Time Value of Money Calculations with Financial Calculator
Find a Future Value (FV): Calculate FV when
, and .
Find a Present Value (PV): Calculate PV when
, and .
Find the Number of Periods (N) when
, and .
Find the Interest Rate (I/Y) when
, and .
Find the Payment (PMT) when
and .
Continue to practice using a financial calculator to solve various time value of money problems using different input factors until you feel comfortable with the process of using a calculator to solve TVM problems.
Time Value of Money Using Excel with 10 Examples
Find a Future Value (FV): Calculate FV when
, and .
Find a Present Value (PV): Calculate PV when
, and .
Find the Number of Periods (N) when
, and .
Find the Interest Rate (I/Y) when
, and .
Find the Payment (PMT) when
, and .
Go back and check the answers to these questions that you ended up with under the video Time Value of Money Calculations with Financial Calculator. You should get the exact same answers when using both methods (calculator and Excel).
Continue to practice using Excel to solve various time value of money problems using different input factors until you feel comfortable with the process of using spreadsheets to solve TVM problems.