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19.1 What are the Different Psychological Processes Associated with Attention?

Unlike searching for an object with a single distinct feature, ________ search involves two distinct features and requires a lot more mental energy.
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Many animals such as owls cannot move their eyes within their sockets. If an owl was immobilized so that it could not move its head or neck, ________ attentional shifts would be affected.

19.2 How is Attention Implemented in the Brain?

The frontal eye field is part of the ________ attentional network.

19.3 What Happens to Unattended Information?

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The phenomenon in which we fail to notice a significant alteration to visual information that we are consciously processing is known as ________.

19.5 How Do Clinical Disorders Affect Attentional Function?

In neglect patients, representational neglect occurs not only for the external perceptual world, but also for ________ representations of space.

19.6 How Do We Use Executive Functions to Make Decisions and Achieve Goals?

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________ describes the process of assessing and updating our own actions to evaluate their effectiveness in achieving goals.

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