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a section of low-lying land between modern Alaska and Russia, now underwater, that once served as a land bridge between continents
Clovis culture
a culture consisting of mobile bands of hunter-gatherers who camped at resource-rich locations in modest populations across North America
Hopewell tradition
a widely dispersed mound-building tradition that emerged in the Eastern Woodlands around 200 BCE, linked by a network of trade routes
Mississippian tradition
a widely dispersed mound-building tradition that created a number of urban settlements linked by trading networks in the southeastern United States around 700
Nazca Lines
a group of geoglyphs made on the desert floor in southern Peru representing both geometric patterns and images of animals
Norte Chico
the culture of partially settled agricultural communities in the Andes region; also known as the Caral civilization
Pueblo architecture
a building style of the early American Southwest that relied on stone or wooden frames covered in adobe clay
Triple Alliance
an alliance formed in 1428 between the Aztecs and two neighboring city-states, Texcoco and Tlacopan
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