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Public health surveillance can be described primarily as which of the following actions?
  1. Monitoring occurrences of public health problems
  2. Developing interventions to control disease outbreaks
  3. Collecting health-related information from community members
  4. Tracking individuals who have been exposed to an infectious disease
Which factor related to the agent will the nurse include when discussing the epidemiological triad?
  1. Pathogenicity
  2. Susceptibility
  3. Reservoirs
  4. Environmental changes
Which disease does the elementary school nurse identify as being spread via airborne transmission?
  1. Measles
  2. Influenza
  3. Pertussis
  4. Pneumonia
Which of the following factors is a component of the epidemiological triad?
  1. Susceptibility
  2. Environment
  3. Portal of exit
  4. Pathogenicity
The community health nurse is conducting a health screening of an immigrant family. Which finding is an indication of the need for T-Spot testing instead of Mantoux TST testing?
  1. Prior vaccination with BCG
  2. Family member who is 10 years of age
  3. Symptoms of night sweats, fevers, chills, and hemoptysis
  4. A negative chest X-ray and negative sputum testing for MTB
Which primary prevention strategy will the nurse include in a community program on the prevention of hepatitis C?
  1. Advising individuals with risky sexual behaviors to be screened for hepatitis C
  2. Stressing that handwashing is important after changing diapers or using the bathroom
  3. Recommending immunizations against the other viral hepatitis infections
  4. Instructing individuals to avoid sharing needles, syringes, or other equipment contaminated with blood
Which manifestation would the nurse include when teaching about mild to moderate food poisoning at a community health fair?
  1. Bloody diarrhea
  2. Diarrhea lasting more than 3 days
  3. Dehydration
  4. Fever less than 102°F
Which diagnosis would the nurse anticipate when observing a “bull’s eye” rash on a client’s leg?
  1. Zika virus
  2. West Nile virus
  3. Lyme disease
  4. Dengue fever
Which surveillance system would the CDC utilize to track and investigate foodborne illnesses?
  1. System for Enteric Disease Response, Investigation, and Coordination (SEDRIC)
  2. National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS)
  3. Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN)
  4. Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System (WBDOSS)
Which action by the nurse during an infectious disease outbreak is an example of a secondary prevention measure?
  1. Administering immunizations
  2. Engaging in contact tracing
  3. Providing direct care to infected individuals
  4. Educating the public about disease transmission

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