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Fundamentals of Nursing

Review Questions

Fundamentals of NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
A patient describes frequent dreams in which he is able to fly. The nurse recognizes such fanciful dreams as happening during what sleep stage?
  1. stage I
  2. stage II
  3. stage III
  4. REM
2 .
What hormone is associated with opening the “sleep gate”?
  1. cortisol
  2. epinephrine
  3. melatonin
  4. oxytocin
3 .
An adult typically spends the majority of a night’s sleep in what sleep stage?
  1. stage I
  2. stage II
  3. stage III
  4. REM
4 .
The reticular activating system (RAS) controls what aspect of sleep?
  1. length of time in REM
  2. fast and slow waves
  3. different sleep stages
  4. developmental changes
5 .
A person who splits their sleep into a major overnight period for six hours and a three-hour nap is implementing what sleep pattern?
  1. monophasic
  2. biphasic
  3. triphasic
  4. polyphasic
6 .
A patient tells the nurse nightmares began after starting to take diphenhydramine to sleep. The nurse explains what side effect as the likely cause of the nightmares?
  1. drug hangover
  2. REM rebound
  3. tolerance
  4. dependence
7 .
A nurse is reviewing lifestyle recommendations to promote sleep with a patient who has been experiencing insomnia. What recommendation about timing moderate exercise will the nurse include?
  1. “Exercise just before bedtime is good, because exercise is always beneficial.”
  2. “Drink three eight-ounce glasses of water and exercise an hour before bedtime.”
  3. “Avoid exercise within five hours of bedtime, so you’re tired but not stimulated.”
  4. “You should only exercise in the morning if you want to sleep well at night.”
8 .
A parent describes a child having episodes of screaming at night. When the parent arrives at the bedside, the child is sitting up, eyes are dilated, and the child’s heart is racing. The nurse will prepare to teach the parent and child about what sleep disorder?
  1. nightmares
  2. sleep paralysis
  3. somnambulism
  4. night terrors
9 .
Neonates fall asleep into what stage of sleep?
  1. stage I
  2. stage II
  3. stage III
  4. REM
10 .
A patient who experiences several episodes of falling asleep during the day is experiencing what sleep problem?
  1. insomnia
  2. sleep apnea
  3. hypersomnia
  4. sleep paralysis
11 .
An 11-year-old patient is seen by the pediatrician for chronic insomnia and slowed growth. What other clinical presentation does the nurse anticipate may be related to the child’s poor sleep?
  1. a very peaceful affect
  2. a short ability to concentrate
  3. an ease with problem-solving
  4. advanced reading skills
12 .
An 8-year-old child who has not slept more than five hours per night for a year has gained twenty pounds during that time. What finding does the nurse conclude is also sleep-related?
  1. hypotension
  2. a four-inch growth spurt
  3. dyslipidemia
  4. low total cholesterol
13 .
What hormone is least likely to impair gastrointestinal homeostasis?
  1. ghrelin
  2. melatonin
  3. leptin
  4. calcitonin
14 .
A nurse is reviewing a patient’s recent examination and laboratory results. What combination does the nurse determine to be associated with metabolic syndrome?
  1. hyperglycemia, low HDL, elevated triglycerides
  2. obesity at the hips, high HDL, low triglycerides
  3. hypoglycemia, low HDL, high triglycerides
  4. abdominal obesity, high HDL, hyperglycemia
15 .
The NSF recognizes how many hours of sleep in the previous twenty-four hours as likely impairing a person’s driving ability?
  1. two hours
  2. three hours
  3. six hours
  4. eight hours
16 .
A nursing instructor corrects a student for suggesting what as a component of good sleep hygiene?
  1. Listen to peaceful forest sounds at bedtime.
  2. Read from an electronic tablet before bed.
  3. Follow a planned time for bed and rising.
  4. Use the same bedtime steps every night.
17 .
A patient asks which electrical monitoring will record the classic rapid eye movements of REM sleep; the nurse should provide what reply?
  1. electrocardiogram (ECG)
  2. electromyelogram (EMG)
  3. electrooculogram (EOG)
  4. electroencephalogram (EEG)
18 .
OTC drugs prescribed as sleep aids work by what mechanism of action?
  1. improve the action of GABA
  2. antagonists to orexin A&B
  3. melatonin agonist effects
  4. inhibit action of histamine 1
19 .
The nurse explains to a patient that there is a major concern for combining opioid pain medication with benzodiazepines for what reason?
  1. increasing respiratory depression
  2. developing somnambulism
  3. worsening anorexia
  4. potential for nightmares
20 .
A patient asks the nurse about advantages for doing a home sleep study instead of staying at the sleep lab. What answer should the nurse include?
  1. The sleep center staff will wake you frequently.
  2. You will probably feel able to move more freely.
  3. You will be limited in sleeping positions.
  4. The home monitor is more accurate than at the lab.

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