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1 .
Politics can be defined as ________.
  1. how things happen now
  2. who gets what, when, and how
  3. when what happens, and why
  4. what should be
2 .
The de facto rule is the rule ________.
  1. as it is in practice
  2. as it is written
  3. as it is designed
  4. as it is in intention
3 .
Political events involve ________.
  1. guidelines, reality, and prerogatives
  2. procedures, educated guesses, and rules
  3. rules, reality, and choices
  4. directions, procedures, and choices
4 .
Perhaps the most important set of rules for any institution is ________.
  1. its code of conduct
  2. its constitution
  3. its judicial guide
  4. Robert’s Rules of Order
5 .
What is a fact?
  1. Something I believe to be true
  2. Something that an authority says is true
  3. Something that can be verified by compelling evidence
  4. Something that appears on a website that I trust
6 .
What is not an example of public policy?
  1. A law
  2. A court ruling
  3. An executive order
  4. A papal edict
7 .
One of the main sources of political conflict is ________.
  1. plentiful opportunities
  2. scarce resources
  3. complex systems
  4. multiple groups
8 .
Power is ________.
  1. measurable
  2. observable
  3. visible
  4. real
9 .
Which term is most closely associated with “country”?
  1. Nation
  2. Nation-state
  3. State
  4. Community
10 .
The status quo is ________.
  1. the current state of affairs
  2. the person who is most respected
  3. the future state of affairs
  4. the emperor or king
11 .
What is the highest form of political power?
  1. The president
  2. Authority
  3. The sovereign
  4. Legitimacy
12 .
What is one likely outcome of bargaining?
  1. Compromise
  2. Concurrence
  3. Contempt
  4. Catharsis
13 .
The study of politics can be scientific only if ________.
  1. politics has universal laws
  2. political phenomena can be precisely measured
  3. the researcher uses certain methods
  4. the researcher uses quantitative analysis
14 .
Political science is usually ________.
  1. probabilistic
  2. statistical
  3. deterministic
  4. random
15 .
Hypotheses are ________.
  1. statements of research methods
  2. principles that guide research
  3. tentative statements about reality
  4. statements that are proven to be true
16 .
Normative political science seeks to understand political ________.
  1. meanings, purposes, and goals
  2. attributes, inferences, and consequences
  3. beliefs, attitudes, and preferences
  4. heroes, villains, and enablers
17 .
Questions in normative political science can be answered by ________.
  1. facts and figures
  2. data and analysis
  3. logic and reason
  4. power and authority
18 .
Three types of normative reasoning emphasize ________.
  1. countries, states, and nations
  2. consequences, rules, and virtue
  3. legislatures, executives, and judiciaries
  4. sovereigns, citizens, and refugees
19 .
Empirical political science seeks to ________.
  1. analyze and postulate
  2. experiment and inoculate
  3. hypothesize and extrapolate
  4. explain and predict
20 .
Facts ________.
  1. tell us what is right and wrong
  2. exist but may be disputed
  3. are determined by those in power
  4. are based on political ideology
21 .
Generalizations ________.
  1. are always true
  2. are never right
  3. can be useful if frequently true
  4. are always harmful
22 .
All political behavior is based on ________.
  1. national behavior
  2. party behavior
  3. group behavior
  4. individual behavior
23 .
The “fourth branch” of government is ________.
  1. the media
  2. ASEAN
  3. the judiciary
  4. parliament
24 .
Which perspective is not a theory used to understand international relations?
  1. Feminism
  2. Constructivism
  3. Realism
  4. Socialism
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