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Review Questions

1 .
Why has evidence of earlier coastal migrations down the west coast of North America not been discovered?
  1. There is resistance to these theories.
  2. The likely sites are now covered by water.
  3. The migrants probably did not follow the coast.
  4. The legal fight over Kennewick Man prevented it.
2 .
What activity best characterizes the Clovis people?
  1. They were settled agriculturalists.
  2. They lived on the salmon abundant in the areas where they lived.
  3. They were mobile big-game hunters.
  4. They were prolific mound builders.
3 .
Where did maize agriculture initially begin?
  1. Mesoamerica
  2. Eastern Woodlands
  3. Pacific Northwest
  4. Andean region
4 .
What edible plant was domesticated in the Eastern Woodlands?
  1. sunflower
  2. maize
  3. potato
  4. quinoa
5 .
For what ancient method of hunting bison have archaeologists uncovered evidence in places like Texas and Montana?
  1. using large reed traps
  2. shooting bison with bows and arrows
  3. driving bison over cliffs
  4. chasing bison with horses
6 .
What species was an important source of protein for the people of the Pacific Northwest?
  1. llamas
  2. salmon
  3. guanacos
  4. guinea pigs
7 .
What does it mean to call Olmec civilization a “mother culture?”
  1. Its expansion led to the creation of other similar cultures.
  2. It expanded from San Lorenzo to La Venta.
  3. It encouraged the production of stone heads in northern Mexico.
  4. It founded important Maya city-states.
8 .
What was the political organization of the larger Maya world?
  1. It was a large empire.
  2. It was a confederation with one elite city.
  3. It was a collection of independent city-states.
  4. It was made up of two large multicity kingdoms.
9 .
What South American culture gave birth to the Early Horizon period?
  1. Chavín
  2. Tiwanaku
  3. Moche
  4. Nazca
10 .
How did the Hopewell tradition people transform the environment to suit their needs?
  1. They built large stone temples.
  2. They farmed maize in river deltas.
  3. They created animal depictions in the desert.
  4. They created earthen mounds.
11 .
What two Mesoamerican civilizations were contemporaries?
  1. Olmec and Zapotec
  2. Teotihuacano and Zapotec
  3. Olmec and Teotihuacano
  4. Maya and Olmec
12 .
What Mesoamerican civilization created a complex writing system for recording its history and genealogies?
  1. Olmec
  2. Teotihuacáno
  3. Maya
  4. Zapotec
13 .
What conclusions have scholars drawn from the art left behind by the Moche?
  1. They were a highly militaristic people.
  2. They were a nonagricultural people.
  3. They engaged in peaceful religious expansion.
  4. They maintained a strong relationship with the Maya.
14 .
Where did the Aztec establish their city?
  1. Lake Texcoco
  2. Oaxaca
  3. Gulf lowlands
  4. Aztlan
15 .
In what role did Aztec women serve?
  1. soldiers
  2. farmers
  3. healers
  4. diplomats
16 .
According to Inca legend, what event brought Yupanki to power in Cuzco?
  1. He placed his golden staff in the ground.
  2. He defeated the Chanka offensive.
  3. He turned his brothers to stone.
  4. He constructed a temple to Inti.
17 .
What was a major reason for the cultural shift in the Mississippian tradition?
  1. the adoption of maize agriculture
  2. the start of earthen mound building
  3. the construction of cliffside dwellings
  4. the use of human sacrifice
18 .
What serves as strong evidence that the builders of Casas Grandes were culturally influenced by Mesoamerican civilizations farther south?
  1. the presence of kivas
  2. the presence of an I-shaped ball court
  3. the presence of macaw feathers
  4. the presence of adobe structures
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