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Review Questions

1 .
What group of people originated the Hindu caste system?
  1. Aryans
  2. Kshatriya
  3. monks
  4. Vedic Brahmans
2 .
The ultimate goal of the Hindu caste system was to attain what?
  1. dharma
  2. karma
  3. moksha
  4. samsara
3 .
The rulers of the Delhi Sultanate in India were followers of what religious tradition?
  1. Christianity
  2. Buddhism
  3. Hinduism
  4. Islam
4 .
Yang Jian, founder of the Sui dynasty, was an adherent of what religious tradition?
  1. Christianity
  2. Buddhism
  3. Hinduism
  4. Islam
5 .
What was the likely reason the aristocracy opposed the rule of Empress Wu Zetian?
  1. She was female.
  2. She was a peasant.
  3. She was Hindu.
  4. She opposed Confucian teachings.
6 .
Why did Tang emperor Wuzong persecute Buddhist monks and nuns?
  1. Buddhism was illegal under the Tang.
  2. Wuzong believed Buddhism threatened the Confucian state and the imperial order.
  3. Buddhist monks and nuns routinely protested the religious intolerance of the Tang.
  4. Many civil servants in the bureaucracy were Buddhist, which threatened Tang control.
7 .
Sumptuary laws enacted under the Tang emperor Gaozong were meant to achieve what purpose?
  1. restrict the foods women could eat at the Tang Court
  2. enshrine legal proscriptions on women scholars
  3. tighten laws governing the types of clothes women could wear
  4. censor the language used by female courtesans in the poetry they wrote
8 .
Who were the successors to the Umayyads?
  1. the Abbasids
  2. the Sasanids
  3. the Parthians
  4. the Tang
9 .
What was a key result of the Battle of Talas River?
  1. the conquest of the Tang by the Abbasids
  2. the end of Abbasid expansion into China
  3. the spread of Hinduism
  4. the conquest of the Abbasids by the Tang
10 .
During the reign of what king did Aksum’s trade with the African interior expand considerably, making the kingdom wealthy and powerful?
  1. Prester John
  2. Solomon
  3. Ezna
  4. Frumentius
11 .
What was a key export from East Africa?
  1. ivory
  2. cotton
  3. glassware
  4. silk
12 .
During the Middle Ages, what was a patrician in East Africa?
  1. an African living in Arabia
  2. a Muslim who could trace their Middle Eastern descent
  3. a pagan who could trace their Middle Eastern descent
  4. a settler on the east coast of Africa
13 .
What kingdom succeeded because of its ability to monopolize trade through the Palk Strait?
  1. Srivijaya
  2. Chola
  3. Swahili
  4. Delhi Sultanate
14 .
What group replaced the Sasanid Empire?
  1. Tang
  2. Umayyads
  3. Abbasids
  4. Byzantines
15 .
What two religious traditions were practiced in Japan during the Yamato period?
  1. Buddhism and Catholicism
  2. Catholicism and Hinduism
  3. Hinduism and Shintoism
  4. Buddhism and Shintoism
16 .
What Asian country did not adopt Chinese writing?
  1. China
  2. Japan
  3. Korea
  4. Sogdiana
17 .
What was the language of the Silk Roads until the seventh century CE?
  1. Chinese
  2. Japanese
  3. Sogdian
  4. Korean
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