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Review Questions

1 .
The saying “Do not waste good iron making nails; do not waste good men making soldiers” reflects the attitude of the ______ toward their military.
  1. Jin dynasty
  2. Liao dynasty
  3. Naiman Confederation
  4. Song dynasty
2 .
What caused the sizable population rise in Song China during the eleventh century?
  1. the use of strains of rice that ripened quickly enough to allow for two harvests in a single year
  2. Mongolian soldiers protecting trade routes that allowed more food to be imported
  3. the invention of horse-drawn plows that allowed more land to be cultivated
  4. the immigration of refugees from Chinggis Khan’s conquests
3 .
What empire maintained a dual system of governance in which formerly seminomadic peoples were governed in their traditional manner, while Chinese populations were governed by mandarins?
  1. Jin
  2. Liao
  3. Song
  4. Tatar
4 .
How did Temujin change traditional seminomadic practices for dealing with men captured from the clans or tribes he defeated?
  1. He ordered all captured enemies killed, sparing no one regardless of class.
  2. He ordered all captives enslaved.
  3. He ordered commoners killed but spared the leadership of his defeated rivals.
  4. He tried and executed the leaders but spared the commoners, even allowing them to join his army.
5 .
What was the intention of Chinggis Khan’s yassa?
  1. to reinforce the objectification of women
  2. to force all Mongols to worship Tengri
  3. to remove sources of conflict and strife among Mongols
  4. to make the Mongolian economy self-sufficient
6 .
Who ultimately conquered the Jin dynasty?
  1. Chinggis Khan
  2. Mongke
  3. Hulagu
  4. Ogedei
7 .
What does the term kurultai mean?
  1. a medallion carried by Mongol government officials to identify them as under the great khan’s protection
  2. Chinggis Khan’s law code
  3. rest areas that provided lodging, supplies, and fresh horses for those on official business
  4. a proto-democratic gathering of a Mongol leader’s followers to reach agreement on major political decisions
8 .
Why is Ariq Boke important?
  1. because he conquered the Abbassid Caliphate
  2. because his challenge to Kublai ended the unity of the Mongol Empire
  3. because he conquered Song China
  4. because he succeeded Chinggis Khan
9 .
What Mongol khanate was the first to fragment beyond recovery after a succession struggle?
  1. the Il-Khanate
  2. the Khanate of the Golden Horde
  3. the Chagatai Khanate
  4. the Khanate of the Great Khan
10 .
What was the only part of the Mongol world in which the rulers did not convert to Islam?
  1. the Il-Khanate
  2. the Khanate of the Golden Horde
  3. the Chagatai Khanate
  4. the Khanate of the Great Khan
11 .
Economic growth in Yuan China was ______.
  1. even greater than in Song China
  2. less than in Song China
  3. unchanged from Song China
  4. hard to evaluate because no records were kept
12 .
Jerusalem was temporarily restored to Christian control by ______.
  1. the Fourth Crusade
  2. the Treaty of Jaffa
  3. the Fifth Crusade
  4. the crusade led by Louis IX
13 .
What was the purpose of the Constitutions of Melfi?
  1. strengthen the king’s control over his vassals and the clergy
  2. require the Cortes to meet every year
  3. ensure all free adults were tried by juries of their peers
  4. ensure that no free people were deprived of property without due process
14 .
Where did the Almohads rule?
  1. Mesopotamia and Persia
  2. Byzantium
  3. Iberia and North Africa
  4. Egypt and the Levant
15 .
Under what name did Salah al-Din’s descendants rule Egypt and Syria?
  1. Almohads
  2. Hohenstaufens
  3. Ayyubids
  4. Mamluks
16 .
What Mongol khanate weakened itself in several failed attempts to conquer the Delhi Sultanate?
  1. the Il-Khanate
  2. the Khanate of the Golden Horde
  3. the Chagatai Khanate
  4. the Khanate of the Great Khan
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