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What is the primary goal of integrating environmental health into nursing practice?
  1. Improving health care infrastructure
  2. Enhancing patient satisfaction
  3. Promoting environmental justice
  4. Reducing health care costs
Which action will the public health team take during the Exposure Assessment stage of the EPA’s four-step risk assessment following a train derailment resulting in a toxic chemical spill?
  1. Identifying potential negative outcomes due to exposure to the toxic chemicals
  2. Identifying how the amount of exposure relates to the severity of negative health outcomes
  3. Quantifying the extent, frequency, and length of contact of the community with the toxic chemicals
  4. Determining how the toxic chemicals are absorbed, metabolized, and eliminated from the body
Which statement describes the actions of a nurse who follows Nightingale’s Environmental Theory?
  1. Identifying strategies to reduce climate change
  2. Encouraging the use of public transportation
  3. Promoting environmental justice for all people
  4. Using the client’s environment to assist in recovery
Which action by the nurse is an example of engaging in environmental justice?
  1. Using the environment to assist in client recovery
  2. Encouraging communities to engage in composting
  3. Eliminating lead-based paint in public housing
  4. Educating the community on proper disposal of hazardous materials
Which data is the nurse examining when assessing the presence of certain chemicals in the blood and urine samples from a community?
  1. Toxicology data
  2. Biomonitoring data
  3. Exposure assessments
  4. Environmental burden
The nurse is performing an environmental assessment in an apartment building where many people have reported burning eyes, skin rash, stuffy nose, and sore throat. Which type of hazard does the nurse anticipate is present in the apartment building?
  1. Radon
  2. Mice
  3. Mold
  4. Lead
Which strategy should the nurse include in a community education program about improving environmental health?
  1. Composting organic matter
  2. Disposing of electronics with household trash
  3. Using rainwater harvesting for drinking water
  4. Keeping windows tightly shut
A community nurse is educating the community about mitigation strategies to address climate change. Which strategy would the nurse teach to the community?
  1. Implementing early warning systems for extreme temperatures
  2. Improving public transportation
  3. Changing building codes to withstand hurricanes
  4. Distributing masks for high-pollution days
Which environmental health activity would the nurse perform while engaged in the core public health function of assurance?
  1. Educating the community about the need to boil contaminated drinking water
  2. Collecting data about health issues related to contaminated drinking water
  3. Developing polices to regulate the discharge of pollutants into the waterways
  4. Assessing measures to reduce exposure to contaminated water
Which intervention by the nurse is an example of a tertiary prevention strategy to improve environmental health?
  1. Conducting risk assessments for environmental contaminants
  2. Developing emergency response plans for environmental hazards
  3. Performing regular community environmental health assessments
  4. Implementing pollution prevention strategies

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