Key Equations
Wien’s displacement law | |
Stefan’s law | |
Planck’s constant | |
Energy quantum of radiation | |
Planck’s blackbody radiation law | |
Maximum kinetic energy of a photoelectron |
Energy of a photon | |
Energy balance for photoelectron | |
Cut-off frequency | |
Relativistic invariant energy equation |
Energy-momentum relation for photon |
Energy of a photon | |
Magnitude of photon’s momentum | |
Photon’s linear momentum vector |
The Compton wavelength of an electron |
The Compton shift | |
The Balmer formula | |
The Rydberg formula | |
Bohr’s first quantization condition | |
Bohr’s second quantization condition | |
Bohr’s radius of hydrogen | |
Bohr’s radius of the nth orbit | |
Ground-state energy value, ionization limit |
Electron’s energy in the nth orbit |
Ground state energy of hydrogen |
The nth orbit of hydrogen-like ion |
The nth energy of hydrogen-like ion |
Energy of a matter wave | |
The de Broglie wavelength | |
The frequency-wavelength relation for matter waves |
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle |