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16.1 Principles of Homeostasis

Animals maintain homeostasis by maintaining internal values for life-sustaining factors at optimal ________.

16.2 Neural Control of Blood Oxygenation Levels

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The medullary cardiovascular control center (MCCC) senses changes in blood oxygen levels indirectly by measuring the ________ of the blood.

16.3 Neural Control of Core Body Temperature

The ________ area of the hypothalamus directly measures core body temperature.
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Many mouthwashes contain menthol, a chemical compound that produces a cool sensation by activating ________ ion channels.

16.4 Neural Control of Feeding Behavior

Neurons that express ________ increase their activity the longer an animal has gone without eating food.

16.5 Neural Control of Drinking Behavior

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Water enters and leaves cells through the process of ________.

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