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Clinical Nursing Skills

Review Questions

Clinical Nursing SkillsReview Questions

Review Questions

1 .
The nurse is preparing to perform an ocular irrigation for a patient who presents with a foreign object in the eye. What action should the nurse plan to take?
  1. Assess the patient’s visual acuity before performing irrigation.
  2. Have the patient turn their head toward the unaffected eye.
  3. Hold the irrigation syringe within 2 in (5 cm) of the eye.
  4. Perform the irrigation with sterile water.
2 .
A new graduate is speaking with the preceptor about eye medication disks. What indicates an accurate understanding regarding this form of eye medication?
  1. Eye medication disks should be placed on the cornea.
  2. Eye medication disks should be inserted horizontally.
  3. Eye medication disks are contraindicated if the patient has contact lenses.
  4. Eye medication disks may be repositioned by rubbing the eye.
3 .
The nurse is preparing to administer eye drops. What is the appropriate procedure for administering eye drops?
  1. Administer ointments first, followed by drops.
  2. Place the eye drop in the inner canthus of the eye.
  3. Press one finger against the inner canthus of the eye after administering the eye drop.
  4. Wipe dirt and debris away from the eye from the outer canthus to the inner canthus.
4 .
The provider orders an eye ointment and an eye drop to be administered at the same time. What is the procedure for administering eye drops and eye ointments scheduled for the same administration time?
  1. Administer the eye ointment first, followed by the eye drop.
  2. Administer the eye drop first, followed by the eye ointment.
  3. Administer the eye ointment, wait five minutes, then administer the eye drop.
  4. Administer the eye drop, wait ten minutes, then administer the eye ointment.
5 .
The nurse is preparing to irrigate a patient’s eye. What action reduces the risk of contamination?
  1. Ask the patient to move their eye in all directions throughout the irrigation.
  2. Ensure the irrigant is at room temperature.
  3. Inject the irrigant in the eye without touching the eye or eyelid.
  4. Instruct the patient to keep their eye closed throughout the irrigation.
6 .
The nurse prepares an adult patient for an otic irrigation. What action should the nurse take when performing the otic irrigation?
  1. Instill the irrigation slowly, toward the eardrum.
  2. After the irrigation, position the patient with the affected side up.
  3. Pull the ear downward and back before inserting the syringe.
  4. Warm the irrigant solution to room temperature.
7 .
The nurse is administering ear medications with the nursing student. What action by the nursing student would warrant further education?
  1. aiming the bottle toward the tympanic membrane
  2. instructing the patient to lie on their side for five minutes
  3. massaging the tragus after administering the ear medication
  4. warm the medication to room temperature
8 .
The nurse is educating a patient on medicated ear wicks. What information should the nurse include in the education?
  1. As the wick contracts, the medication is released into the ear.
  2. Medicated ear wicks are changed daily.
  3. Medications are administered within the ear and absorbed by the wick.
  4. The outer portion of the wick should be visible at the entrance of the ear canal.
9 .
The provider orders ear drops to be placed in both ears. What is the procedure for administering ear drops in both ears?
  1. Administer the ear drops to both ears at the same time.
  2. Administer the ear drops in one ear, followed by the other ear.
  3. Administer the ear drops in one ear, wait five minutes; then, administer the ear drops in the other ear.
  4. Request the pharmacy to schedule two different administration times.
10 .
While performing an ear irrigation, the patient complains of dizziness. What action should the nurse take?
  1. Assure the patient that dizziness is common with ear irrigations.
  2. Instruct the patient to lie down and continue with the irrigation.
  3. Stop the irrigation and examine the ear canal.
  4. Warm the irrigation solution.
11 .
The nurse is caring for a patient with glaucoma. What nasal medication is contraindicated for patients with glaucoma?
  1. antihistamines
  2. decongestants
  3. mast cell inhibitors
  4. steroids
12 .
The nurse is educating the patient on how to perform a nasal wash. What instructions should the nurse include in the education?
  1. Clean the nasal wash equipment at least once per week.
  2. Do not block the opposite nostril.
  3. Mix the saline solution with tap water.
  4. Squirt the solution into the nostril and then blow your nose.
13 .
The nurse is preparing to administer a nasal medication. How should the patient be positioned?
  1. lying down with the head tilted toward the affected side
  2. lying down with the head tilted toward the unaffected side
  3. sitting with the head tilted backward
  4. sitting with the head tilted forward
14 .
The nurse is administering nasal medications with the nursing student. What action by the nursing student demonstrates the proper procedure for administering nasal medications?
  1. Activate the nasal spray as the patient exhales.
  2. Instruct the patient to blow their nose after administering the medication.
  3. Spray the medication toward the septum.
  4. Wipe the outside of the bottle after administering the medication.
15 .
The nurse is precepting a nursing student. Before administering medications, the nurse asks the student to discuss each medication. What demonstrates a correct understanding of nasal inhalation medications?
  1. Nasal mast cell inhibitors block histamine release.
  2. Nasal antihistamines typically cause more drowsiness than oral medications.
  3. Nasal decongestants cause the blood vessels in the nose to expand.
  4. Nasal anticholinergics are used for long-term relief of allergy symptoms.
16 .
The nurse is preparing to administer a medication via a nebulizer. How should the nurse instruct the patient to breathe?
  1. Breathe normally through your nose.
  2. Breathe out and then press the nebulizer down while breathing in.
  3. Hold your breath for ten seconds and exhale, then repeat.
  4. Take slow, deep breaths, pausing for two to three seconds before each exhale.
17 .
The provider orders more than one category of inhaled medication for the patient. In what order should the nurse administer the inhaled medications?
  1. antibiotic, dornase alfa, steroid, bronchodilator
  2. bronchodilator, dornase alfa, antibiotic, steroid
  3. dornase alfa, bronchodilator, steroid, antibiotic
  4. steroid, bronchodilator, antibiotics, dornase alfa
18 .
Spacers may be used to reduce the waste of inhaled medications. What form of inhaled medication can be administered using a spacer?
  1. dry powder inhaler
  2. metered-dose inhaler
  3. nebulizer
  4. soft mist inhaler
19 .
The nurse is precepting a nursing student. What comment by the nursing student would warrant further education?
  1. Administering dornase alfa and bronchodilators together at the same time will enhance the effects of the bronchodilator.
  2. Beta-2 antagonists should be used with caution for patients with cardiac conditions.
  3. Inhaled antibiotics may cause breathing problems, dizziness, or kidney problems.
  4. Patients taking inhaled steroids should be educated on how to prevent oral thrush.
20 .
The nurse is preparing to administer inhaled medications. What is the correct procedure for administering inhaled medications?
  1. Activate the metered-dose inhaler prior to the patient inhaling.
  2. Attach the nebulizer to oxygen at a flow rate of 10 to15 L/min.
  3. Hold the metered-dose inhaler 1 to 2 in (2.5 to 5cm) from the patient’s mouth.
  4. Educate the patient on the importance of coordinating their breaths when using spacers.
21 .
The nurse is educating the patient on vaginal medications. What should the nurse include in the education?
  1. Vaginal medications cannot be used during menstrual cycles.
  2. Vaginal medications have a slower onset than oral medications.
  3. Vaginal medications may cause vaginal dryness and itching.
  4. Vaginal medications should be stored in a cool, dry place.
22 .
The nurse is preparing to administer a vaginal medication. What should the nurse do?
  1. Instruct the patient to continue lying down for at least three minutes after administration.
  2. Lubricate the applicator with an oil-based lubricant before inserting it into the vagina.
  3. Place the applicator into the full length of the vagina.
  4. Position the patient on their left side with the upper leg flexed over the lower leg toward the waist.
23 .
The nurse is caring for a patient who underwent a bowel resection two days ago. An order is received to administer a suppository per rectum. What is the first action the nurse should take?
  1. Ask the patient to defecate.
  2. Call the provider.
  3. Perform hand hygiene.
  4. Position the patient.
24 .
The nurse is preparing to administer a rectal medication. What action should the nurse take?
  1. Expel the air from the enema before inserting it into the rectum.
  2. Insert the medication about 3 in (7 cm) beyond the anal sphincter.
  3. Lubricate the medication with a water-insoluble lubricant.
  4. Position the patient on their back with knees flexed.
25 .
The nurse is assessing contraindications for rectal medication administration. What medical condition can a patient have and still receive suppositories?
  1. colostomy
  2. diarrhea
  3. low platelet count
  4. rectal bleeding

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