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Review Questions

1 .
What made the Western Roman Empire more prone to societal disruption than the Eastern Roman Empire?
  1. The West had a larger population of Christians.
  2. The West had a longer frontier and was less urbanized.
  3. Western cities were ruled exclusively by bishops.
  4. German kings rejected Christianity.
2 .
How did the Huns affect the migration of Germanic peoples?
  1. They bribed the Visigoths to invade Italy and sack Rome.
  2. They put pressure on the frontier, pushing people into Roman territory.
  3. They forced the Vandals to attack the Saxons.
  4. They spread Christianity past the frontier of the empire.
3 .
What role did bishops play in Roman governance?
  1. They served in the Roman military.
  2. They instituted monetary reforms in periods of crisis.
  3. They participated in ecumenical councils and dominated local politics.
  4. They collaborated with pagans in public education.
4 .
Through what means did the Sasanian kings rule their empire?
  1. direct centralized control
  2. semiautonomous rulers in the eastern empire
  3. proxy governments, such as that of Armenia
  4. Zoroastrian priests controlling city governments
5 .
What regions did the Sasanians take from Byzantine control in the seventh century?
  1. Italy and Spain
  2. Bactria and Armenia
  3. Syria and Palestine
  4. Yemen and Mesopotamia
6 .
How did the Sasanians and Byzantines practice cultural exchange?
  1. They both participated in Christian ecumenical councils.
  2. They both refused to conduct trade with China.
  3. They attempted to invade Italy as a joint military force.
  4. They sent embassies to each other’s courts.
7 .
In what century did the Parthian Empire collapse?
  1. the first century
  2. the second century
  3. the third century
  4. the fourth century
8 .
What body of water allowed Himyar and Aksum to conduct long-distance sea trade?
  1. Black Sea
  2. Danube River
  3. Caspian Sea
  4. Red Sea
9 .
How did Christianity initially reach the kingdom of Aksum?
  1. It was brought by the Syrian teacher Frumentius.
  2. It was introduced by violent ascetic monks.
  3. It was practiced by an embassy from the Byzantine court.
  4. It was spread by Jewish people from Himyar.
10 .
How did Aksumite and Himyarite leaders publicly express their religious devotion?
  1. by creating inscriptions and building monuments to their faith
  2. by trading only with empires that shared their faith
  3. by forbidding nonbelievers to enter their territory
  4. by making Zoroastrianism the state religion
11 .
To what biblical figure was Aksum possibly connected?
  1. King David
  2. Esther
  3. Queen of Sheba
  4. Moses
12 .
To what area was the Kushan Empire able to introduce Buddhism?
  1. Georgia
  2. Caspian Sea
  3. Uzbekistan
  4. China
13 .
On what trade routes was Palmyra able to capitalize because of its location?
  1. Caspian Sea and Danube
  2. Silk Roads and Persian Gulf
  3. Black Sea and Bosporus
  4. Aegean Sea and Cyprus
14 .
Of what event was Palmyra able to take advantage, to the detriment of the Kushan Empire?
  1. third-century crisis
  2. fourth-century arrival of Christianity
  3. fifth-century monastic violence
  4. sixth-century Byzantine reconquest
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