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Contemporary Mathematics

8.3 Mean, Median and Mode

Contemporary Mathematics8.3 Mean, Median and Mode

A group of four people are standing in a line in order by increasing height.
Figure 8.29 What does it mean to say someone has average height? (credit: modification of work “I’m the tallest” by Jenn Durfey/Flickr, CC BY 2.0)

Learning Objectives

After completing this section, you should be able to:

  1. Calculate the mode of a dataset.
  2. Calculate the median of a dataset.
  3. Calculate the mean of a dataset.
  4. Contrast measures of central tendency to identify the most representative average.
  5. Solve application problems involving mean, median, and mode.

What exactly do we mean when we describe something as "average"? Is the height of an average person the height that more people share than any other? What if we line up every person in the world, in order from shortest to tallest, and find the person right in the middle: Is that person’s height the average? Or maybe it’s something more complicated.

Imagine a game where you and a friend are trying to guess the typical person’s height. Once the guesses are made, you bring in every person and measure their height. You and your friend figure out how far off each of your guesses were from the actual value, then square that number. The result is the number of points you earn for that person. After we check every height and award points accordingly, the person with the lower score wins (because a lower score means that person’s guess was, overall, closer to the actual values). Could we define the average height to be the number that you should guess to give you the smallest possible score?

Each of these three methods of determining the “average” is commonly used. They are all methods of measuring centrality (or central tendency). Centrality is just a word that describes the middle of a set of data. All give potentially different results, and all are useful for different reasons. In this section, we’ll explore each of these methods of finding the “average.”

The Mode

In our discussion of average heights, the first possible definition we offered was the height that more people share than any other. This is the mode, or the value that appears most often. If there are two modes, the data are bimodal.

Let’s look at some examples.

Example 8.15

Finding the Mode Using a Stem-and-Leaf Plot

In Example 8.9, we looked at a stem-and-leaf plot of the sale prices (in dollars) of a particular collectible trading card:

0 5 8 9
1 0 0 0 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 9 9
2 0 0 0 0 5 5 9 9
3 0 0 0 5 5
4 0 0 5
6 0

What is the mode price?

Your Turn 8.15

In Example 8.10, we constructed a stem-and-leaf plot for the number of times in one minute that different crickets chirped:
8 2 2 4 5 9 9 9
9 1 1 2 3 7 9
10 0 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 9 9
11 5 6
12 0
What is the mode of the number of chirps in a minute?

When we have a complete list of the data or a stem-and-leaf plot, it’s pretty straightforward to find the mode; we just need to find the number that appears most often. If we’re given a frequency distribution instead, the technique is different (but just as straightforward): we’re looking for the number with the highest frequency.

Example 8.16

Finding the Mode Using a Frequency Distribution

In Example 8.3, we created a frequency distribution of the number of siblings of conflict resolution class attendees.

Number of Siblings Frequency
0 5
1 13
2 6
3 3
4 2
5 1

What is the mode of the number of siblings?

Your Turn 8.16

In Your Turn 8.3, you found a frequency distribution for the number of people who shared a residence with people in a sample.
Number of People in the Residence Frequency
1 12
2 13
3 8
4 6
5 1
What’s the mode of the number of people in these residences?

What happens if there is no number in the data that appears more than once? In that case, by our definition, every data value is a mode. But according to some other definitions, the data would have no mode. In practice, though, it doesn’t really matter; if no data value appears more than once, then the mode is not helpful at all as a measure of centrality.

The Median

Let's revisit our example of trying to identify the height of the “average” person. If we lined everyone up in order by height and found the person right in the middle, that person’s height is called the median, or the value that is greater than no more than half and less than no more than half of the values.

Let’s look at a really simple example. Consider the following list of numbers: 11, 12, 13, 13, 14. Is the first number on the list, 11, the median? There are no values less than 11 (that’s 0%), and there are four values greater than 11 (that’s 80%). Since more than 50% of the data are greater than 11, the definition is violated; it’s not the median. Here’s a chart with the rest of the data, with red shading to show where the definition is violated:

Data Value Number of Values Below Percentage of Values Below Number of Values Above Percentage of Values Above
11 0 0% 4 80%
12 1 20% 3 60%
13 2 40% 1 20%
14 4 80% 0 0%
Table 8.10

Only 13 has no violations, so it’s the median according to the definition. In practice, we find the median just like we described in the average height example: by lining up all the data values in order from smallest to largest and picking the value in the middle. For our easy example (with data values 11, 12, 13, 13, 14), that first 13 is right in the middle; there are two values to the left and two values to the right. If there’s not one value right in the middle, we pick the two closest, then choose the number exactly between them. For example, let’s say we have the data 41, 44, 46, 53. Since there are an even number of data values in our list, we can’t pick the one right in the middle. The two closest to the middle are 44 and 46, so we’ll choose the number halfway between those to be the median: 45. As this example shows, the median (unlike the mode) doesn’t have to be a number in our original set of data.

In the examples we’ve looked at so far, it’s been pretty easy to identify which number is right in the middle. If we had a very large dataset, though, it might be harder. Fortunately, we have some formulas to help us with that.


Suppose we have a set of data with nn values, ordered from smallest to largest. If nn is odd, then the median is the data value at position n+12n+12. If nn is even, then we find the values at positions n2n2 and n2+1n2+1. If those values are named aa and bb, then the median is defined to be a+b2a+b2.

Let’s put those formulas to work in an example.

Example 8.17

Finding the Median Using a Stem-and-Leaf Plot

In Example 8.9, we looked at a stem-and-leaf plot that contained 33 sale prices (in dollars) of a particular collectible trading card:

0 5 8 9
1 0 0 0 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 9 9
2 0 0 0 0 5 5 9 9
3 0 0 0 5 5
4 0 0 5
6 0

What is the median price?

Your Turn 8.17

Consider the data given in this stem-and-leaf plot (there are 17 data values):
12 1 2 2 5
13 0 3 4 4 6 8
14 2 5 9 9
15 0 3
17 0
What is the median of this data?

Now, let’s tackle an example with an even number of values.

Example 8.18

Finding the Median

In Example 8.10, we looked at the number of times different crickets (of differing species, genders, etc.) chirped in a one-minute span. That data is again provided below:

89 97 82 102 84 99
115 105 89 109 107 89
101 109 116 103 100 91
93 103 120 91 85 104
104 82 106 92 104 106

Find the median.

Your Turn 8.18

This table gives the records of the Major League Baseball teams at the end of the 2019 season:
Team Wins Losses Team Wins Losses
HOU 107 55 PHI 81 81
LAD 106 56 TEX 78 84
NYY 103 59 SFG 77 85
MIN 101 61 CIN 75 87
ATL 97 65 CHW 72 89
OAK 97 65 LAA 72 90
TBR 96 66 COL 71 91
CLE 93 69 SDP 70 92
WSN 93 69 PIT 69 93
STL 91 71 SEA 68 94
MIL 89 73 TOR 67 95
NYM 86 76 KCR 59 103
ARI 85 77 MIA 57 105
BOS 84 78 BAL 54 108
CHC 84 78 DET 47 114
Table 8.11 (source:
What is the median number of wins?

Example 8.19

Finding the Median Using a Frequency Distribution

In Example 8.3, we created a frequency distribution of the number of siblings of the people who attended a conflict resolution class. Let's review that data again:

Number of Siblings Frequency
0 5
1 13
2 6
3 3
4 2
5 1

What is the median of the number of siblings?

Your Turn 8.19

In Your Turn 8.3, you found a frequency distribution for the number of people who shared a residence with people in a sample. Let's review that data again:
Number of People in the Residence Frequency
1 12
2 13
3 8
4 6
5 1
What’s the median of the number of people in these residences?

The Mean

Recall our example of ways we could identify the “average” height of an individual. The last method we discussed was also the most complicated. It involved a game where the player guesses a height, then figures out how far off that guess is from every single person’s height. Those differences get squared and added together to get a score. Our next measure of centrality gives the lowest possible score: No other guess would beat it in the game. Given a dataset containing n total values, the mean of the dataset is the sum of all the data values, divided by n.

This is a computation you have likely done before. In many places, including spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, this number is called the average. For statisticians, though, the word average has too many possible meanings, so they prefer the one we’ll use: mean.

Example 8.20

Finding the Mean

Compute the mean of the numbers 12, 15, 17, 18, 18, and 19.

Your Turn 8.20

Compute the mean of the numbers 5, 8, 11, 12, 12, 12, 15, 18, and 20. Round your answer to three decimal places.

Example 8.21

Finding the Mean Using a Frequency Distribution

Refer again to the frequency distribution of the number of siblings people who attended a conflict resolution class reported:

Number of Siblings Frequency
0 5
1 13
2 6
3 3
4 2
5 1

What is the mean of the number of siblings?

Your Turn 8.21

Refer again to the frequency distribution of the number of people who shared a residence with people in a sample:
Number of People in the Residence Frequency
1 12
2 13
3 8
What’s the mean of the number of people in these residences?

As the number of data values we are considering grows, the computation for the mean gets more and more complicated. That’s why people generally trust technology to perform that computation.

Note that a recent update to Google Sheets introduced a new function called “MODE.MULT,” which will find every mode (not just the first one on the list).

Example 8.22

Using Google Sheets to Compute Measures of Centrality

The dataset "InState" contains the in-state tuitions of every college and university in the country that reported that data to the Department of Education. Find the mode, median, and mean of those in-state tuition values.

Your Turn 8.22

The dataset "MLB2019" gives the number of wins for every Major League Baseball team in the 2019 season. Use Google Sheets to find the mode(s), median, and mean.

Which Is Better: Mode, Median, or Mean?

If the mode, median, and mean all purport to measure the same thing (centrality), why do we need all three? The answer is complicated, as each measure has its own strengths and weaknesses. The mode is simple to compute, but there may be more than one. Further, if no data value appears more than once, the mode is entirely unhelpful. As for the mean and median, the main difference between these two measures is how each is affected by extreme values.

Consider this example: the mean and median of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are both 3. But what if the dataset is instead 1, 2, 3, 4, 10? The median is still 3, but the mean is now 4. What this example shows is that the mean is sensitive to extreme values, while the median isn’t. This knowledge can help us decide which of the two is more relevant for a given dataset. If it is important that the really high or really low values are reflected in the measure of centrality, then the mean is the better option. If very high or low values are not important, however, then we should stick with the median.

The decision between mean and median only really matters if the data are skewed. If the data are symmetric, then the mean and median are going to be approximately equal, and the distinction between them is irrelevant. If the data are skewed, the mean gets pulled in the direction of the skew (i.e., if the data are right-skewed, then the mean will be bigger than the median; if the data are left-skewed, the opposite relation is true).

Example 8.23

Choosing Which Measure of Centrality to Use

For the following situations, decide which measure(s) of centrality would be best:

  1. You found a used car that you like, and you want to know if the price is too high or too low. You find a list of sale prices for that make and model, and you see that the distribution of those prices is skewed to the right. Some of the prices at the high end are close to the original sale price of the car, so you guess that those cars might have really low mileage, or have other enhancements added on that increased the value (but which don’t apply to the car you found).
  2. You are asked to analyze the responses to a survey. One of the questions asked, “How strongly do you agree with the statement, ‘I believe my elected representatives have my best interests in mind when they vote’?” Responses are a number between 1 and 5, with 1 representing “strongly disagree” and 5 representing “strongly agree.”
  3. You are asked to find the “average” household income for a zip code. Those values are skewed right.
  4. Thinking back to the situation at the beginning of this section: you want to find “average” height. The data you’ve collected seem to be distributed symmetrically.

Your Turn 8.23

For the following situations, decide which measure(s) of centrality would be best:
The data come from a survey question where the responses range from 1 (“not interested”) to 10 (“very interested”).
The data are fuel efficiency measures (in miles per gallon) for various vehicles. The data are right-skewed.
The data are scores on an exam, and they are left-skewed.

Check Your Understanding

Use the given stem-and-leaf plot to determine the mode, median, and mean:
8 8 9
9 0 0 7
10 2 5 6 7 8
11 1 2 2 2 4 5 7 9 9
12 0 0 3 5 7
13 0 1 1 4

A survey of college students asked how many courses those students were currently taking. The results are summarized in this frequency distribution:

Number of Classes Frequency
1 1
2 3
3 16
4 8
5 4
Find the mode of the number of classes.
Find the median of the number of classes.
Find the mean of the number of classes.
Employees at a college help desk track the number of people who request assistance each week, as recorded below:
142 153 158 156 141 143 155 167 143 168
139 158 156 146 137 153 138 156 164 130
136 127 157 148 132 139 133 157 148 136
Compute the mode.
Compute the median.
Compute the mean.
The following table provides admission rates of the different branch campuses in the University of California system, along with the out-of-state tuition and fee cost:
Campus Admission Rate Cost ($)
Berkeley 0.1484 43,176
Davis 0.4107 43,394
Irvine 0.2876 42,692
Los Angeles 0.1404 42,218
Merced 0.6617 42,530
Riverside 0.5057 42,819
San Diego 0.3006 43,159
Santa Barbara 0.322 43,383
Santa Cruz 0.4737 42,952
Compute the mode, median, and mean admission rate.
Compute the mode, median, and mean cost.
Consider the data in “InState,”, which shows in-state tuition and fees for most institutions of higher learning in the United States. Compute the mode, median, and mean.
Workers for a particular company have complained that their wages are too low, while the management says wages are plenty high. If the company’s salaries are right-skewed, which measure of centrality will the workers choose to represent salary? Which will management choose?

Section 8.3 Exercises

Use the steam-and-leaf plot below to answer the questions. Round all answers to three decimal places.
0 1 1 1 2 6 6 7
1 0 0 0 0 2 5 5 9
2 0 0 5 9
3 0 5
4 0
1 .
Find the mode.
2 .
Find the median.
3 .
Find the mean.
Use the stem-and-leaf plot below to answer the following questions. Round all answers to three decimal places.
7 8
8 0 6
9 1 1 4 8
10 0 0 3 5 9
11 0 0 1 1 1 2 6 8
12 0 1 5
4 .
Find the mode.
5 .
Find the median.
6 .
Find the mean.
The following table shows the frequency distribution for a number of countries visited by students. Use this table to answer the questions, rounding all answers to three decimal places.
Number of Countries Frequency
0 13
1 11
2 5
3 1
7 .
Find the mode of the number of countries visited.
8 .
Find the median of the number of countries visited.
9 .
Find the mean of the number of countries visited.
The following table shows the frequency distribution for the number of fumbles by a selection of football players. Use this table to answer the questions, rounding all answers to three decimal places.
Number of Fumbles Frequency
0 5
1 13
2 3
3 4
10 .
Find the mode of the number of fumbles.
11 .
Find the median of the number of fumbles.
12 .
Find the mean of the number of fumbles.
A public opinion poll about an upcoming election asked respondents, “How many political advertisements do you recall seeing on television in the last 24 hours?” Use this data to answer the questions, rounding all answers to three decimal places.
6 2 5 5 2 2 4 1 3 0 1 2 1 6 2
5 2 4 8 6 3 3 4 2 5 3 4 2 2 3
13 .
Compute the mode.
14 .
Compute the median.
15 .
Compute the mean.
For the following exercises, use the data found in “TNSchools”, which has data on many institutions of higher education in the state of Tennessee. Here are what the columns represent:
Column Name Description
AdmRate Proportion of applicants that are admitted
UGEnr Number of undergraduate students
PTUG Proportion of undergraduates who attend part-time
InState Tuition and fees for in-state students
OutState Tuition and fees for out-of-state students
FacSal Mean monthly faculty salary
Pell Proportion of students receiving Pell Grants
MedDebt Median student loan debt at degree completion
StartAge Mean age at the time of entry
Female Proportion of students who identify as female
16 .
What is the mean undergraduate enrollment at these schools?
17 .
What is the median undergraduate enrollment at these schools?
18 .
Generate a histogram for undergraduate enrollment, and use it to describe the effect of the distribution on the mean and the median as measures of centrality.
19 .
What is the mean proportion of part-time undergraduates at these schools?
20 .
What is the median proportion of part-time undergraduates at these schools?
21 .
Generate a histogram for proportion of part-time undergraduates, and use it to describe the effect of the distribution on the mean and the median as measures of centrality.
22 .
What is the mean of the monthly faculty salaries at these schools?
23 .
What is the median of the monthly faculty salaries at these schools?
24 .
Generate a histogram for the monthly faculty salaries, and use it to describe the effect of the distribution on the mean and the median as measures of centrality.

The dataset “AvgSAT” gives the average SAT score for incoming students (the use of “average” here stands in for “mean” to avoid confusion in the following problems) for every institution in the United States that reported the data (from Use that dataset to answer the following questions.

25 .
What is the mean of the average SAT scores?
26 .
What is the median of the average SAT scores?
27 .
Construct a histogram of average SAT scores, and describe how the distribution affects the mean and the median.
For the following exercises, use the table, which gives the final results for the 2021 National Women’s Soccer League season. The columns are standings points (PTS; teams earn three points for a win and one point for a tie), wins (W), losses (L), ties (T), goals scored by that team (GF), and goals scored against that team (GA).

Team Points W L T GF GA
Portland Thorns FC 44 13 6 5 33 17
OL Reign 42 13 8 3 37 24
Washington Spirit 39 11 7 6 29 26
Chicago Red Stars 38 11 8 5 28 28
NJ/NY Gotham FC 35 8 5 11 29 21
North Carolina Courage 33 9 9 6 28 23
Houston Dash 32 9 10 5 31 31
Orlando Pride 28 7 10 7 27 32
Racing Louisville FC 22 5 12 7 21 40
Kansas City Current 16 3 14 7 15 36
28 .
Compute the mode(s), median, and mean of points.
29 .
Compute the mode(s), median, and mean of wins.
30 .
Compute the mode(s), median, and mean of losses.
31 .
Compute the mode(s), median, and mean of ties.
32 .
Compute the mode(s), median, and mean of goals scored (GF).
33 .
Compute the mode(s), median, and mean of goals against (GA).
For the following exercises, use the data in “CUNY” (taken from, which gives proportions of degrees awarded in various disciplines) to answer the given questions:
34 .
Compute the median and mean proportions of degrees awarded in Information Science.
35 .
Compute the median and mean proportions of degrees awarded in Education.
36 .
Compute the median and mean proportions of degrees awarded in Humanities.
37 .
Compute the median and mean proportions of degrees awarded in Biology.
38 .
Compute the median and mean proportions of degrees awarded in Physical Science.
39 .
Compute the median and mean proportions of degrees awarded in Social Science.

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