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19.1 What are the Different Psychological Processes Associated with Attention?

Arousal, consciousness, vigilance, selective attention, overt attention, covert attention, endogenous attention, exogenous attention, visual search, pop out, conjunction search

19.2 How is Attention Implemented in the Brain?

Ascending reticular activation system, superior colliculus, progressive supranuclear palsy, pulvinar, default mode network, dorsal attentional network, ventral attentional network, fusiform face area, parahippocampal place area

19.3 What Happens to Unattended Information?

Inattentional blindness, change blindness, early selection, late selection, dichotomous listening paradigm, cocktail party effect, perceptual load theory, low/high load, retinotopic

19.4 What is the Relationship between Attention and Eye Movements?

Saccade, premotor theory of attention, motor field

19.5 How Do Clinical Disorders Affect Attentional Function?

Spatial neglect, contralesional, ipsilesional, extinction, double simultaneous stimulation, line bisection task, line cancellation task, hemianopia, anosagnosia, representational neglect, double dissociation, object-based neglect, prism adaptation, caloric vestibular stimulation, nystagmus, transcranial magnetic stimulation, hemispheric rivalry hypothesis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

19.6 How Do We Use Executive Functions to Make Decisions and Achieve Goals?

Executive function, task switching, switch cost, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, sequencing, Tower Of London Task, inhibitory control, Stroop Task, Go/No-Go Task, working memory, self-monitoring, Flanker Task, error monitoring, error-related negativity, perseveration, self-ordered pointing task, environmental dependency syndrome, schizophrenia, positive symptoms, negative symptoms, hypofrontality

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