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Fundamentals of Nursing

Review Questions

Fundamentals of NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
An adult patient is admitted to the emergency department with chronic kidney failure. The patient states they did not go to their dialysis appointments this week. Which aspect of health care is most important for the nurse to include in the assessment?
  1. transparency of care
  2. emotional well-being
  3. understanding of aromatherapy
  4. self-management of disease
2 .
Which factor about a patient’s health status is essential to consider while providing holistic care?
  1. ability to drive
  2. social media presence
  3. athletic ability
  4. developmental age
3 .
A healthcare team is working together with a patient to establish a care plan based on the patient’s goals. Which outcome is likely to be the result for this type of collaboration?
  1. increased healthcare costs
  2. decreased adherence with the care plan
  3. less satisfaction with care received
  4. improved recovery phase
4 .
A patient is complaining of anxiety before a surgical procedure. Which holistic treatment should the nurse recommend first to the patient?
  1. exercise
  2. hydromassage
  3. progressive relaxation
  4. spiritual counseling
5 .
A nurse is developing a care plan for a patient diagnosed with spiritual distress. Which question would be most appropriate for the nurse to ask to assess spiritual distress?
  1. What is your relationship status?
  2. Do you have health insurance?
  3. Do you feel like you have accomplished all you wanted to accomplish in life?
  4. Do you feel like you have had a peak experience in your life?
6 .
A patient who is hospitalized with end-stage breast cancer states that they want to see the Grand Canyon. What spiritual consideration would the nurse attribute to this statement?
  1. hope
  2. faith
  3. religion
  4. spiritual love
7 .
A nurse is taking care of a patient who says they have no family or friends to help care for them. Which level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is the patient possibly lacking based on this information?
  1. love and belonging
  2. safety and security
  3. self-esteem
  4. self-actualization
8 .
A nurse is addressing a patient’s physical needs. Which physical needs should the nurse anticipate?
  1. a visit from the hospital clergy
  2. assistance with putting on socks after knee replacement surgery
  3. receiving last rites at end of life
  4. verifying next of kin was notified of visitation hours
9 .
A nurse has accepted the role of parish nursing in their faith community. Which tasks should the nurse be prepared to oversee?
  1. scheduling volunteers for the annual blood drive
  2. attending healthcare provider visits with individual faith community members
  3. arranging for daily meal delivery for members who are housebound
  4. caring for older members

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