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Fundamentals of Nursing

Review Questions

Fundamentals of NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
A 45-year-old male complaining of “heaviness” in his chest and feeling “really tired” would likely need what kind of admission?
  1. ambulatory care
  2. observational
  3. acute care
  4. long-term care facility
2 .
A nurse in the emergency department is having a busy night and has to triage four patients. Which patient should be prioritized to be seen first?
  1. 89-year-old female with a hip fracture
  2. 55-year-old male who fell and hit his head, briefly losing consciousness
  3. 37-year-old male with a history of diabetes with blurred vision
  4. 18-year-old female who twisted her ankle during track practice and is crying in pain
3 .
A patient needs to go to the operating room for a procedure. Who on the healthcare team is required to obtain informed consent from the patient for this procedure?
  1. the nurse
  2. the power of attorney
  3. the chaplain
  4. the provider
4 .
What is the term for the phenomenon of older adults becoming confused in the evening?
  1. sundowning
  2. dementia
  3. Alzheimer disease
  4. sunsetting
5 .
When does discharge planning begin?
  1. two days before discharge
  2. after the patient’s procedure
  3. when the patient is admitted
  4. one day before discharge
6 .
A nurse works in an intensive care unit in a large metropolitan hospital. What patient information should be first considered when receiving report on a ventilated, unconscious patient transferring from an external acute care facility?
  1. mobility status
  2. continence
  3. latest vital signs and labs
  4. discharge plan
7 .
A patient has improved greatly and is transferring from the intensive care unit to the step-down unit. What is the least important patient detail to convey in report to the step-down unit nurse taking the patient?
  1. mobility status
  2. continence
  3. latest vital signs and labs
  4. list of the patient’s belongings they brought with them to the hospital
8 .
What does SBAR stand for?
  1. Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation
  2. Status, Background, Action, Review
  3. Situation, Brief history, Action, Response
  4. Status, Barriers, Assessment, Recommendation
9 .
It is 9 a.m. and a nurse receives a tentative plan that a patient might transfer from the step-down unit to the general medicine floor this evening at 5 p.m. The patient’s family is very involved, but because of work is unable to visit until at least 6 or 7 p.m. What time would be a good time to notify the family of the patient’s transfer?
  1. as soon as possible
  2. 5 p.m.
  3. when the definitive transfer order arrives
  4. whenever they arrive
10 .
What is an example of a well-written SMART goal?
  1. In two weeks, my blood pressure will be in a healthy range.
  2. In two months, my blood sugar will be in a healthy range between 120 and 180 before eating meals.
  3. In six months, I want to eat a healthier diet with fewer processed foods to reduce my blood sugar before meals to consistently read below 180 in order to lead a longer and healthier life.
  4. In one year, I want to lose thirty pounds by running and exercising three times a week.
11 .
What patient should the nurse recommend have a secondary learner on hand when discharging from home health teaching?
  1. 65-year-old native English speaker with a learning disability
  2. 34-year-old student from China who is fluent in English and attends an American university
  3. 45-year-old native English speaker from a rural area
  4. 75-year-old immigrant from Mexico who cannot read English but speaks English fluently
12 .
A patient is leaving AMA. What is the most important thing to do before they leave?
  1. obtain prescriptions
  2. call security
  3. tell them they are making a mistake
  4. ensure they sign the AMA form and place it in the patient’s chart

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