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Fundamentals of Nursing

Review Questions

Fundamentals of NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
What family-based factor contributes to emotional protection for adolescents?
  1. two working parents
  2. the presence of siblings
  3. a sense of belonging
  4. higher family income
2 .
What definition of family is used by the U.S. Census Bureau?
  1. a socially recognized group (usually joined by blood, marriage, cohabitation, or adoption)
  2. a socially recognized group that serves as an economic unit of society
  3. a group in which people come together to form a strong primary group connection
  4. a group of two people or more (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together
3 .
In what way do family assessment models help nurses care for patients?
  1. Provide specific interview questions to ask all patients.
  2. Guide nurses in understanding family structure and dynamics.
  3. Help nurses classify families as functional or dysfunctional.
  4. Teach nurses how to provide effective family counseling services.
4 .
According to the CFAM, what are the key ingredients in a 15-minute interview?
  1. manners, therapeutic communication, spiritual evaluation, risk assessment
  2. therapeutic communication, spiritual evaluation, genograms, acknowledgment of strengths
  3. spiritual evaluation, genograms, manners, risk assessment
  4. genograms, therapeutic communication, manners, therapeutic questions
5 .
According to the family communication patterns theory, what is it called when two or more people experience the same physical or emotional input and develop a corresponding perception or response?
  1. accuracy
  2. co-orientation
  3. congruence
  4. consensual
6 .
Which factors affect family composition?
  1. birth, death, career
  2. birth, geographic location, divorce
  3. birth, death, emotional dysfunction
  4. birth, death, marriage, divorce
7 .
Genograms are useful for nurses to visualize which aspects of the family?
  1. future careers
  2. relationships with spiritual advisors
  3. interactions with healthcare providers
  4. sibling birth order and relationships
8 .
What are two primary functions of the family?
  1. procreation and socialization
  2. marriage and procreation
  3. financial security and marriage
  4. procreation and sibling relationships
9 .
A patient’s family member asks how they will be billed for the medical services related to her sister’s diabetes treatment. She mentions that they already have a lot of medical bills. The nurse knows that this family is among the ________ of families in the United States with medical debt.
  1. 25 percent
  2. 72 percent
  3. 53 percent
  4. 41 percent
10 .
A nurse is caring for Janice Bell, a 47-year-old female recovering from appendectomy surgery. As she is getting ready for discharge, Janice expresses concern for how behind she feels going home; her daughter is about to graduate from high school and go to college, her other three children are all in high school, and her father-in-law recently moved into their attached apartment. The nurse understands that Janice’s family is experiencing what stages of the family life cycle.
  1. coupling, independence, senior years
  2. independence, launching adult children, coupling
  3. parenting, launching adult children, senior years
  4. launching adult children, parenting, coupling
11 .
A mother of a 4-week-old infant presents for her postpartum follow-up. The nurse knows that this patient may be experiencing negative health effects, such as fatigue and altered mood related to what?
  1. sleep loss related to infant awakening
  2. poor coping techniques
  3. high sugar intake
  4. high caffeine intake
12 .
In which ways can families improve outcomes for individuals with addiction?
  1. creating a sense of victimization
  2. promoting supportive relationships and acceptance
  3. requiring in-patient treatment
  4. focusing only on physical health concerns
13 .
What modifiable family-related factors contribute to diabetes risk?
  1. obesity
  2. sedentary lifestyle
  3. healthy diet
  4. smoking
14 .
During an initial patient assessment, the nurse notices that the patient does not make eye contact while talking. The nurse is using what assessment technique?
  1. therapeutic communication
  2. observation
  3. identifying risk factors
  4. recognizing nonverbal cues
15 .
During an interview, a patient states that she “feels useless ever since she was diagnosed with MS.” The nurse responds, “I’m not sure I understand; can you give me an example of a time you felt useless?” What therapeutic communication technique is the nurse using?
  1. clarification
  2. focusing
  3. acceptance
  4. reflecting
16 .
In understanding nursing interventions related to at-home medication administration for an 85-year-old patient with dementia and their family, the nurse must consider what factor?
  1. family engagement
  2. geographic location
  3. genetic history
  4. dietary choices
17 .
A nurse is caring for the family of a 7-year-old child with leukemia. The mom has left her job to care for the child, and the father is taking on additional shifts to maintain their financial status. They will need to travel 500 miles multiple times over the next year for treatment. The nurse recognizes the need for a referral to what type of professional?
  1. physical therapist
  2. mental health professional
  3. social worker
  4. spiritual advisor

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