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Fundamentals of Nursing

Review Questions

Fundamentals of NursingReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
A patient is scheduled for surgery, and informed consent is to be obtained. The student nurse is aware of what action as a potential responsibility of the RN?
  1. Describe the procedure in detail.
  2. Review the risks of the procedure.
  3. Witness the patient’s signature.
  4. Explain alternatives to the surgery.
2 .
The concept of health literacy is represented by what description?
  1. find, understand, and use medical information
  2. an ability to understand a teaching pamphlet
  3. superior skill accessing internet websites
  4. advanced university education and degrees
3 .
What is not associated with a patient’s readiness to learn?
  1. post-therapy fatigue
  2. education level
  3. extreme pain
  4. increasing anxiety
4 .
A patient is scheduled for surgery to start in 30 minutes. After the surgeon met with the patient, obtained informed consent, and left for the operating room, the patient tells the nurse, “I don’t think I want to have this surgery. It’s so risky, and I still have many questions.” How should the nurse respond?
  1. “It’s too late now, you’ve signed the consent form.”
  2. “It will be fine; the doctor has done many of these.”
  3. “Let me call the doctor to address your concerns.”
  4. “I’ll call the operating room to cancel the surgery.”
5 .
A patient has scheduled to talk to the nurse practitioner about increasing inability to plan and prepare meals. The nurse distinguishes this as a component of which of the Seven Pillars of Self-Care?
  1. physical activity
  2. good hygiene
  3. healthy eating
  4. risk avoidance or mitigation
6 .
In anticipation of teaching a large group of learners, a nurse prepares by analyzing journal articles about higher stages of thoughts and thinking. What term distinguishes this concept?
  1. cognitive
  2. affective
  3. metacognitive
  4. psychomotor
7 .
A nurse has taught a patient’s family how to perform tracheostomy suction and daily care. After several practice sessions, the nurse provides a critique. What level of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy does this represent?
  1. creation
  2. analysis
  3. evaluation
  4. application
8 .
A patient who has had heart failure for a year tells the nurse he tires quickly, and he asks for ways to improve his heart function so he can do more. The nurse establishes what behavior as representing which affective subdomain?
  1. receiving
  2. responding
  3. valuing
  4. characterizing
9 .
A nurse is teaching a patient who rides a motorcycle about the benefits of wearing a helmet when riding. Such education represents which directive of professional nursing practice?
  1. ANA’s Social Policy Statement
  2. NCSBN’s NCLEX-RN exam
  3. ANA’s Scope and Standards of Practice
  4. the state’s Nurse Practice Act
10 .
A nurse is guiding a patient’s spouse to assistance available for access to food. This illustrates what nursing role?
  1. counselor
  2. teacher
  3. evaluator
  4. observer
11 .
A nurse who smiles during interactions with patients and families demonstrates what skill that aids effective teaching?
  1. knowledgeable
  2. dependable
  3. flexible
  4. approachable
12 .
A nurse notifies the hospitalist about a patient’s treatment wishes. What ANA Standard of Professional Practice does this exemplify?
  1. Standard 1: Assessment
  2. Standard 5B: Health Teaching and Health Promotion
  3. Standard 8: Advocacy
  4. Standard 9: Respectful and Equitable Practice
13 .
A patient has been taught how to use an automated blood pressure cuff and to keep a daily diary. Later in the day, the nurse observes the patient showing a grandchild how to use the device. This is an example of what evaluation method?
  1. verbalization of understanding
  2. return demonstration of skill
  3. direct observation of action
  4. completion of checklist
14 .
A patient has been taught about the pathophysiology related to a new diagnosis. What method will be most effective to determine effectiveness of the teaching?
  1. checklist
  2. direct observation
  3. verbalization
  4. return demonstration
15 .
A nurse determines a patient does not understand the use of a glucometer after teaching. To determine next steps, what action should the nurse take?
  1. Reevaluate the patient’s glucometer use.
  2. Ask the patient to describe the use of the glucometer.
  3. Make changes to the checklist so it is shorter.
  4. Reassess the patient’s learning needs.
16 .
After teaching a patient how to use an insulin pen, the nurse asks the patient to show the steps and describe what is being done. What evaluation method is the nurse using?
  1. verbalization of understanding
  2. direct observation of actions
  3. return demonstration of skills
  4. checklist
17 .
The nurse determines that a patient did not understand teaching about a new medication. What action should the nurse take?
  1. Work with the patient to define new goals.
  2. Consider a different teaching method.
  3. Ask if the patient has questions about the medication.
  4. Document that education was provided.
18 .
Evaluation of education provides the nurse educator with what piece of important information?
  1. whether the identified problem has been resolved
  2. information about the patient’s learning preference
  3. critical planning information based on diagnosis
  4. necessary background about teaching methodology

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