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Pharmacology for Nurses

Review Questions

Pharmacology for NursesReview Questions

The nurse is conducting a follow-up visit with a client who is being treated for psoriasis with adalimumab. Which finding demonstrates a therapeutic response has occurred?
  1. Negative wound cultures
  2. Decreased neutrophils
  3. Decreased scaling
  4. Absence of drainage
A 32-year-old client diagnosed with acne has been prescribed tretinoin. Which teaching point should the nurse include in the client’s discharge instructions?
  1. It is essential that you avoid pregnancy throughout therapy with tretinoin.
  2. This medication should be used liberally across the affected area four times daily.
  3. You may take this medication only during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  4. You should stop taking your birth control because it reacts negatively with tretinoin.
For which client would the nurse question an order for tetracycline hydrochloride?
  1. A 48-year-old client with a history of frequent UTIs
  2. A 16-year-old client with severe acne
  3. A 6-year-old client diagnosed with impetigo
  4. An 86-year-old client undergoing treatment for an infected sebaceous cyst
A client newly diagnosed with plaque psoriasis asks the nurse how this condition will be treated. Which is the correct response by the nurse?
  1. “You will need surgical intervention to remove these lesions.”
  2. “Combination therapy to exfoliate and reduce cell maturation will be used.”
  3. “A steroidal cream should clear this condition in 2 weeks.”
  4. “You will be given an antibiotic to eliminate bacterial organisms.”
Which statement, when made by a client, demonstrates that further teaching by the nurse is necessary regarding the use of topical corticosteroids?
  1. “I will cover the lesion with an occlusive dressing after I apply the steroid cream.”
  2. “I should use a thin layer of this medication directly on the lesion.”
  3. “This medication will reduce irritation and swelling.”
  4. “I should cleanse my skin before applying this medication.”
A nursing student asks the nurse how impetigo treatment works. The nurse explains that the primary goal in the treatment of impetigo is to:
  1. Reduce swelling and scaling
  2. Decrease scarring as the lesion heals
  3. Soften the tissues to reduce pain
  4. Eliminate the causative bacteria
For which client would a nurse question an order for acitretin?
  1. A 48-year-old client with a history of renal failure
  2. A 32-year-old client with a documented sulfa allergy
  3. A 52-year-old client with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis
  4. A 68-year-old client with a serum hemoglobin of 10.5 g/L
The nurse is applying silver sulfadiazine to burns on a client’s arm. The client asks that the nurse cover the area with a dressing to protect it and keep the medication from getting on their clothes. What is the best response by the nurse?
  1. “I will apply a gauze dressing, which will protect the area but still allow air to pass through it.”
  2. “I will apply an occlusive dressing to keep the keep the area sterile.”
  3. “I will apply an occlusive dressing to ensure the medication is fully absorbed.”
  4. “It is best to not apply a dressing and leave this open to the air.”
Upon entering the examination room, the nurse finds a 15-year-old client in tears. The client states, “This acne has ruined my life. No one will ever want to date me with this awful stuff on my face.” Which of the following statements by the nurse is most appropriate?
  1. “You can manage this with lifelong medications.”
  2. “I think you should see a psychologist to talk about this.”
  3. “With proper hygiene and medications, you can manage your acne well.”
  4. “You must avoid cosmetics and lotions so that your acne will go away.”
The nurse is preparing to discharge a client with a new prescription for metronidazole. Which statement should be included in the discharge teaching?
  1. “Limit your oral fluid intake to 2000 mL/day.”
  2. “You may stop taking this medication when your skin looks better.”
  3. “You will experience severe side effects if you drink alcohol while on this drug.”
  4. “This medication will eliminate the bacterial organisms on your skin.”

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