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Chemistry: Atoms First 2e

M | Half-Lives for Several Radioactive Isotopes

Chemistry: Atoms First 2eM | Half-Lives for Several Radioactive Isotopes

Half-Lives for Several Radioactive Isotopes
Isotope Half-Life1 Type of Emission2 Isotope Half-Life3 Type of Emission4
614C614C 5730 y (β)(β) 83210Bi83210Bi 5.01 d (β)(β)
713N713N 9.97 m (β+)(β+) 83212Bi83212Bi 60.55 m (αorβ)(αorβ)
915F915F 4.1 ×× 10−22 s (p)(p) 84210Po84210Po 138.4 d (α)(α)
1124Na1124Na 15.00 h (β)(β) 84212Po84212Po 3 ×× 10−7 s (α)(α)
1532P1532P 14.29 d (β)(β) 84216Po84216Po 0.15 s (α)(α)
1940K1940K 1.27 ×× 109 y (βorE.C.)(βorE.C.) 84218Po84218Po 3.05 m (α)(α)
2649Fe2649Fe 0.08 s (β+)(β+) 85215At85215At 1.0 ×× 10−4 s (α)(α)
2660Fe2660Fe 2.6 ×× 106 y (β)(β) 85218At85218At 1.6 s (α)(α)
2760Co2760Co 5.27 y (β)(β) 86220Rn86220Rn 55.6 s (α)(α)
3787Rb3787Rb 4.7 ×× 1010 y (β)(β) 86222Rn86222Rn 3.82 d (α)(α)
3890Sr3890Sr 29 y (β)(β) 88224Ra88224Ra 3.66 d (α)(α)
49115In49115In 5.1 ×× 1015 y (β)(β) 88226Ra88226Ra 1600 y (α)(α)
53131I53131I 8.040 d (β)(β) 88228Ra88228Ra 5.75 y (β)(β)
58142Ce58142Ce 5 ×× 1015 y (α)(α) 89228Ac89228Ac 6.13 h (β)(β)
81208Tl81208Tl 3.07 m (β)(β) 90228Th90228Th 1.913 y (α)(α)
82210Pb82210Pb 22.3 y (β)(β) 90232Th90232Th 1.4 ×× 1010 y (α)(α)
82212Pb82212Pb 10.6 h (β)(β) 90233Th90233Th 22 m (β)(β)
82214Pb82214Pb 26.8 m (β)(β) 90234Th90234Th 24.10 d24.10 d (β)(β)
83206Bi83206Bi 6.243 d (E.C.)(E.C.) 91233Pa91233Pa 27 d (β)(β)
92233U92233U 1.59 ×× 105 y (α)(α) 96242Cm96242Cm 162.8 d (α)(α)
92234U92234U 2.45 ×× 105 y (α)(α) 97243Bk97243Bk 4.5 h (αorE.C.)(αorE.C.)
92235U92235U 7.03 ×× 108 y (α)(α) 99253Es99253Es 20.47 d (α)(α)
92238U92238U 4.47 ×× 109 y (α)(α) 100254Fm100254Fm 3.24 h (αorS.F.)(αorS.F.)
92239U92239U 23.54 m (β)(β) 100255Fm100255Fm 20.1 h (α)(α)
93239Np93239Np 2.3 d (β)(β) 101256Md101256Md 76 m (αorE.C.)(αorE.C.)
94239Pu94239Pu 2.407 ×× 104 y (α)(α) 102254No102254No 55 s (α)(α)
94239Pu94239Pu 6.54 ×× 103 y (α)(α) 103257Lr103257Lr 0.65 s (α)(α)
94241Pu94241Pu 14.4 y (αorβ)(αorβ) 105260Ha105260Ha 1.5 s (αorS.F.)(αorS.F.)
95241Am95241Am 432.2 y (α)(α) 106263Sg106263Sg 0.8 s (αorS.F.)(αorS.F.)
Table M1


  • 1y = years, d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, s = seconds
  • 2E.C. = electron capture, S.F. = Spontaneous fission
  • 3y = years, d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, s = seconds
  • 4E.C. = electron capture, S.F. = Spontaneous fission

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