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11.1 Racial, Ethnic, and Minority Groups


Why do you think the term “minority” has persisted when the word “subordinate” is more descriptive?


How do you describe your ethnicity? Do you include your family’s country of origin? Do you consider yourself multiethnic? How does your ethnicity compare to that of the people you spend most of your time with?

11.2 Theoretical Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity


How do redlining and racial steering contribute to institutionalized racism?


Give an example of stereotyping that you see in everyday life. Explain what would need to happen for this to be eliminated.

11.3 Prejudice, Discrimination, and Racism


Give three examples of White privilege. Do you know people who have experienced this? From what perspective?


What is the worst example of culture of prejudice you can think of? What are your reasons for thinking it is the worst?

11.4 Intergroup Relationships


Do you believe immigration laws should foster an approach of pluralism, assimilation, or amalgamation? Which perspective do you think is most supported by current U.S. immigration policies?


Which intergroup relation do you think is the most beneficial to the subordinate group? To society as a whole? Why?

11.5 Race and Ethnicity in the United States


In your opinion, which group had the easiest time coming to this country? Which group had the hardest time? Why?


Which group has made the most socioeconomic gains? Why do you think that group has had more success than others have?


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