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Fundamentals of Nursing

Review Questions

Fundamentals of NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
During what stage of prenatal development is the developing child at greatest risk for birth defects due to a secondary teratogen exposure?
  1. pre-embryonic
  2. embryonic
  3. fetal
  4. pre-fetal
2 .
The nurse is developing a care plan for a hospitalized toddler. What nursing intervention is appropriate?
  1. Encourage the child to draw in a coloring book.
  2. Allow the child to walk independently around the unit.
  3. Encourage the child to feed himself finger food.
  4. Give building blocks to play with.
3 .
What comment from a parent would raise concern from the nurse about a school-age child’s development?
  1. Billy has a stamp collection that he likes to show off.
  2. Billy is constantly changing his mind about which sport he wants to play.
  3. Billy hates school and is having a hard time making friends.
  4. Billy plays video games every day after school with friends that he met online.
4 .
What type of play is typical in the toddler years?
  1. solitary play
  2. parallel play
  3. group play
  4. cooperative play
5 .
What statement best describes typical development during the preschool years?
  1. Preschool children are egocentric and only see things from their perspective.
  2. Having imaginary friends is common during the preschool years.
  3. Preschool children enjoy playing board games like checkers.
  4. Playing on organized sports teams is common for preschool children.
6 .
A 2-month-old infant has a caregiver who does not always respond to the infant’s hunger cues, but the infant is fed enough to grow adequately. According to Erickson, what could be the result of this behavior late in life?
  1. The infant will not suffer any long-term consequences.
  2. The infant will not trust others later in life.
  3. The infant will develop co-dependent relationships later in life.
  4. The infant will become hypercompetitive and aggressive.
7 .
According to Freud, what behavior is expected in a child aged 3 to 5 years?
  1. The child bonds with the opposite-sex parent.
  2. Preoccupation with the anus is common.
  3. Many children are anxious about trying new activities.
  4. The child frequently has imaginary friends.
8 .
According to Erickson’s theory, what will happen if school-age children do not manage the demands of schoolwork and friendships?
  1. School-age children become lonely and withdrawn if they do not have friends.
  2. Failure to keep up with peers results in a sense of inferiority.
  3. Not balancing the demands of school causes angry outbursts.
  4. School-age children who lag their classmates develop depression.
9 .
What differentiates Havighurst’s theory of development from Freud’s and Erickson’s theories?
  1. Development is unique to each individual and does not follow a predictable pattern of milestones.
  2. Failure to complete a developmental task can be overcome if that task is completed later in life.
  3. Individual factors like environment and personal characteristics influence development.
  4. An individual’s intelligence determines the likelihood of completing developmental tasks.
10 .
According to Freud, what element of our personality is present at birth?
  1. id
  2. superid
  3. ego
  4. superego
11 .
At what time during fetal development is the unborn child at greatest risk for exposure to toxins in utero?
  1. during the first ten weeks of pregnancy
  2. in the second trimester
  3. between 10 and 15 weeks’ gestation
  4. in the final trimester, between 28 and 40 weeks’ gestation
12 .
What medical condition is screened for during the toddler years?
  1. iron deficiency anemia
  2. hypertension
  3. scoliosis
  4. congenital heart defects
13 .
Approximately what percentage of neonates are born with a congenital defect?
  1. 10 percent
  2. 4 percent
  3. 2 percent
  4. 7 percent
14 .
What parental advice would a nurse give to help prevent SIDS?
  1. Place infants on their abdomen to sleep.
  2. Use a firm mattress with only a tightly fitted sheet.
  3. Place the infant in the crib with a bottle of milk.
  4. Sleep with the infant in your bed until they are able to roll over.
15 .
What factor is a risk for obesity in school-age children?
  1. not getting enough sleep
  2. living in a single parent home
  3. experiencing food insecurity
  4. attending an after-school program
16 .
When providing prenatal education, what nutrition advice is the most important for the nurse to share with the patient?
  1. Consume at least 400 mcg of folic acid daily.
  2. Focus on eating iron-rich foods like lean meat.
  3. Avoid salty foods like potato chips and crackers.
  4. Try to drink eight glasses of water per day.
17 .
A nurse is obtaining informed consent from a mother for her child’s newborn screen. What statement accurately describes what the newborn screen is?
  1. The newborn screen is a federally mandated health screen that is the same in all fifty states. It tests for genetic mutations that can affect newborns.
  2. Each state has its own newborn screen based on the health conditions that are more prevalent in their state. It is a simple blood test that looks for genetic, endocrine, and metabolic disorders.
  3. The newborn screen is recommended to parents who have a family history of genetic disorders. Individuals with no significant family history should not participate because there is a high rate of false positives.
  4. The newborn screen provides a complete analysis of all genetic disorders. It is recommended that infants are screened regardless of familial history.
18 .
What vaccine is given to infants prior to discharge from the hospital after birth?
  1. polio
  2. varicella
  3. pertussis
  4. hepatitis B
19 .
What speech pattern is expected in a 2-year-old?
  1. speaks using two-word sentences
  2. has a 200-word vocabulary
  3. correctly conjugates verbs
  4. communicates by pointing and grunting
20 .
What parenting strategy helps develop positive self-esteem in school-age children?
  1. Insist that the child participate in multiple after-school activities.
  2. Provide positive reinforcement when the child tries new activities.
  3. Encourage academic success by punishing the child if they do not get good grades in school.
  4. Choose the child’s school clothes for them so that they look stylish at school.

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