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Principles of Data Science

1.3 Data and Datasets

Principles of Data Science1.3 Data and Datasets

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this section, you should be able to:

  • 1.3.1 Define data and dataset.
  • 1.3.2 Differentiate among the various data types used in data science.
  • 1.3.3 Identify the type of data used in a dataset.
  • 1.3.4 Discuss an item and attribute of a dataset.
  • 1.3.5 Identify the different data formats and structures used in data science.

What Is Data Science? and Data Science in Practice introduced the many varieties of and uses for data science in today’s world. Data science allows us to extract insights and knowledge from data, driving decision-making and innovation in business, health care, entertainment, and so on. As we’ve seen, the field has roots in math, statistics, and computer science, but it only began to emerge as its own distinct field in the early 2000s with the proliferation of digital data and advances in computing power and technology. It gained significant momentum and recognition around the mid to late 2000s with the rise of big data and the need for sophisticated techniques to analyze and derive insights from large and complex datasets. Its evolution since then has been rapid, and as we can see from the previous discussion, it is quickly becoming a cornerstone of many industries and domains.

Data, however, is not new! Humans have been collecting data and generating datasets from the beginning of time. This started in the Stone Age when people carved some shapes and pictures, called petroglyphs, on rock. The petroglyphs provide insights on how animals looked and how they carried out their daily life, which is valuable “data” for us. Ancient Egyptians invented a first form of paper—papyrus—in order to journal their data. Papyrus also made it easier to store data in bulk, such as listing inventories, noting financial transactions, and recording a story for future generations.


“Data” is the plural of the Latin word “datum,” which translates as something that is given or used and is often used to mean a single piece of information or a single point of reference in a dataset. When you hear the word “data,” you may think of some sort of “numbers.” It is true that numbers are usually considered data, but there are many other forms of data all around us. Anything that we can analyze to compile information—high-level insights—is considered data.

Suppose you are debating whether to take a certain course next semester. What process do you go through in order to make your decision? First, you might check the course evaluations, as shown in Table 1.1.

Semester Instructor Class Size Rating
Fall 2020 A 100 Not recommended at all
Spring 2021 A 50 Highly recommended
Fall 2021 B 120 Not quite recommended
Spring 2022 B 40 Highly recommended
Fall 2022 A 110 Recommended
Spring 2023 B 50 Highly recommended
Table 1.1 Course Evaluation Records

The evaluation record consists of four kinds of data, and they are grouped as columns of the table: Semester, Instructor, Class Size, and Rating. Within each column there are six different pieces of data, located at each row. For example, there are six pieces of text data under the Semester column: “Fall 2020,” “Spring 2021,” “Fall 2021,” “Spring 2022,” “Fall 2022,” and “Spring 2023.”

The course evaluation ratings themselves do not provide an idea on whether to take the course next semester. The ratings are just a phrase (e.g., “Highly recommended” or “Not quite recommended”) that encodes how recommended the course was in that semester. You need to analyze them to come up with a decision!

Now let’s think about how to derive the information from these ratings. You would probably look at all the data, including when in the semester the course was offered, who the instructor is, and class size. These records would allow you to derive information that would help you decide “whether or not to take the course next semester.”

Example 1.1


Suppose you want to decide whether or not to put on a jacket today. You research the highest temperatures in the past five days and determine whether you needed a jacket on each day. In this scenario, what data are you using? And what information are you trying to derive?

Types of Data

The previous sections talked about how much our daily life is surrounded by data, how much our daily life itself produces new data, and how often we make data-driven decisions without even noticing it. You might have noticed that data comes in various types. Some data are quantitative, which means that they are measured and expressed using numbers. Quantitative data deals with quantities and amounts and is usually analyzed using statistical methods. Examples include numerical measurements like height, weight, temperature, heart rate, and sales figures. Qualitative data are non-numerical data that generally describe subjective attributes or characteristics and are analyzed using methods such as thematic analysis or content analysis. Examples include descriptions, observations, interviews, and open-ended survey responses (as we’ll see in Survey Design and Implementation) that address unquantifiable details (e.g., photos, posts on Reddit). The data types often dictate methods for data analysis, so it is important to be able to identify a type of data. Thus, this section will take a further dive into types of data.

Let’s revisit our previous example about deciding whether to take a certain course next semester. In that example, we referred to four pieces of data. They are encoded in different types such as numbers, words, and symbols.

  1. The semester the course was offered—Fall 2020, Spring 2021, …, Fall 2022, Spring 2023
  2. The instructor—A and B
  3. The class size—100, 50, 120, 40, 110, 50
  4. The course rating—“Not recommended at all,” …, “Highly recommended”

There are two primary types of quantitative data—numeric and categorical—and each of these can be divided into a few subtypes. Numeric data is represented in numbers that indicate measurable quantities. It may be followed by some symbols to indicate units. Numeric data is further divided into continuous data and discrete data. With continuous data, the values can be any number. In other words, a value is chosen from an infinite set of numbers. With discrete data, the values follow a specific precision, which makes the set of possible values finite.

From the previous example, the class size 100, 150, etc. are numbers with the implied unit “students.” Also, they indicate measurable quantities as they are head counts. Therefore, the class size is numeric data. It is also continuous data since the size numbers seem to be any natural numbers and these numbers are chosen from an infinite set of numbers, the set of natural numbers. Note that whether data is continuous (or discrete) also depends on the context. For example, the same class size data can be discrete if the campus enforces all classes to be 200 seats or less. Such restriction makes the class size values be chosen from a finite set of 200 numbers: 1, 2, 3, …, 198, 199, 200.

Categorical data is represented in different forms such as words, symbols, and even numbers. A categorical value is chosen from a finite set of values, and the value does not necessarily indicate a measurable quantity. Categorical data can be divided into nominal data and ordinal data. For nominal data, the set of possible values does not include any ordering notion, whereas with ordinal data, the set of possible values includes an ordering notion.

The rest—semester, instructor, and ratings—are categorical data. They are represented in symbols (e.g., “Fall 2020,” “A”) or words (e.g., “Highly recommended”), and these values are chosen from the finite set of those symbols and words (e.g., A vs. B). The former two data are nominal since the semester and instructor do not have orders to follow, while the latter is ordinal since there is a notion of degree (Not recommended at all ~ Highly recommended). You may argue that the semester could have chronological ordering: Fall 2020 comes before Spring 2021, Fall 2021 follows Fall 2020. If you want to value that notion for your analysis, you could consider the semester data to be ordinal as well—the chronological ordering is indeed critical when you are looking at a time-series dataset. You will learn more about that in Time Series and Forecasting.

Example 1.2


Consider the jacket scenario in Example 1.1. In that example, we referred to two kinds of data:

  1. The temperature during past three days—90°F, 85°F, …
  2. On each of those days, whether you needed a jacket—Yes, No, ...

What is the type of each data?


A dataset is a collection of observations or data entities organized for analysis and interpretation, as shown in Table 1.1. Many datasets can be represented as a table where each row indicates a unique data entity and each column defines the structure of the entities.

Notice that the dataset we used in Table 1.1 has six entities (also referred to as items, entries, or instances), distinguished by semester. Each entity is defined by a combination of four attributes or characteristics (also known as features or variables)—Semester, Instructor, Class Size, and Rating. A combination of features characterizes an entry of a dataset.

Although the actual values of the attributes are different across entities, note that all entities have values for the same four attributes, which makes them a structured dataset. As a structured dataset, these items can be listed as a table where each item is listed along the rows of the table.

By contrast, an unstructured dataset is one that lacks a predefined or organized data model. While structured datasets are organized in a tabular format with clearly defined fields and relationships, unstructured data lacks a fixed schema. Unstructured data is often in the form of text, images, videos, audio recordings, or other content where the information doesn't fit neatly into rows and columns.

There are plenty of unstructured datasets. Indeed, some people argue there are more unstructured datasets than structured ones. A few examples include Amazon reviews on a set of products, Twitter posts last year, public images on Instagram, popular short videos on TikTok, etc. These unstructured datasets are often processed into a structured one so that data scientists can analyze the data. We’ll discuss different data processing techniques in Collecting and Preparing Data.

Example 1.3


Let’s revisit the jacket example: deciding whether to wear a jacket to class. Suppose the dataset looks as provided in Table 1.2:

Date Temperature Needed a Jacket?
Oct. 10 80°F No
Oct. 11 60°F Yes
Oct. 12 65°F Yes
Oct. 13 75°F No
Table 1.2 Jacket Dataset

Is this dataset structured or unstructured?

Example 1.4


How many entries and attributes does the dataset in the previous example have?

Example 1.5


A dataset has a list of keywords that were searched on a web search engine in the past week. Is this dataset structured or unstructured?

Example 1.6


The dataset from the previous example is processed so that now each search record is summarized as up to three words, along with the timestamp (i.e., when the search occurred). Is this dataset structured or unstructured?

Dataset Formats and Structures (CSV, JSON, XML)

Datasets can be stored in different formats, and it’s important to be able to recognize the most commonly used formats. This section covers three of the most often used formats for structured datasets—comma-separated values (CSV), JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), and Extensible Markup Language (XML). While CSV is the most intuitive way of encoding a tabular dataset, much of the data we would collect from the web (e.g., websites, mobile applications) is stored in the JSON or XML format. The reason is that JSON is the most suitable for exchanging data between a user and a server, and XML is the most suitable for complex dataset due to its hierarchy-friendly nature. Since they all store data as plain texts, you can open them using any typical text editors such as Notepad, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or VI editor.

Table 1.3 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of CSV, JSON, and XML dataset formats. Each of these is described in more detail below.

Dataset Format Pros Cons Typical Use
  • Simple
  • Difficult to add metadata
  • Difficult to parse if there are special characters
  • Flat structure
  • Tabular data
  • Simple
  • Compatible with many languages
  • Easy to parse
  • Difficult to add metadata
  • Cannot leave comments
  • Data that needs to be exchanged between a user and a server
  • Structured (so more readable)
  • Possible to add metadata
  • Verbose
  • Complex structure with tags
  • Hierarchical data structures
Table 1.3 Summary of the CSV, JSON, and XML formats

Exploring Further

Popular and Reliable Databases to Search for Public Datasets

Multiple online databases offer public datasets for free. When you want to look for a dataset of interest, the following sources can be your initial go-to.

Government data sources include:

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

World Health Organization (WHO)

Some reputable nongovernment data sources are:



Pew Research Center

Comma-Separated Values (CSV)

The CSV stores each item in the dataset in a single line. Variable values for each item are listed all in one line, separated by commas (“,”). The previous example about signing up for a course can be stored as a CSV file. Figure 1.4 shows how the dataset looks when opened with a text editor (e.g., Notepad, TextEdit, MS Word, Google Doc) or programming software in the form of a code editor (e.g., Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, XCode). Notice that commas are used to separate the attribute values within a single line (see Figure 1.4).

A screenshot of a C S V document opened with Visual Studio Code with data headings of semester, instructor, class size, and rating. The six semesters range from fall 2020 to spring 2023. Instructors are A or B. Class size ranges from 40 to 120. Ratings include not recommended at all, highly recommended, not quite recommended, and recommended.
Figure 1.4 ch1-courseEvaluations.csv Opened with Visual Studio Code

Comma for New Line?

There is some flexibility on how to end a line with CSV files. It is acceptable to end with or without commas, as some software or programming languages automatically add a comma when generating a CSV dataset.

CSV files can be opened with spreadsheet software such as MS Excel and Google Sheets. The spreadsheet software visualizes CSV files more intuitively in the form of a table (see Figure 1.5). We will cover the basic use of Python for analyzing CSV files in Data Science with Python.

A screenshot of a C S V document opened with Microsoft Excel with column headings semester, instructor, class size, and rating. The six semesters range from fall 2020 to spring 2023. Instructors are A or B. Class size ranges from 40 to 120. Ratings include not recommended at all, highly recommended, not quite recommended, and recommended.
Figure 1.5 ch1-courseEvaluations.csv Opened with Microsoft Excel (Used with permission from Microsoft)

How to Download and Open a Dataset from the Ch1-Data Spreadsheet in This Text

A spreadsheet file accompanies each chapter of this textbook. The files include multiple tabs corresponding to a single dataset in the chapter. For example, the spreadsheet file for this chapter is shown in Figure 1.6. Notice that it includes multiple tabs with the names “ch1-courseEvaluations.csv,” “ch1-cancerdoc.csv,” and “ch1-riris.csv,” which are the names of each dataset.

A screenshot of an Excel document. The table highlighted is labeled ch1-courseEvaluations.cvs. Column headings are semester, instructor, class size, and rating. The six semesters range from fall 2020 to spring 2023. Instructors are A or B. Class size ranges from 40 to 120. Ratings include not recommended at all, highly recommended, not quite recommended, and recommended.
Figure 1.6 The dataset spreadsheet file for Chapter 1 (Used with permission from Microsoft)

To save each dataset as a separate CSV file, choose the tab of your interest and select File > Save As ... > CSV File Format. This will only save the current tab as a CSV file. Make sure the file name is set correctly; it may have used the name of the spreadsheet file—“ch1-data.xlsx” in this case. You should name the generated CSV file as the name of the corresponding tab. For example, if you have generated a CSV file for the first tab of “ch1-data.xlsx,” make sure the generated file name is “ch1-courseEvaluations.csv.” This will prevent future confusion when following instructions in this textbook.

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

JSON uses the syntax of a programming language named JavaScript. Specifically, it follows JavaScript’s object syntax. Don’t worry, though! You do not need to know JavaScript to understand the JSON format.

Figure 1.7 provides an example of the JSON representation of the same dataset depicted in Figure 1.6.

 A screenshot of a .json file opened with Visual Studio Code. Data headings are semester, instructor, class size, and rating. The six semesters range from fall 2020 to spring 2023. Instructors are A or B. Class size ranges from 40 to 120. Ratings include not recommended at all, highly recommended, not quite recommended, and recommended.
Figure 1.7 CourseEvaluations.json Opened with Visual Studio Code

Notice that the JSON format starts and ends with a pair of curly braces ({}). Inside, there are multiple pairs of two fields that are separated by a colon (:). These two fields that are placed on the left and right of the colon are called a key and value, respectively,—key : value. For example, the dataset in Figure 1.7 has five pairs of key-values with the key "Semester": "Fall 2020", "Semester": "Spring 2021", "Semester": "Fall 2021", "Semester": "Spring 2022", "Semester": "Fall 2022", and "Semester": "Spring 2023".

CourseEvaluations.json has one key-value pair at the highest level: "Members": [...]. You can see that each item of the dataset is listed in the form of an array or list under the key "Members". Inside the array, each item is also bound by curly braces and has a list of key-value pairs, separated by commas. Keys are used to describe attributes in the dataset, and values are used to define the corresponding values. For example, the first item in the JSON dataset above has four keys, each of which maps to each attribute—Semester, Instructor, Class Size, and Rating. Their values are "Fall 2020", "A", 100, and "Not recommended at all".

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

The XML format is like JSON, but it lists each item of the dataset using different symbols named tags. An XML tag is any block of text that consists of a pair of angle brackets (< >) with some text inside. Let’s look at the example XML representation of the same dataset in Figure 1.8. Note that the screenshot of CourseEvaluations.xml below only includes the first three items in the original dataset.

A screenshot of an X M L file opened with Visual Studio Code. It has evaluations for three semesters, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Fall 2021 based on instructor and class size.
Figure 1.8 ch1-courseEvaluations.xml with the First Three Entries Only, Opened with Visual Studio Code

CourseEvaluations.xml lists each item of the dataset between a pair of tags, <members> and </members>. Under <members>, each item is defined between <evaluation> and </evaluation>. Since the dataset in Figure 1.8 has three items, we can see three blocks of <evaluation> ... </evaluation>. Each item has four attributes, and they are defined as different XML tags as well—<semester>, <instructor>, <classsize>, and <rating>. They are also followed by closing tags such as </semester>, </instructor>, </classsize>, and </rating>.

PubMed datasets provides a list of articles that are published in the National Library of Medicine in XML format. Click Annual Baseline and download/open any .xml file. Note that all the .xml files are so big that they are compressed to .gz files. However, once you download one and attempt to open it by double-clicking, the file will automatically be decompressed and open. You will see a bunch of XML tags along with information about numerous publications, such as published venue, title, published date, etc.

XML and Image Data

The XML format is also commonly used as an attachment to some image data. It is used to note supplementary information about the image. For example, the Small Traffic Light Dataset in Figure 1.9 comes with a set of traffic light images, placed in one of the three directories: JPEGImages, train_images, and valid_images. Each image directory is accompanied with another directory just for annotations such as Annotations, train_annotations, and valid_annotations.

A directory structure for a dataset.
Figure 1.9 The Directory Structure of the Small Traffic Light Dataset

The annotation directories have a list of XML files, each of which corresponds to an image file with the same filename inside the corresponding image directory (Figure 1.10). Figure 1.11 shows that the first XML file in the Annotations directory includes information about the .jpg file with the same filename.

A screenshot of a list of eight X M L files. They all start with the date 2020-03-30 and end with .xml.
Figure 1.10 List of XML Files under the Annotations Directory in the Small Traffic Light Dataset
(source: “Small Traffic Light Dataset,”
A screenshot of a code snippet displaying XML-formatted image metadata, including filename, dimensions, and bounding box coordinates for a green object within the image.
Figure 1.11 2020-03-30 11_30_03.690871079.xml, an Example XML file within the Small Traffic Light Dataset (Source: “Small Traffic Light Dataset,”

JSON and XML Dataset Descriptions

Both JSON and XML files often include some description(s) of the dataset itself as well (known as metadata), and they are included as a separate entry in the file ({} or <>). In Figure 1.12 and Figure 1.13, the actual data entries are listed inside “itemData” and <data>, respectively. The rest are used to provide background information on the dataset. For example:

  • “creationDateTime”: describes when the dataset was created.
  • <name> is used to write the name of this dataset.
  • <metadata> is used to describe each column name of the dataset along with its data type.
A screenshot of a code snippet displaying JSON-formatted data with fields for creation date, dataset version, file ID, source system version, and clinical data. Clinical data includes items with OID, name, label, and type information.
Figure 1.12 An Example JSON File with Metadata
A screenshot of an X M L code snippet defining a dataset of cereals. The dataset includes metadata with name, version, date, and column descriptions, followed by rows of cereal data with name, manufacturer, and calories per serving.
Figure 1.13 An Example XML Dataset with Metadata

The Face Mask Detection dataset has a set of images of human faces with masks on. It follows a similar structure as well. The dataset consists of two directories—annotations and images. The former is in the XML format. The name of each XML file includes any text description about the image with the same filename. For example, “maksssksksss0.xml” includes information on “maksssksksss0.png.”

Example 1.7


The Iris Flower dataset (ch1-iris.csv) is a classic dataset in the field of data analysis.1 Download this dataset and open it with a code editor (e.g., Sublime Text, XCode, Visual Studio Code). (We recommend that if you do not have any code editor installed, you install one. All three of these editors are quick and easy to install.) Now, answer these questions:

  • How many items are there in the dataset?
  • How many attributes are there in the dataset?
  • What is the second attribute in the dataset?

Example 1.8


The Jeopardy dataset (ch1-jeopardy.json) is formatted in JSON. Download and open it with a code editor (e.g., Notepad, Sublime Text, Xcode, Visual Studio Code).

  • How many items are there in the dataset?
  • How many attributes are there in the dataset?
  • What is the third item in the dataset?


  • 1The Iris Flower dataset was introduced by the British statistician and biologist Ronald Fisher in his 1936 paper “The Use of Multiple Measurements in Taxonomic Problems.” This work became a landmark study in the use of multivariate data in classification problems and frequently makes an appearance in data science as a convenient test case for machine learning and neural network algorithms. The Iris Flower dataset is often used as a beginner's dataset to demonstrate various techniques, such as classification of algorithms, formatted in CSV.

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