Try It
nine trillion, two hundred fifty-eight billion, one hundred thirty-seven million, nine hundred four thousand, sixty-one
seventeen trillion, eight hundred sixty-four billion, three hundred twenty-five million, six hundred nineteen thousand four
ⓐ 14 is less than or equal to 27 ⓑ 19 minus 2 is not equal to 8 ⓒ 12 is greater than 4 divided by 2 ⓓ x minus 7 is less than 1
ⓐ 19 is greater than or equal to 15 ⓑ 7 is equal to 12 minus 5 ⓒ 15 divided by 3 is less than 8 ⓓ y plus 3 is greater than 6
Section 1.1 Exercises
Section 1.2 Exercises
2 is less than or equal to 18 divided by 6; 2 is less than or equal to the quotient of eighteen and six
Section 1.3 Exercises
Section 1.4 Exercises
Section 1.5 Exercises
Section 1.6 Exercises
Section 1.7 Exercises
Section 1.8 Exercises
Section 1.9 Exercises
Section 1.10 Exercises
Review Exercises
3 is less than or equal to 20 divided by 4, three is less than or equal to the quotient of twenty and four