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Fundamentals of Nursing

What Should the Nurse Do?

Fundamentals of NursingWhat Should the Nurse Do?

What Should the Nurse Do?

1 .
A nurse is assigned to a patient who has end-stage bone cancer and wants to enter hospice. The patient expresses concern that all the people taking care of them are not talking to each other. The nurse notices some disjointed care from the other healthcare providers; some of the team is prescribing palliative measures while others are continuing to treat issues. What should the nurse do to resolve this issue?
2 .
A 78-year-old patient presents to the emergency room with a swollen knee for one week. Patient states the knee is painful and limits mobility; pain is 5 on a scale of 1–10. Vital signs: temperature, 98.8°F (37.1°C); respiratory rate, 18 breaths/minute; heart rate, 88 beats/minute; blood pressure, 98/60 mmHg. Patient’s height is 4 ft 10 in (147.3 cm) and weight is 98 lbs. (44.4 kg). The patient states the knee aches with weather changes, has sustained no injury to provoke swelling. Pulses are palpable 2 + bilaterally, no injury noted to right knee, 1 + nonpitting edema noted on top of knee. The patient is accompanied by a significant other. The patient acknowledges practicing the Jewish religion. What needs (physical, emotional, spiritual) are a priority? Why?
3 .
A 27-year-old patient is admitted to a mental healthcare facility with depression and suicidality after telling a family member about a suicide plan. The patient states they have considered suicide for a few weeks and have developed a plan on how to complete the act. Vital signs: temperature 98.6°F (37.0°C); respiratory rate, 16 breaths/minute; heart rate, 80 beats/minute; blood pressure, 128/78 mmHg. Patient’s height is 5 ft 7 in (170 cm) and weight is 190 lbs (86.2 kg). The patient has no complaints of pain or previous medical history. The patient is accompanied by a significant other. The patient acknowledges practicing no religion. What needs (physical, emotional, spiritual) are a priority? Why?
4 .
The nurse is assigned to care for a patient who is actively dying. Which needs should the nurse address for this patient and family?

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