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Fundamentals of Nursing

Review Questions

Fundamentals of NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
Cephalocaudal development describes development in which direction?
  1. distal to proximal
  2. extremities to core
  3. toe to head
  4. head to toe
2 .
A nurse observes two toddlers at a playground. They are sitting in the same sandbox, but each is building their own sandcastle. The nurse knows these children are demonstrating which type of play?
  1. solitary
  2. parallel
  3. associative
  4. cooperative
3 .
What stage is a landmark for gaining independence and pushing boundaries?
  1. infant
  2. toddler
  3. preschool
  4. middle childhood
4 .
The mother of a 12-year-old patient is discussing with the nurse how much her child likes to play on the baseball team at school. The nurse knows the mother is describing which type of play for this patient?
  1. parallel
  2. solitary
  3. associative
  4. cooperative
5 .
What action would demonstrate to the nurse that an infant has mastered the landmark of understanding object permanence, according to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?
  1. laughing at themselves in a mirror
  2. holding a shoe in each hand simultaneously
  3. looking for a toy in their crib in the last place they saw it
  4. throwing food from their tray to the floor
6 .
According to Erikson, what is the main conflict of the toddler period?
  1. autonomy versus shame
  2. industry versus inferiority
  3. initiative versus guilt
  4. trust versus mistrust
7 .
Dramatic play is the landmark of which stage of Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?
  1. sensorimotor thinking
  2. preoperational thinking
  3. concrete operational thinking
  4. formal operational thinking
8 .
What theory states that personality develops according to a predetermined order of stages, each of which has two outcomes: successful completion or unsuccessful completion?
  1. Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development
  2. Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development
  3. Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of moral development
  4. Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychosexual development
9 .
The caregiver of a 9-month-old infant who received routine immunizations in their vastus lateralis the day before calls and asks to speak with the nurse. The parent is concerned and reports that the infant has a fever of 100.2°F and a small, red, slightly elevated area of skin at the injection site. How should the nurse respond?
  1. “This is an expected reaction to injections at the vastus lateralis. When your child is old enough to use other sites, they won’t have these reactions.”
  2. “This is an expected reaction from the immunization process. The body's immune system has been activated.”
  3. “This is a concerning finding indicating an allergy. Bring your child in for evaluation.”
  4. “This is unrelated to the immunization. Bring your child in so we can determine the cause.”
10 .
A caregiver comes to the pediatrician's office with her 2-year-old for a well-child visit. The caregiver reports that their child has missed the last two appointments due to scheduling issues. The nurse reviewing the chart realizes that the child is behind on several immunizations. What action should the nurse take regarding the immunizations?
  1. Ignore the issue because missing a few is not important.
  2. Skip these doses and proceed to the next scheduled items.
  3. Recommend all vaccination series be restarted.
  4. Refer to the CDC vaccination “catch up” schedule.
11 .
A nurse cares for an 18-month-old patient who needs an intravenous line placed. What is an example of practicing atraumatic care in a hospital setting?
  1. performing the procedure in a designated treatment room
  2. restraining the patient in the crib while performing the assessment
  3. refraining from praising the child if they are crying
  4. performing the procedure in the patient’s bed so they are more comfortable
12 .
A nurse is caring for a 16-year-old patient. The patient asks the nurse how often they should have a well-visit. How should the nurse respond?
  1. every six months
  2. every year
  3. every year and a half
  4. every two years

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