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18.1 Memory is Classified Based on Time Course and Type of Information Stored

________ memories have the shortest duration, and are briefly held by systems that process visual, auditory, and somatosensory information.
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One type of short-term memory is ________, which refers to information that is temporarily stored, used, and then discarded.

18.2 Implicit Memories: Associative vs. Nonassociative Learning

________ refers to a diminished response to a stimulus that has been presented multiple times.
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________ stimuli like a ringing bell are stimuli that signal and become associated with the unconditioned stimulus.
Hippocampal ________ cells fire preferentially when an animal is in a particular location.

18.4 Synaptic Mechanisms of Long-Term Memory

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Repeated high frequency stimulation can lead to ________ , a long-term increase in synaptic strength.

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