. breech
16 .
The nurse is discussing pregnancy concerns with a patient in the third trimester of pregnancy. What warning sign should the nurse teach the patient to report immediately to the health-care provider?
  1. chronic constipation
  2. decreased fetal movement
  3. early evening fatigue
  4. loss of appetite
17 .
The nurse is teaching a patient at 28 weeks of gestation how to perform fetal movement counts. What statement by the patient indicates the patient understands teaching?
  1. I need to count the baby’s movements for 1 hour every day.
  2. I should wait to count the baby’s movements after work.
  3. If the baby moves less than 10 times in 2 hours, I need to call the midwife.
  4. Once the baby moves 5 times, I can stop counting the movements.
18 .
The nurse is completing the family assessment on a patient at 10 weeks of gestation. What data are included in the family assessment? Select all that apply.
  1. annual income
  2. total number of cousins
  3. number of people living in the household
  4. person in the household who makes the major decisions for the family
  5. name of patient’s sister who is deceased

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