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Fundamentals of Nursing

Competency-Based Assessments

Fundamentals of NursingCompetency-Based Assessments

Competency-Based Assessments

1 .
A nurse works in a critical care unit that has two patients and is about to receive a third from the ED. Their current patients are stable and are almost ready for transfer out of the ICU. One patient needs blood sugar checked in an hour; the other patient needs their evening meds. Both tasks need to happen before dinner is brought to the patients. The admission is coming in thirty to forty-five minutes. The patient is being admitted for severe hyperglycemia and will likely need an insulin drip. Describe how the nurse would ensure their patients’ needs are met, and delegate specific tasks if necessary to colleagues in order to prepare for the admission.
2 .
Describe the differences in report between a nurse giving report to the ICU versus to a medical surgical floor.
3 .
Describe a complete discharge report.
4 .
Demonstrate how a nurse would conduct discharge teaching for a patient. How should a nurse educate a patient about their medications and ensure the patient understands instructions for following up with their healthcare provider?

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