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Fundamentals of Nursing

23.2 Factors Affecting Neuromuscular Functioning

Fundamentals of Nursing23.2 Factors Affecting Neuromuscular Functioning

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Identify diagnostic testing for neuromuscular functioning
  • Discuss common disorders that affect neuromuscular functioning
  • Describe the effects of neuromuscular impairment

Now that we have outlined how the neuromuscular system should function normally, we can discuss potential abnormal findings and conditions that affect this system. This section will provide an overview of various diagnostic tests that can be used to detect abnormalities as well as discuss several neuromuscular disorders in more detail.

Diagnostic Testing for Neuromuscular Functioning

There are several diagnostic tests that can be used to help diagnose specific neuromuscular disorders or rule out other conditions that may be causing similar symptoms. These include blood tests, electromyography, radiographic imaging, nerve condition velocity testing, muscle biopsies, and genetic tests.

Blood Tests

No specific blood tests are available that diagnose disorders of the neuromuscular system with absolute certainty, however several tests are typically performed to assist with confirmation of the disorder or to rule out other causes. Nurses should understand some of the most common blood tests used to help diagnose neuromuscular disorders (Table 23.3).

Test Description
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
  • Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle at the bottom of a test tube containing blood.
  • Higher values indicate inflammation, which could be consistent with a neuromuscular disorder.
  • Note: Many conditions cause elevated ESR, so this is not the most accurate diagnostic test.
Creatine kinase (CK)
  • Normal muscle enzyme that leaks out into the blood when muscle damage occurs.
  • Elevated values may be indicative of a neuromuscular disorder that has caused muscle damage.
  • Note: Many conditions cause muscle damage, so this is not the most accurate diagnostic test.
  • Any of various ions (e.g., sodium, potassium, chloride) that have a positive or negative electrical charge when dissolved in water.
  • Crucial for many body processes (e.g., regulating chemical reactions, conducting nerve impulses, contracting muscles, regulating pH levels, maintaining the balance between fluids inside and outside the cells).
  • Key method to diagnose a wide range of medical conditions and diseases.
  • Imbalances in electrolytes can cause muscle weakness or paralysis, so this test can be used to rule out other causes of symptoms.
Antibody tests
  • Several antibody tests can be performed to determine whether the patient has an infection.
  • Many neuromuscular disorders are caused by a virus, so this test can help determine a potential cause.
Table 23.3 Blood Tests Used to Assist with Diagnosis of Neuromuscular Disorders


An electromyography (EMG) is used to evaluate how muscles respond to nervous system stimulation. An EMG is performed by inserting small needles, called electrodes, through the skin until they are in the underlying muscles (Figure 23.13). After the needles are placed, the provider asks the patient to perform certain movements of the extremity (e.g., contraction, relaxation). When the muscles contract, the electrical activity in the muscles is recorded by the needle electrodes. This information is sent to a computer where the provider can review the test results in real time. This procedure takes anywhere from sixty to ninety minutes and typically does not cause the patient much pain. However, some patients do report pain with insertion of the needle and lingering soreness in the muscles for a few days after the procedure.

The image is an illustration of an electromyography (EMG) setup on a human arm. The illustration shows a needle inserted into the muscle of the forearm to measure electrical activity. Electrodes are placed on the skin surface of the arm and hand. Wires from the needle and electrodes connect to a monitor that displays a graph of the muscle’s electrical activity. The diagram highlights the internal muscles of the forearm, the needle, the electrodes on the skin, and the monitor showing the recorded signals. This setup is used to assess the health of muscles and the nerve cells that control them.
Figure 23.13 During an electromyography test (muscle test), a small needle is inserted into the muscle of the arm and electrical activity associated with voluntary muscle movements is recorded as waves on the monitor. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY 4.0 license)

During the test, the provider is looking for abnormal electrical activity patterns with various muscle movements. Some of the neuromuscular conditions that can be diagnosed with this type of testing include the following:

  • peripheral neuropathy
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • sciatica
  • pinched nerves,
  • muscular dystrophy
  • amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • myasthenia gravis

Radiographic Imaging

Several radiographic imaging tests can be used to help diagnose neuromuscular conditions. The most common are computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The images obtained from these scans can help identify changes or abnormalities in muscle or nervous tissue that may be indicative of neuromuscular disorders. Although these tests are not usually conclusive for specific disorders, they can be used to show changes within the tissue that warrant additional follow-up and testing (Figure 23.14). Also, these scans can be used periodically after diagnosis of a neuromuscular condition to monitor the progression of the disorder over time.

The image shows two MRI scans of a human muscle. The scans display cross-sectional views of the muscle tissue, revealing variations in density and structure. The left scan shows a distinct central area with differing intensities, possibly indicating different types of muscle tissue or the presence of a lesion. The right scan similarly shows muscle tissue with varying intensities, providing a detailed view of the internal muscle structure. Both images include MRI settings and scale markers on the sides, indicating the technical parameters used during the scanning process. The scans provide a clear depiction of the muscle’s internal composition.
Figure 23.14 An MRI scan shows injury to the muscle, indicating the need for additional diagnostic testing. (credit: Aydemir G, Cakmak S, Aydinoz S/NIH, CC BY 2.0)

Nerve Conduction Velocity Testing

A nerve conduction study, or nerve conduction velocity (NCV) testing, shows how quickly electrical signals move through nerves in the body. Two electrodes are placed on the skin over the patient’s nerves (Figure 23.15). One electrode delivers the electrical stimulus, and the other electrode records the speed of the impulse, or how quickly the electrical stimulus moves from one electrode to the other.

The image shows a medical professional in a military uniform performing a nerve conduction study (NCS) on a patient’s arm. The professional, wearing blue gloves, is holding a handheld device against the patient’s forearm to measure nerve response. The patient is lying on a bed, with their arm extended and connected to electrodes. Medical equipment and monitors are visible in the background, indicating a clinical setting. The focus is on the interaction between the medical professional and the patient, highlighting the procedure being performed to assess nerve function.
Figure 23.15 Two electrodes are placed on the skin over nerves as part of nerve conduction velocity testing. A very mild electrical impulse is sent through a patch or a handheld device to stimulate the nerve. (credit: Alex Durbin/Joint Base Langley-Eutis, Public Domain)

Often, this test is completed during the same visit as the EMG testing described earlier because they are performed with similar techniques and allow for more information to be obtained about the patient’s condition. The main reason that NCV testing is used is to determine whether the disorder is caused by nerve issues or muscle problems. If the NCV testing is normal, it is likely that the disorder has a muscular cause. On the other hand, if the NCV testing is abnormal (slow), the cause of the issue is more likely stemming from the nervous system. Some of the disorders that NCV testing can help diagnose include the following:

  • Guillain-Barré syndrome
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
  • herniated discs
  • neuropathy
  • sciatica

Muscle Biopsies

Muscle biopsies involve removing muscle tissue from the body for microscopic laboratory examination. The muscles used most often include the biceps or deltoids in the arms and shoulders or the quadriceps in the legs. This procedure is not used often because it is more invasive than other types of diagnostic testing, such as blood tests or imaging scans. However, it can be useful for determining specific types of muscle disorders if other tests come back inconclusive. Some examples of disorders that might be diagnosed using muscle biopsy include inflammatory myopathies (e.g., polymyositis, dermatomyositis) and specific types of muscular dystrophy.

Genetic Testing

Many neuromuscular disorders have a genetic component, meaning they can be inherited from parents. Often, when a parent or other close family member has a neuromuscular disorder, a genetic test is ordered to determine whether the disorder could have been passed on to the next generation. These tests can be performed by obtaining a swab from the cheek or a blood sample from which DNA can be analyzed. The DNA is examined for genetic mutations that are indicative of specific neuromuscular disorders. This type of test is the most accurate for diagnosing neuromuscular disorders that are genetic in nature.

Common Neuromuscular Disorders

Many disorders can affect the neurological and musculoskeletal systems simultaneously. Some of the conditions are common, whereas others are quite rare. Disorders of the neuromuscular system include Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, congenital myopathy, muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and spinal cord injuries.

Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (CMT)

A progressive neuromuscular disorder, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease affects one out of every 2,500 people in the United States, and more than three million people worldwide (CMT Research Foundation, n.d.). It is caused by genetic mutations, passed down from parent to child. CMT affects the peripheral nerves, most often those of the arms, hands, legs, and feet. As the disease progresses, the patient experiences worsening numbness and muscle weakness (Figure 23.16). Other symptoms of CMT include the following:

  • weak grip
  • tripping or imbalance
  • shuffling or dragging feet while walking
  • cold hands and feet
  • numbness and tingling of hands and feet
  • curled toes (“hammertoes”)
  • high arches in the feet
The image shows a close-up of a child’s foot being held by an adult’s hand. The child’s foot is slightly deformed, with an elevated arch and toes pointing downward, a condition indicative of a possible neuromuscular disorder. The adult’s hand is gently supporting the child’s foot. In the background, a red stool and various medical equipment can be seen, suggesting a clinical setting. The focus is on the interaction between the adult and child, highlighting the physical characteristics of the child’s foot.
Figure 23.16 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease causes hammertoes in addition to other possible symptoms. (credit: Liao YC, Liu YT, Tsai PC, Chang CC, Huang YH, Soong BW, Lee YC/NIH, CC BY 4.0)

Currently, there is no cure for this disease. Symptom management is attempted with pain medications, foot splints, shoe inserts, and physical and occupational therapy, but these efforts do not treat the underlying disorder.

Congenital Myopathy

A genetic muscle deformity that is present from birth is called congenital myopathy. These conditions are rare but serious because they result in lack of muscle tone and severe muscle weakness. There are several subtypes of congenital myopathy, but they all cause similar symptoms including the following:

  • decreased muscle tone, known as hypotonia
  • muscle weakness, particularly in the neck, shoulders, and pelvis
  • breathing and feeding issues
  • developmental delays, such as being unable to sit up or roll over
  • falling or stumbling

Treatment for congenital myopathy typically focuses on managing symptoms and improving quality of life. This may involve physical therapy to maintain muscle strength and mobility, occupational therapy to assist with daily activities, and respiratory therapy to address breathing difficulties. In some cases, medications such as corticosteroids or medications to improve muscle function may be prescribed. Assistive devices such as braces, walkers, or wheelchairs might also be used to aid mobility. Additionally, genetic counseling may be offered to families to understand the inheritance pattern and provide information about potential risks for future generations.

Muscular Dystrophy

A group of muscular disorders called muscular dystrophy are caused by genetic mutations. All types of muscular dystrophies result in progressive muscle weakness. Nurses should be aware of some of the more common types of muscular dystrophies and their key differences (Table 23.4).

Type Characteristics
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD)
  • Most common types of muscular dystrophy.
  • Primarily affects males with onset between ages 2 and 3.
  • Primary symptom is muscle weakness, first affecting the proximal muscles and later affecting muscles of the extremities.
  • Other symptoms include calf enlargement, waddling gait, and inward curvature of the spine.
  • Results in eventual respiratory failure due to scoliosis and diaphragmatic muscle weakness.
  • Life expectancy for DMD is early 20s; BMD life expectancy is about 30 to 40 years of age.
Myotonic (DM)
  • Affects males and females equally.
  • Muscle weakness typically begins between 10 and 30 years of age.
Limb-girdle (LGMD)
  • Affects males and females equally.
  • Upper arms and legs are the first areas to experience muscle weakness.
Facioscapulohumeral (FSHD)
  • Affects males and females equally.
  • Muscle weakness typically begins in early adulthood and affects the face, shoulders, and upper arms first.
Congenital (CMD)
  • Rare, affecting 1 in 100,000 people.
  • Affects males and females equally.
  • Symptoms begin at birth or in early infancy.
Table 23.4 Characteristics of the Most Common Types of Muscular Dystrophy (Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2024.)

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Previously known as Lou Gehrig disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurological disorder that affects motor neurons. Onset of ALS is variable but may occur between 40 and 70 years of age. A nerve cell that receives signals from the brain and spinal cord that cause voluntary skeletal muscle movements and breathing is called a motor neuron. As ALS progresses, more motor neurons die, resulting in muscle weakness, twitching, and atrophy. Eventually, ALS causes complete loss of control over voluntary movements including walking, talking, eating, and even breathing. Some of the early symptoms of this condition include the following:

  • muscle twitching, especially in the arms and legs
  • muscle cramping
  • spasticity of the muscles
  • muscle weakness
  • slurred speech
  • difficulty swallowing

Other symptoms may develop later such as drooling, inability to form words and speak, unintended emotional displays (e.g., crying or laughing at inappropriate times), and severe weight loss. Unfortunately, there is no current cure for ALS; however, there are several medications available that have been shown to improve symptoms and slow the progression of the disease (e.g., riluzole [Exservan], edaravone [Radicava]). The majority of patients with ALS only survive two to five years after diagnosis (ALS Association, n.d.).

Myasthenia Gravis

An autoimmune disorder, myasthenia gravis is a disorder in which antibodies attack the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) of skeletal muscles, resulting in progressive muscle weakness (e.g., arms, hands, fingers, legs, neck) and fatigue. Initial symptoms of myasthenia gravis happen suddenly; although initial symptoms may be so mild that diagnosis is delayed. Symptoms of myasthenia gravis include the following:

  • eyelid drooping, known as ptosis (Figure 23.17).
  • double vision, known as diplopia
  • difficulty swallowing, known as dysphagia
  • difficulty changing facial expressions
  • difficulty speaking
  • weak neck muscles, making it difficult to support the head
The image is a close-up of a person’s eyes, showing a condition known as ptosis. The person’s right eyelid (on the left side of the image) is drooping significantly compared to the left eyelid. Both eyes are open and looking forward, with the difference in eyelid position clearly visible. The person’s eyebrows and the skin around the eyes are also shown, providing context for the drooping eyelid. This condition, ptosis, can result from various underlying causes, including muscle weakness or nerve damage.
Figure 23.17 Progressive muscle weakness in myasthenia gravis results in ptosis (i.e., drooping eyelids). (credit: Andrewya/Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain)

Several pharmacological therapies are available for the treatment of myasthenia gravis. These include cholinesterase inhibitors to improve communication between the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Corticosteroids or immunosuppressants can also be used to help limit production of antibodies.

Multiple Sclerosis

A neurological disorder, multiple sclerosis (MS) causes immune system cells to attack myelin, the protective coating on nerves. MS symptoms typically begin between the ages of 20 and 40; however, the course of the disease varies from person to person. Some patients with MS may have a mild type, causing minimal symptoms. On the other hand, some patients may have a severe case that progressively worsens over time. In many cases, patients with MS have periods of exacerbation where symptoms are worse and periods of remission where symptoms improve temporarily. Nurses should understand the different subtypes of MS (Table 23.5).

Type of MS Description
  • Symptoms occur as exacerbations or “attacks.”
  • Between attacks, symptoms improve or resolve completely, resulting in remission.
  • Remission times between attacks vary from weeks to years.
  • Occurs after being diagnosed with relapsing-remitting type.
  • Symptoms begin to worsen over time with significant deterioration in physical functioning.
  • Progressively worsening symptoms from the beginning without any exacerbations or periods of remission.
  • Most rare subtype.
  • Steadily worsening symptoms from the beginning with acute relapses that further worsen symptoms.
Table 23.5 Subtypes of Multiple Sclerosis

The earliest signs and symptoms of MS include the following:

  • blurry or double vision
  • muscle weakness, most often in the hands and legs
  • muscle spasms
  • tingling or numbness
  • clumsiness when walking
  • inability to control bladder
  • dizziness
  • fatigue

In the later course of the disease, cognitive dysfunction is common. Patients may have trouble focusing on tasks, thinking, learning new things, or remembering memories. Unfortunately, there is no definitive cure for MS at present. There are, however, many treatments available for symptom control. Specifically, corticosteroids are used in an attempt to prevent the body from attacking its own myelin cells. Several disease-modifying medications have been approved for treatment of MS that work similarly to steroids to suppress the immune system.

Patient Conversations

Your Patient Has Received a New Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis

Scenario: Nurse walks into the patient’s room to check vital signs. The patient has just been diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS).

Nurse: Hi, my name is Dana, and I’ll be your nurse today. Please confirm your name and date of birth before we get started.

Patient: Sure. It’s Serena James and my birthday is 11/24/1986.

Nurse: Great, thank you. Before I check your vital signs, I just wanted to check in and see how you’re feeling. I know that you were recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, which may be difficult to process. How are you doing?

Patient: I’ve definitely been better. I’m only in my 30s, so it’s really unfair! I didn’t have any questions when the doctor was in here but now that I’ve had a little time to think, I have a million things to ask. Would you be able to answer some of my questions?

Nurse: Of course. And if there’s any question I don’t know the answer to, I’m happy to relay the question to your doctor for you.

Patient: Thank you so much. For starters, what is MS? Like, how in the world did I get it when I’m so young and healthy?

Nurse: That’s a really good question. Unfortunately, so far science hasn’t shown a specific cause of MS, so we don’t really know. In most cases though, there is some kind of autoimmune action occurring in your body. That means that your immune system is attacking the outside coating of your nerves, which eventually slows down brain signals to your muscles.

Patient: That sounds terrifying! What will happen to me when those signals are slowed down?

Nurse: It’s hard to say because symptoms vary from person to person depending on the form of MS that you have, but most of the time symptoms of MS include blurry vision, muscle weakness, tingling in the hands and feet, and dizziness. Later on, you might start dealing with confusion or have trouble focusing on tasks.

Patient: What do you mean, the “form” I have?

Nurse: There are several different types of MS and thankfully, you were diagnosed with the mildest type. It’s called relapsing-remitting MS. This means that you’ll have periods of time where you have exacerbations, or “attacks” during which your symptoms get worse, but you’ll also have periods of remission where your symptoms improve. Remission times can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few years.

Patient: I suppose that’s reassuring. Are there any treatments available for it?

Nurse: There’s no cure at the moment, but there are a lot of treatment options to help the symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease. A lot of patients with MS benefit from being on steroids that can slow your immune system down, which in turn slows down the disease. I think you would really benefit from a support group where you can talk about these things with other people your age who have also been diagnosed with this condition. Would it be okay if I print some resources and phone numbers for you to connect with these groups?

Patient: Yes, I would love that. Thank you so much!

Nurse: You’re very welcome. I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with this. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help you.

Cerebral Palsy

An umbrella term for a group of disorders that affect the ability to move and stay balanced is cerebral palsy (CP), which occurs because of damage to the brain during pregnancy, childbirth, or in early infancy. There are several subtypes, each with their own associated signs and symptoms. Some early signs that a baby may have one of the forms of CP include the following:

  • head lag when being picked up from lying on the back
  • overly stiff or floppy extremities
  • overextension of back and neck, making it seem as if the baby is pushing themselves away from the caregiver when being held
  • leg stiffening or scissoring when being picked up
  • inability to roll over after 6 months of age
  • lopsided crawling or inability to crawl at all

Currently, there is no cure for CP; however, several interventions are available to treat symptoms of the condition. These interventions include medications, braces and adaptive devices, physical and occupational therapies, and potentially surgery in severe cases.

Spinal Cord Injuries

When there is damage to the spinal cord, a spinal cord injury occurs, often as a result of trauma (e.g., a motor vehicle accident, a fall) or cancer. The rest of the body below the damaged level of the spinal cord is affected and often results in irreversible damage and limited mobility. In some cases, the damage to the spinal cord is incomplete, leaving some sensation and mobility below the level of damage. However, in complete spinal cord injury, all feeling and ability to control movement are lost. This complete loss of sensation and mobility is called paralysis. Paralysis can be further classified as tetraplegia (quadriplegia), which is paralysis from the neck down, or paraplegia, which is paralysis of the legs and portions of the trunk but not the arms. Common symptoms of spinal cord injuries include the following:

  • immobility of affected extremities
  • loss or changes in sensation (e.g., feeling extreme temperatures)
  • loss of bowel or bladder control
  • involuntary muscle spasms
  • hyperactive reflexes
  • sexual dysfunction
  • trouble breathing (more common with higher spinal cord injuries)

Treatment for spinal cord injuries depends on the extent of the damage but typically involves intense physical and occupational therapy.

Real RN Stories

Spinal Cord Injury

Nurse: Frankie, BSN
Clinical setting: Intensive care unit (ICU)
Years in practice: 5
Facility location: The inner city of a large metropolitan area in California

I arrived at work for my night shift at 1700 hours and was told that I’d be floating to the emergency department (ED). After I arrived in the ED, I was told by the charge nurse that a patient with suspected spinal cord injury would be arriving any minute and that I was being assigned to that patient. Not even three minutes later, paramedics rushed through the door with the patient.

The paramedics looked very concerned as they wheeled my patient into his assigned room. I could see that the patient was already intubated, on a ventilator, had a cervical collar on, and was not moving any of his extremities. Adhering to cervical spine precautions, we moved the patient from the stretcher onto the hospital bed. The paramedics then gave me a quick report of what happened.

“This is Josh Myers, 17-year-old male. He was swimming with friends and dove into shallow water. He was underwater for a few minutes before his friends realized he wasn’t coming up to the surface. His friends pulled him out and called 911. They did CPR and by the time we got there he had a pulse, but we immediately had to intubate the patient. We have not seen any purposeful movement in any of his extremities, so we’re worried about a high spinal cord injury. His parents have been contacted and they’re on their way here now.”

I began to assess the patient, confirming that there was no purposeful movement in his extremities. The trauma provider ordered a STAT CT scan, which showed a cervical spinal cord injury. I cared for this patient for three days in a row, ultimately learning that he would need to be on a ventilator for the rest of his life because the injury occurred so high in the spinal cord. The patient’s mental state remained intact, which made this situation quite difficult for him to process, being only 17 years old. As a nurse, it was difficult for me as well to see a healthy teenager be permanently disabled from a completely preventable accident.

Effects of Neuromuscular Impairment

There are many disorders that can adversely affect the neuromuscular system, all with different causes and symptoms. However, many of these disorders share similar symptoms, including loss of balance; muscle weakness and stiffness; muscle atrophy; pain; and breathing, swallowing, and vision impairment.

Loss of Balance

Loss of balance in neuromuscular conditions occurs via two main mechanisms. First, neuromuscular disorders cause muscle weakness, which in turn makes it difficult to maintain balance and posture. When muscles of the trunk and core are weak, the center of gravity of the body is off, making it difficult to stay balanced. The other mechanism behind loss of balance is related to slow nerve signals being sent to the muscles, such as seen in multiple sclerosis. Essentially, the muscles are not receiving signals from the brain in a timely manner, making it difficult to move in a way that consciously or unconsciously maintains balance and posture. Loss of balance can be dangerous, especially in older adults, who are already more prone to falls. For neuromuscular conditions that cause a loss of balance, adaptive devices may be required to assist with ambulation and other movements to decrease the risk of a fall and subsequent injury.

Muscle Weakness and Stiffness

Muscle weakness and/or stiffness are hallmark symptoms of many neuromuscular conditions. In fact, they are often the presenting symptom that indicates the need for follow-up, which leads to eventual diagnosis of the disorder. In some conditions, such as with myasthenia gravis, muscle weakness is related to the direct muscle damage that occurs as part of an autoimmune system attack on muscle tissue. In many other neuromuscular conditions, brain or nerve damage results in slowing of nerve signals sent to muscles. With a lack of nerve signals being sent to skeletal muscles, they are not used as often or as efficiently, resulting in weakness related to immobility. Most neuromuscular conditions that cause muscle weakness require extensive physical and occupational therapy in conjunction with adaptive devices to preserve and improve the patient’s mobility.

Muscle Atrophy

Wasting and breakdown of muscle tissue, muscle atrophy, is another common clinical manifestation of many neuromuscular disorders (Figure 23.18). When muscles are not being used often enough, they become weak and waste away. This wasting away of muscles further contributes to the cycle of muscle weakness, resulting in an inability to effectively move and maintain balance and posture.

The image is a detailed pencil drawing of the back of a person with significant muscle atrophy. The individual is shown from behind, with visible wasting of the muscles around the shoulders, upper back, and arms. The shoulder blades (scapulae) are prominently protruding, and the spine is clearly visible due to the severe loss of muscle mass. The person’s hair is short, and they appear to be wearing a loose garment around the waist. The drawing is labeled with the number "137" in the upper right corner.
Figure 23.18 Muscle atrophy occurs as a manifestation of many neuromuscular conditions. (credit: “Case of progressive muscular atrophy”/Wellcome Images, CC BY 4.0)


Chronic pain is a common clinical manifestation of many neuromuscular conditions. In some conditions, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, pain can be severe and debilitating, affecting all aspects of everyday life. Other conditions, such as mild forms of multiple sclerosis, may cause some pain but not enough to significantly affect activities of daily living (ADLs). As with all patients, it is important for the healthcare team to recognize that “pain is what the patient says it is,” and treat them accordingly. It is also important to know that patients with neuromuscular disorders often have good days where pain is minimal and bad days where pain is debilitating. Pain management should be an included component in the care plan for every patient who is diagnosed with a neuromuscular disorder.

Breathing Impairment

Breathing impairment may occur with some neuromuscular disorders, most often at the end of the course of the disease. In conditions that cause muscle weakness and atrophy, muscles such as the diaphragm and intercostal muscles are eventually affected, resulting in an inability to breathe effectively. In fact, respiratory muscle weakness is one of the leading causes of death in patients with neuromuscular disorders (Khanbabaee et al., 2023). Additionally, in conditions that affect the cervical spinal cord, such as with high spinal cord injury, the nerves that innervate the breathing center of the brain may be affected, which inhibits the patient’s ability to breathe. These patients often require a tracheostomy (an opening in the trachea into which a tube is placed that allows for mechanical ventilation to be delivered) for the course of their life because they are no longer able to breathe or breathe adequately on their own.

Swallowing Impairment

Difficulty swallowing, or dysphagia, is a common clinical manifestation of many neuromuscular disorders. Muscles of the mouth, pharynx, and upper esophagus become weakened, making it difficult for the patient to chew and swallow effectively. This is a concern for many reasons. First and foremost, dysphagia increases the risk of aspiration, which occurs when food or other foreign particles enter the airway. Aspiration can become life-threatening when it limits the patient’s ability to breathe effectively. Another concern with dysphagia is that it can significantly and adversely affect the patient’s quality of life. Dysphagia can cause malnutrition and can also take the enjoyment out of eating, resulting in depression and negative feelings toward food.

Vision Impairment

Vision impairment is not quite as common as the symptoms discussed in the previous sections but can still occur as a clinical manifestation of some neuromuscular disorders. In most cases, there is damage to the optic nerve, which results in pain and decreased vision. This is especially true for conditions such as multiple sclerosis that cause demyelination of nerve cells. When the optic nerve is attacked, vision is negatively affected.


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