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World History Volume 1, to 1500

Application and Reflection Questions

World History Volume 1, to 1500Application and Reflection Questions

Application and Reflection Questions

1 .
What were the most important historical influences on the formation of Muhammad’s community, and what was their impact on Islam?
2 .
What made Islam different from Judaism and Christianity as a monotheistic religion in the region?
3 .
Why were some religious communities of the Middle East accepting of Muslim rule despite not converting to Islam themselves?
4 .
What benefits were provided by the early Umayyads’ decision to run their empire like that of the Byzantines and Sasanian Persians? Why did they change?
5 .
Who were the minority communities of the early medieval Middle East? What did it mean to be a minority?
6 .
What did the process of cultural conversion by non-Muslims during the first centuries of Islamic history look like?
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