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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

The nurse is providing instruction to a client who will be receiving chemotherapy that selectively kills cancer cells without harming normal cells. Which type of chemotherapy is the nurse describing to the client?
  1. Adjuvant therapy
  2. Neoadjuvant therapy
  3. Targeted therapy
  4. Biologic therapy
The nurse is reviewing the medical record for a client receiving doxorubicin for breast cancer. The record shows that the client has received a lifetime total of 360 mg/m2. Which action should the nurse take?
  1. Continue with treatment and routine monitoring because this is within safe lifetime dose limits
  2. Call the pharmacy to ask that the cumulative dose be reduced
  3. Notify the provider that the client needs a dose reduction
  4. Notify the client that the next chemotherapy appointment will be delayed
The nurse is checking the medication orders for a client receiving fluorouracil for the treatment of colon cancer. Which medication should the nurse anticipate will be ordered with fluorouracil?
  1. Leucovorin
  2. Phenytoin
  3. Acetaminophen
  4. Diphenhydramine
Which statement made by a client indicates to the nurse that the client understands self-care during myelosuppressive chemotherapy?
  1. “I will include more salads in my diet.”
  2. “I am excited about visiting my granddaughter’s preschool class.”
  3. “I am going to increase my protein intake by eating venison my family prepared.”
  4. “My sister will be caring for my cat while I am undergoing treatment.”
The nurse is caring for a client receiving pembrolizumab. What should the nurse should monitor the client for signs of?
  1. Vitamin D deficiency
  2. Pernicious anemia
  3. Immune-mediated destruction
  4. Severe neutropenia
Which finding should the nurse expect in a client with acute myelogenous leukemia who has developed tumor lysis syndrome?
  1. Hypokalemia
  2. Hypophosphatemia
  3. Hypocalcemia
  4. Alkalosis
Which information would the nurse give to a 67-year-old female client receiving tamoxifen to treat breast cancer?
  1. Tamoxifen can cause muscle or joint pain.
  2. This medication is administered intramuscularly.
  3. Liver function tests need to be closely monitored.
  4. Tamoxifen is taken for 5 years.
A client diagnosed with breast cancer is scheduled to begin initial treatment with doxorubicin. Prior to administering the first dose of doxorubicin, the nurse notes that the client’s left ventricular ejection fraction is 58%. Which action should the nurse take?
  1. Hold the medication and call the prescriber
  2. Administer the medication as prescribed
  3. Notify the prescriber and request a reduced dose
  4. Administer the medication, but at a reduced rate
The nurse is reviewing laboratory reports for a client receiving chemotherapy and notes an absolute neutrophil count of 1.4 cells/mcL. Which order should the nurse anticipate?
  1. Epoetin alfa
  2. Filgrastim
  3. Packed red blood cells
  4. Interferon A
Which premedication order will the nurse anticipate being ordered to administer prior to administering rituximab?
  1. Diphenhydramine and acetaminophen
  2. Phenytoin and acetaminophen
  3. Corticosteroid
  4. Aspirin and ondansetron

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