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Intermediate Algebra

10.3 Evaluate and Graph Logarithmic Functions

Intermediate Algebra10.3 Evaluate and Graph Logarithmic Functions

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:
  • Convert between exponential and logarithmic form
  • Evaluate logarithmic functions
  • Graph Logarithmic functions
  • Solve logarithmic equations
  • Use logarithmic models in applications

Be Prepared 10.3

Before you get started, take this readiness quiz.

  1. Solve: x2=81.x2=81.
    If you missed this problem, review Example 6.46.
  2. Evaluate: 3−2.3−2.
    If you missed this problem, review Example 5.15.
  3. Solve: 24=3x5.24=3x5.
    If you missed this problem, review Example 2.2.

We have spent some time finding the inverse of many functions. It works well to ‘undo’ an operation with another operation. Subtracting ‘undoes’ addition, multiplication ‘undoes’ division, taking the square root ‘undoes’ squaring.

As we studied the exponential function, we saw that it is one-to-one as its graphs pass the horizontal line test. This means an exponential function does have an inverse. If we try our algebraic method for finding an inverse, we run into a problem.

Rewrite withy=f(x).Interchange the variablesxandy.f(x)=axy=axx=aySolve fory.Oops! We have no way to solve fory!Rewrite withy=f(x).Interchange the variablesxandy.f(x)=axy=axx=aySolve fory.Oops! We have no way to solve fory!

To deal with this we define the logarithm function with base a to be the inverse of the exponential function f(x)=ax.f(x)=ax. We use the notation f−1(x)=logaxf−1(x)=logax and say the inverse function of the exponential function is the logarithmic function.

Logarithmic Function

The function f(x)=logaxf(x)=logax is the logarithmic function with base aa, where a>0,a>0,x>0,x>0, and a1.a1.

y=logaxis equivalent tox=ayy=logaxis equivalent tox=ay

Convert Between Exponential and Logarithmic Form

Since the equations y=logaxy=logax and x=ayx=ay are equivalent, we can go back and forth between them. This will often be the method to solve some exponential and logarithmic equations. To help with converting back and forth let’s take a close look at the equations. See Figure 10.3. Notice the positions of the exponent and base.

This figure shows the expression y equals log sub a of x, where y is the exponent and a is the base. Next to this expression we have x equals a to the y, where again y is the exponent and a is the base.
Figure 10.3

If we realize the logarithm is the exponent it makes the conversion easier. You may want to repeat, “base to the exponent give us the number.”

Example 10.18

Convert to logarithmic form: 23=8,23=8, 512=5,512=5, and (12)x=116.(12)x=116.

Try It 10.35

Convert to logarithmic form: 32=932=9 712=7712=7 (13)x=127(13)x=127

Try It 10.36

Convert to logarithmic form: 43=6443=64 413=43413=43 (12)x=132(12)x=132

In the next example we do the reverse—convert logarithmic form to exponential form.

Example 10.19

Convert to exponential form: 2=log864,2=log864, 0=log41,0=log41, and 3=log1011000.3=log1011000.

Try It 10.37

Convert to exponential form: 3=log4643=log464 0=logx10=logx1 −2=log101100−2=log101100

Try It 10.38

Convert to exponential form: 3=log3273=log327 0=logx10=logx1 −1=log10110−1=log10110

Evaluate Logarithmic Functions

We can solve and evaluate logarithmic equations by using the technique of converting the equation to its equivalent exponential equation.

Example 10.20

Find the value of x: logx36=2,logx36=2, log4x=3,log4x=3, and log1218=x.log1218=x.

Try It 10.39

Find the value of x:x: logx64=2logx64=2 log5x=3log5x=3 log1214=xlog1214=x

Try It 10.40

Find the value of x:x: logx81=2logx81=2 log3x=5log3x=5 log13127=xlog13127=x

When see an expression such as log327,log327, we can find its exact value two ways. By inspection we realize it means 33 to what power will be 27?27? Since 33=27,33=27, we know log327=3.log327=3. An alternate way is to set the expression equal to xx and then convert it into an exponential equation.

Example 10.21

Find the exact value of each logarithm without using a calculator: log525,log525, log93,log93, and log2116.log2116.

Try It 10.41

Find the exact value of each logarithm without using a calculator: log12144log12144 log42log42 log2132log2132

Try It 10.42

Find the exact value of each logarithm without using a calculator: log981log981 log82log82 log319log319

Graph Logarithmic Functions

To graph a logarithmic function y=logax,y=logax, it is easiest to convert the equation to its exponential form, x=ay.x=ay. Generally, when we look for ordered pairs for the graph of a function, we usually choose an x-value and then determine its corresponding y-value. In this case you may find it easier to choose y-values and then determine its corresponding x-value.

Example 10.22

Graph y=log2x.y=log2x.

Try It 10.43

Graph: y=log3x.y=log3x.

Try It 10.44

Graph: y=log5x.y=log5x.

The graphs of y=log2x,y=log2x,y=log3x,y=log3x, and y=log5xy=log5x are the shape we expect from a logarithmic function where a>1.a>1.

We notice that for each function the graph contains the point (1,0).(1,0). This make sense because 0=loga10=loga1 means a0=1a0=1 which is true for any a.

The graph of each function, also contains the point (a,1).(a,1). This makes sense as 1=logaa1=logaa means a1=a.a1=a. which is true for any a.

Notice too, the graph of each function y=logaxy=logax also contains the point (1a,−1).(1a,−1). This makes sense as −1=loga1a−1=loga1a means a−1=1a,a−1=1a, which is true for any a.

Look at each graph again. Now we will see that many characteristics of the logarithm function are simply ’mirror images’ of the characteristics of the corresponding exponential function.

What is the domain of the function? The graph never hits the y-axis. The domain is all positive numbers. We write the domain in interval notation as (0,).(0,).

What is the range for each function? From the graphs we can see that the range is the set of all real numbers. There is no restriction on the range. We write the range in interval notation as (,).(,).

When the graph approaches the y-axis so very closely but will never cross it, we call the line x=0,x=0, the y-axis, a vertical asymptote.

Properties of the Graph of y = log a x y = log a x when a > 1 a > 1

Domain (0,)(0,)
Range (,)(,)
x-interceptx-intercept (1,0)(1,0)
y-intercepty-intercept None
Contains (a,1),(a,1),(1a,−1)(1a,−1)
Asymptote y-axisy-axis
This figure shows the logarithmic curve going through the points (1 over a, negative 1), (1, 0), and (a, 1).

Our next example looks at the graph of y=logaxy=logax when 0<a<1.0<a<1.

Example 10.23

Graph y=log13x.y=log13x.

Try It 10.45

Graph: y=log12x.y=log12x.

Try It 10.46

Graph: y=log14x.y=log14x.

Now, let’s look at the graphs y=log12x,y=log13xy=log12x,y=log13x and y=log14xy=log14x, so we can identify some of the properties of logarithmic functions where 0<a<1.0<a<1.

The graphs of all have the same basic shape. While this is the shape we expect from a logarithmic function where 0<a<1.0<a<1.

We notice, that for each function again, the graph contains the points,(1,0),(1,0),(a,1),(a,1),(1a,−1).(1a,−1). This make sense for the same reasons we argued above.

We notice the domain and range are also the same—the domain is (0,)(0,) and the range is (,).(,). The yy-axis is again the vertical asymptote.

We will summarize these properties in the chart below. Which also include when a>1.a>1.

Properties of the Graph of y = log a x y = log a x

when a>1a>1 when 0<a<10<a<1
Domain (0,)(0,) Domain (0,)(0,)
Range (,)(,) Range (,)(,)
xx-intercept (1,0)(1,0) xx-intercept (1,0)(1,0)
yy-intercept none yy-intercept None
Contains (a,1),(a,1),(1a,−1)(1a,−1) Contains (a,1),(a,1),(1a,−1)(1a,−1)
Asymptote yy-axis Asymptote yy-axis
Basic shape increasing Basic shape Decreasing
This figure shows that, for a greater than 1, the logarithmic curve going through the points (1 over a, negative 1), (1, 0), and (a, 1). This figure shows that, for a greater than 0 and less than 1, the logarithmic curve going through the points (a, 1), (1, 0), and (1 over a, negative 1).

We talked earlier about how the logarithmic function f−1(x)=logaxf−1(x)=logax is the inverse of the exponential function f(x)=ax.f(x)=ax. The graphs in Figure 10.4 show both the exponential (blue) and logarithmic (red) functions on the same graph for both a>1a>1 and 0<a<1.0<a<1.

This figure shows that, for a greater than 1, the logarithmic curve going through the points (1 over a, negative 1), (1, 0), and (a, 1). It also shows the exponential curve going through the points (1, 1 over a), (0, 1), and (1, a) along with the line y equals x. The logarithmic curve is a mirror image of the exponential curve across the y equals x line. This figure shows that, for a greater than 0 and less than 1, the logarithmic curve going through the points (a, 1), (1, 0), and (1 over a, negative 1). It also shows the exponential curve going through the points (negative 1, 1 over a), (0, 1), and (1, a) along with the line y equals x. The logarithmic curve is a mirror image of the exponential curve across the y equals x line.
Figure 10.4

Notice how the graphs are reflections of each other through the line y=x.y=x. We know this is true of inverse functions. Keeping a visual in your mind of these graphs will help you remember the domain and range of each function. Notice the x-axis is the horizontal asymptote for the exponential functions and the y-axis is the vertical asymptote for the logarithmic functions.

Solve Logarithmic Equations

When we talked about exponential functions, we introduced the number e. Just as e was a base for an exponential function, it can be used a base for logarithmic functions too. The logarithmic function with base e is called the natural logarithmic function. The function f(x)=logexf(x)=logex is generally written f(x)=lnxf(x)=lnx and we read it as “el en of x.x.

Natural Logarithmic Function

The function f(x)=lnxf(x)=lnx is the natural logarithmic function with base e,e, where x>0.x>0.

y=lnxis equivalent tox=eyy=lnxis equivalent tox=ey

When the base of the logarithm function is 10, we call it the common logarithmic function and the base is not shown. If the base a of a logarithm is not shown, we assume it is 10.

Common Logarithmic Function

The function f(x)=logxf(x)=logx is the common logarithmic function with base1010, where x>0.x>0.

y=logxis equivalent tox=10yy=logxis equivalent tox=10y
It will be important for you to use your calculator to evaluate both common and natural logarithms. Find the log and ln keys on your calculator.

To solve logarithmic equations, one strategy is to change the equation to exponential form and then solve the exponential equation as we did before. As we solve logarithmic equations, y=logaxy=logax, we need to remember that for the base a, a>0a>0 and a1.a1. Also, the domain is x>0.x>0. Just as with radical equations, we must check our solutions to eliminate any extraneous solutions.

Example 10.24

Solve: loga49=2loga49=2 and lnx=3.lnx=3.

Try It 10.47

Solve: loga121=2loga121=2 lnx=7lnx=7

Try It 10.48

Solve: loga64=3loga64=3 lnx=9lnx=9

Example 10.25

Solve: log2(3x5)=4log2(3x5)=4 and lne2x=4.lne2x=4.

Try It 10.49

Solve: log2(5x1)=6log2(5x1)=6 lne3x=6lne3x=6

Try It 10.50

Solve: log3(4x+3)=3log3(4x+3)=3 lne4x=4lne4x=4

Use Logarithmic Models in Applications

There are many applications that are modeled by logarithmic equations. We will first look at the logarithmic equation that gives the decibel (dB) level of sound. Decibels range from 0, which is barely audible to 160, which can rupture an eardrum. The 10−1210−12 in the formula represents the intensity of sound that is barely audible.

Decibel Level of Sound

The loudness level, D, measured in decibels, of a sound of intensity, I, measured in watts per square inch is


Example 10.26

Extended exposure to noise that measures 85 dB can cause permanent damage to the inner ear which will result in hearing loss. What is the decibel level of music coming through ear phones with intensity 10−210−2 watts per square inch?

Try It 10.51

What is the decibel level of one of the new quiet dishwashers with intensity 10−710−7 watts per square inch?

Try It 10.52

What is the decibel level heavy city traffic with intensity 10−310−3 watts per square inch?

The magnitude RR of an earthquake is measured by a logarithmic scale called the Richter scale. The model is R=logI,R=logI, where II is the intensity of the shock wave. This model provides a way to measure earthquake intensity.

Earthquake Intensity

The magnitude R of an earthquake is measured by R=logI,R=logI, where I is the intensity of its shock wave.

Example 10.27

In 1906, San Francisco experienced an intense earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale. Over 80% of the city was destroyed by the resulting fires. In 2014, Los Angeles experienced a moderate earthquake that measured 5.1 on the Richter scale and caused $108 million dollars of damage. Compare the intensities of the two earthquakes.

Try It 10.53

In 1906, San Francisco experienced an intense earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale. In 1989, the Loma Prieta earthquake also affected the San Francisco area, and measured 6.9 on the Richter scale. Compare the intensities of the two earthquakes.

Try It 10.54

In 2014, Chile experienced an intense earthquake with a magnitude of 8.2 on the Richter scale. In 2014, Los Angeles also experienced an earthquake which measured 5.1 on the Richter scale. Compare the intensities of the two earthquakes.


Access these online resources for additional instruction and practice with evaluating and graphing logarithmic functions.

Section 10.3 Exercises

Practice Makes Perfect

Convert Between Exponential and Logarithmic Form

In the following exercises, convert from exponential to logarithmic form.


4 2 = 16 4 2 = 16


2 5 = 32 2 5 = 32


3 3 = 27 3 3 = 27


5 3 = 125 5 3 = 125


10 3 = 1000 10 3 = 1000


10 −2 = 1 100 10 −2 = 1 100


x 1 2 = 3 x 1 2 = 3


x 1 3 = 6 3 x 1 3 = 6 3


32 x = 32 4 32 x = 32 4


17 x = 17 5 17 x = 17 5


( 1 4 ) 2 = 1 16 ( 1 4 ) 2 = 1 16


( 1 3 ) 4 = 1 81 ( 1 3 ) 4 = 1 81


3 −2 = 1 9 3 −2 = 1 9


4 −3 = 1 64 4 −3 = 1 64


e x = 6 e x = 6


e 3 = x e 3 = x

In the following exercises, convert each logarithmic equation to exponential form.


3 = log 4 64 3 = log 4 64


6 = log 2 64 6 = log 2 64


4 = log x 81 4 = log x 81


5 = log x 32 5 = log x 32


0 = log 12 1 0 = log 12 1


0 = log 7 1 0 = log 7 1


1 = log 3 3 1 = log 3 3


1 = log 9 9 1 = log 9 9


−4 = log 10 1 10,000 −4 = log 10 1 10,000


3 = log 10 1,000 3 = log 10 1,000


5 = log e x 5 = log e x


x = log e 43 x = log e 43

Evaluate Logarithmic Functions

In the following exercises, find the value of xx in each logarithmic equation.


log x 49 = 2 log x 49 = 2


log x 121 = 2 log x 121 = 2


log x 27 = 3 log x 27 = 3


log x 64 = 3 log x 64 = 3


log 3 x = 4 log 3 x = 4


log 5 x = 3 log 5 x = 3


log 2 x = −6 log 2 x = −6


log 3 x = −5 log 3 x = −5


log 1 4 1 16 = x log 1 4 1 16 = x


log 1 3 1 9 = x log 1 3 1 9 = x


log 1 4 64 = x log 1 4 64 = x


log 1 9 81 = x log 1 9 81 = x

In the following exercises, find the exact value of each logarithm without using a calculator.


log 7 49 log 7 49


log 6 36 log 6 36


log 4 1 log 4 1


log 5 1 log 5 1


log 16 4 log 16 4


log 27 3 log 27 3


log 1 2 2 log 1 2 2


log 1 2 4 log 1 2 4


log 2 1 16 log 2 1 16


log 3 1 27 log 3 1 27


log 4 1 16 log 4 1 16


log 9 1 81 log 9 1 81

Graph Logarithmic Functions

In the following exercises, graph each logarithmic function.


y = log 2 x y = log 2 x


y = log 4 x y = log 4 x


y = log 6 x y = log 6 x


y = log 7 x y = log 7 x


y = log 1.5 x y = log 1.5 x


y = log 2.5 x y = log 2.5 x


y = log 1 3 x y = log 1 3 x


y = log 1 5 x y = log 1 5 x


y = log 0.4 x y = log 0.4 x


y = log 0.6 x y = log 0.6 x

Solve Logarithmic Equations

In the following exercises, solve each logarithmic equation.


log a 16 = 2 log a 16 = 2


log a 81 = 2 log a 81 = 2


log a 8 = 3 log a 8 = 3


log a 27 = 3 log a 27 = 3


log a 32 = 2 log a 32 = 2


log a 24 = 3 log a 24 = 3


ln x = 5 ln x = 5


ln x = 4 ln x = 4


log 2 ( 5 x + 1 ) = 4 log 2 ( 5 x + 1 ) = 4


log 2 ( 6 x + 2 ) = 5 log 2 ( 6 x + 2 ) = 5


log 3 ( 4 x 3 ) = 2 log 3 ( 4 x 3 ) = 2


log 3 ( 5 x 4 ) = 4 log 3 ( 5 x 4 ) = 4


log 4 ( 5 x + 6 ) = 3 log 4 ( 5 x + 6 ) = 3


log 4 ( 3 x 2 ) = 2 log 4 ( 3 x 2 ) = 2


ln e 4 x = 8 ln e 4 x = 8


ln e 2 x = 6 ln e 2 x = 6


log x 2 = 2 log x 2 = 2


log ( x 2 25 ) = 2 log ( x 2 25 ) = 2


log 2 ( x 2 4 ) = 5 log 2 ( x 2 4 ) = 5


log 3 ( x 2 + 2 ) = 3 log 3 ( x 2 + 2 ) = 3

Use Logarithmic Models in Applications

In the following exercises, use a logarithmic model to solve.


What is the decibel level of normal conversation with intensity 10−610−6 watts per square inch?


What is the decibel level of a whisper with intensity 10−1010−10 watts per square inch?


What is the decibel level of the noise from a motorcycle with intensity 10−210−2 watts per square inch?


What is the decibel level of the sound of a garbage disposal with intensity 10−210−2 watts per square inch?


In 2014, Chile experienced an intense earthquake with a magnitude of 8.28.2 on the Richter scale. In 2010, Haiti also experienced an intense earthquake which measured 7.07.0 on the Richter scale. Compare the intensities of the two earthquakes.


The Los Angeles area experiences many earthquakes. In 1994, the Northridge earthquake measured magnitude of 6.76.7 on the Richter scale. In 2014, Los Angeles also experienced an earthquake which measured 5.15.1 on the Richter scale. Compare the intensities of the two earthquakes.

Writing Exercises


Explain how to change an equation from logarithmic form to exponential form.


Explain the difference between common logarithms and natural logarithms.


Explain why logaax=x.logaax=x.


Explain how to find the log732log732 on your calculator.

Self Check

After completing the exercises, use this checklist to evaluate your mastery of the objectives of this section.

This table has four rows and five columns. The first row, which serves as a header, reads I can…, Confidently, With some help, and No—I don’t get it. The first column below the header row reads Convert between exponential and logarithmic form, evaluate logarithmic functions, graph logarithmic functions, solve logarithmic equations, and use logarithmic models in applications. The rest of the cells are blank.

After reviewing this checklist, what will you do to become confident for all objectives?


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