Goal-setting is the development of an action plan designed to motivate and guide an individual, group, or organization to reach a goal. There are several models of goal setting; one of the popular ones is SMART goal-setting. SMART stands for goals that are specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-bound.
Consider a goal you might set for yourself that’s SMART. For example, if your goal is to intern at a marketing firm ,you might establish the following SMART goals:
- Specific: Create a list of possible companies you want to target for an internship, and indicate why.
- Measurable: Quantify the number of contacts at each company you plan to make in a week, and map those to calendar dates.
- Action-oriented: Develop a plan for reaching out to and making appointments with those contacts.
- Realistic: Is what you’re setting reasonable when you consider your work schedule, schoolwork, personal responsibilities, etc.? Set goals that are achievable.
- Time-bound: Consider all of the steps, and decide how much time it will take you to complete this goal.
Now set yourself two goals around building your personal brand. Is there a skill you wish to learn or a website you want to develop? Whatever your goals are, be sure to consider the SMART goal-setting model as you develop them.